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Everything posted by Appolinaria

  1. in the context of my source, he uses the term phosphorus. if this were the case, regardless if it increases or decreases, it would still be affected by thought. i did state that i wasnt sure if phosphorus is directly related to the brain, i just said i found the concept intriguing. since we dont understand the chemicals yet, i am not wrong by mentioning phosphorus or phosphate... i am just interested in what chemicals relate to thought.
  2. yes but he says theres no way to directly test it and relate it to the brain because other organs release phosphorus. if i imply phosphorus relates to thought, wouldnt an increased amount in urine maybe mean increased amount of thought? maybe i used the wrong word. maybe not intelligence. but a chemical responsible for increased thought, more complex thought, that could lead to higher intelligence possibly
  3. I once read about the theory of a chemical found in the brain responsible for thought. For example, this book talks about the possibility of phosphorus. ( This book is old, and I'm pretty sure it says there's no way of testing this idea... it might be completely untrue and ridiculous but I have no idea on these matters ) But it's still interesting! If not phosphorus, what if there's a chemical in the brain responsible for our consciousness? And the higher levels of it, the more intelligent? Wouldn't that be intriguing.....
  4. HAHA. Nice.
  5. Isn't everything a mutation, even simple things such as eye color? It just hasn't been weeded out by natural selection... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130170343.htm I guess I'm a mutant
  6. Lol. Oh goodness.
  7. Especially since such a large amount of our body consists of water!
  8. Looks like you've escaped the unescapable ban-hole!

  9. Is there an underlying existential question hidden in this that I am completely missing?
  10. Thanks for clarifying this, considering all standpoints & taking the time to respond to us. You made many, many good points that help me understand how this thread could potentially be beneficial.
  11. this world bores me so I'll just play with lightning bugs and pretend they're stars
  12. haha. i genuinely wasnt directing that statement towards you.. i was just trying to make a point. definitions of crackpot are; foolish, impractical, lunatic. foolish; lacking in sense, judgement, or discretion crackpot is a negative word. and if a crackpot is just unfamiliar with the subject theyre talking about, why not call this the common misconceptions of beginners thread? clearly crackpots stick to their guns even when disproven. so why bother? the only thing i see coming out of this is ridicule, essentially.
  13. to be able to properly understand the world around you is a gift. im sure all of you can agree whatever route of science you pursued took many years of hard work. why separate yourself from someone else because of a crackpot idea? let others be. be good to those weaker, who are blinded with passions/eccentricity. the supposed purpose of this thread can be achieved other ways. as we evolve, we become more compassionate. for the well being of science, dont hinder this process.
  14. but why use quotes? why not list common misconceptions or something. i can easily recall who said something, or just look it up. removing names doesnt do much. if you put up someones post to critique, in a thread called crackpot quotes, it has a negative connotation. if you cant see that, i question your intelligence.
  15. i agree. we dont have to use quotes to accomplish this, we can just use general ideas. why even risk making someone feel bad?
  16. i dont like this idea phi D:
  17. i feel bad for aristarchus :( he wasnt mean or anything

    cant banning be a little harsh?

    i think he was a little eccentric but had good intentions


    what if his wife died, his kids disowned him, he lives in complete solitude and joining the forum was his last attempt at curing his loneliness and we kick him out.

    regardless, banning someone probably ma...

  18. ok i see what youre saying in the first paragraph. but what is the meaning of time im eluding, then? i thought it was a measurement or change... there is nothing specific about that.
  19. Since you're welcoming thoughts, I can butt in with my uneducated opinion. Every time I've taken a drug that's supposed to calm me down I get anxiety because I'm so paranoid of not being able to react properly... I feel sedated and inefficient, I feel weak and susceptible. I can register the basics of my surroundings without picking up on any other subtle cues that I normally do... and this drives me crazy. After a red bull, I can guarantee I have less symptoms of anxiety than I would if I smoked 100 bowls of weed.
  20. Please provide proof of these statements or they will ban you further into the infinite expanse of the ban-hole.
  21. of course it's you Phi, who takes my literature, so literally
  22. the allegory of my souls discontentment and a pot, you get?
  23. The Rosicrucians say; "this Great Hierarch is, from the viewpoint of these Esoteric Christian teachings, the evolved form of the third aspect of God, the creative energy in Nature, which is reflected in man as sex energy;[22] the misuse or abuse of that power, the holy creative force [of God] in man, for gratification of the passional nature, and particularly perversion[23] (see also human sexual behaviour), constitutes the sin against the Holy “Ghost”;[24] - the great transgression, the abuse of sex function or generative force for sense gratification, must be expiated, under the Law (of Cause and Consequence), through suffering in diseased and incapacitated bodies and minds, mainly afflicted with developmental disabilities – as there is a close connection between sexual activity and mental activity, as well as the power of speech[25] – and incurable cancer (see alsocarcinogenesis and cancer treatment) for those who abuse the sex function in a very marked and bestial degree:" Just something I found interesting & wanted to share.
  24. brewing in a stew of chronic melancholy big pot of chaos.
  25. my dumb heavy bones i dreamt of kingdoms with my celestial baubles
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