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Everything posted by Appolinaria

  1. This was really nice to read. I respect the fact that you appreciate life and love your family as much as you do. As well as volunteer, that's great. P.S. I really hope your Mom is alright. That's hard to deal with on a daily basis, I bet.
  2. I think living solely for my own well being is vapid, hollow, and worthless. And I find the whole "religion must die" thing too vague for the problems of society. The flaw isn't in the concept, it's in the human. If it's not about preaching the bible, they will probably be overzealous about something else, like atheism. And try to impose that on people too. Humans are incredibly malleable and easily shaped into belief systems. Why so many believe the death of religion will fix that problem is beyond me. Good luck. Groups of people will form and want to be superior to other groups. Humans argue to argue. We will always find shit to fight about. I also don't think this ridiculous aspect of our nature only falls into the realm of religion.
  3. Just concern myself with well being? I already do that. I care only about myself and keeping myself comfortable. I jump from one means of pleasure to the next. However, this leaves me terribly unsatisfied and unhappy.
  4. Greg H., thank you so much for sharing this. Definitely something I'm very interested in reading. That's awful, pmb If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone. Many people suffer and are ignored. It is terrible. What is your situation now if you don't mind?
  5. Thanks for this, it makes a lot of sense. I will attempt to follow your advice. Please don't answer the following if it's too personal. What do you define as a good day? Do you live your life because the good days outnumber the bad significantly?
  6. I apologize for getting upset. I took it personally when I shouldn't have. But the disturbing facts of life aren't in my mind only. These things happen in reality. I don't see how they can be ignored.
  7. But then why did you say I should take drugs? That implies that I am dysfunctional and leaves me feeling hesitant.
  8. Do you understand what you've just said? If giving up on "God" doesn't make my life any different, why do you argue against theism in the first place? That's my problem, not yours? Why do you fight endlessly for atheism, then?
  9. Thank you. I appreciate you reaching out. Referring to me as depressed for asking normal questions that every human on this planet should ask? If you are willing to bash theism you have to be prepared to at least acknowledge the thoughts I have shared.
  10. That's an honest way of looking at it. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Haha, I agree. Why are people so uncomfortable with questions like this?
  12. I'm depressed? That's ironic, I feel as though I am merely describing reality for what it is. I don't feel as anything I've shared is abnormal. So then who are the normal ones, iNow? The people who ignore everything I've just laid out? That's ironic, since the whole entire thread pretty much involves complaining about the "broken" ones who ignore reality and evidence. Who's broken? Everyone but you? It's a shame that I can't freely discuss my uneasiness about existence, the meaning of the universe and question the purpose of life with others. I think these are normal feelings that no one should be afraid to discuss. If I were to ignore them, instead of facing them and coming up with a realistic solution, I would probably rely on religion. Why are people so rigid? Is there blood in your veins? Calm down.
  13. Why do you say that? Because my feelings about life aren't what is "normal"?
  14. Thanks, that last part was pretty beautiful and slightly comforting.
  15. Not really... to be human is to suffer. Even in the most utopian society there will always be things like loss of loved ones and physical pain. I can't even go on a peaceful walk without stepping on some kind of bug. The reason we find it beautiful and majestic is because it's in our genes to have some kind of reverence for nature. The other life forms are siblings we've evolved with for a very long time. We appreciate nature so we don't destroy it, so we have the urge to explore it, etc. I see no purpose to life, aside from possibly wanting to diminish pain in others, because there is one reality- the here and now. And we suffer unnecessarily. Eliminating all life on Earth wont solve the problem because I'm sure it will sprout up somewhere again. Hopefully natural selection is working on deeper levels and in more complexity and over time the ones who are too sensitive to life will be weeded out. Screw the beauty and complexity, I don't really care. I think the universe sucks. Terrible things happen that don't involve human error. There will always be accidents. Little kids go through wood chippers in front of their fathers. Our loved ones are painfully tortured with illness before our eyes only to die and become a thought in our minds.
  16. However, I see no purpose in trying to convince theists that they are wrong... there is really no point for this since there is no point to our existence at all. I would rather them be happy on this random rock in the middle of nowhere. Who cares. Why fight it.
  17. No I've changed my mind. I skimmed some article on clay bubbles and nucleotides and some kind of RNA molecules and now I believe the ancestors of DNA sprouted nowhere else than here on Earth. This further pushes me into belief that there is no magic. The last bit of magic I have is the pure love I've felt once and perhaps a curiosity for beautiful things on this planet but my genes have been merely selected for to like those things. The truth that I can't escape is that there is no deeper meaning. My dull life is much duller now. But it's okay. I will continue distracting myself with stupid things and probably live out some mundane boring life and die.
  18. What in particular do you want me to respond to? I keep repeating myself.
  19. I do happen to like you quite a bit, actually. Anyway, yes, new thread.
  20. Oh.. man.. that is just a knee slapper.. whew I like the self deprecating sarcasm, iNow Can you please it explain it then? It would answer a lot of questions Especially the bit here; "There is nothing special about life that cannot be explained by chemistry. " I must be really missing out on a lot more than I thought I was.
  21. Absolutely. Maybe so. But is it not human character to do so? Can you not exercise tolerance and compassion until I am fully coherent, like you, Inow? Perhaps one day I can be the 100% logical, rational, unbroken being that you are.
  22. You can't be a deist and not a theist. If that sounds like deism it is also a theistic idea. I trust that three purple aliens crafted the first self replicating molecules and sent them to Earth. You have no evidence of biochemical reactions creating life, as I have no evidence for these aliens. Why is your explanation better than mine? Because it uses pretty scientific words?
  23. I'm confused as to why you're confused :[ Sorry
  24. Used to listen to this when I was in a Zooey phase. Good song Xitten.
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