Pretty interesting to me personally. In christian esoteric books I have read, it states that there are numerous kingdoms. Mineral, plant, animal, human. The previous one is a level below in evolution. But as we are humans, we were animals before that, with humans who are now angels influencing us. There is an ongoing spiral, forever. It says the animal kingdom is one entity manifesting into all animals, which is why they all look similar (dog to dog) and why they don't really have independent, creative thought. Humans are their own entity manifesting into one body, and we have our own creative identity, which is why for example, two identical twins can appear to look different & act differently- this shows they're two different entities. Everything follows a specific pattern, like a spiral, each ring on the spiral is a little different than the previous one. Each time a new group graduates to the next level, so does the one before it... through mineral, plant, animal, human, etc... and with every revolution, the group is more advanced. The angels that were humans when we were animals guide us, but when we evolve to angels we will be more advanced than them in that stage.
I've also read in these same books that when we purify our thoughts completely, our creative function will be perfected, and essentially we will be able to create our own universe... something along the lines with what you were saying. It also means that our current universe is just the thought & creative result of one superior entity.