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  1. Guys, cut nonsense and get results.
  2. Start with 6 DP balance. I bet your calculations are wrong.
  3. I think the experiment should use the principle of a calorimeter. Place a precision balance and a thermocouple in a vacuum chamber. Heat the vacuum chamber and record how many calories are required to raise the T of the vacuum chamber by say 10 degC and record change in W on balance. Next, place the metal sample on the balance and repeat the heating. The additional calories should tell how many calories were absorbed by the metal and subtraction of W before from W after metal was added should tell W change of the metal.
  4. What power is up to experimentalists who do the experiment.
  5. Electric heater or laser can do the job.
  6. W reduction at increasing T in vacuum, if exists, does not prove my theory right. My theory should be tested by more experiments. But, it does prove traditional physics wrong. #ResultsRequired
  7. If someone do the experiment and find no change in W I could argue from a philosophical point of view that greater precision is required. If however a change in W is observed you have to drop your theory. Increasing T of the metal in vacuum.
  8. No change in W or an increase in W at increasing T in vacuum will falsify my theory. #ResultsRequired
  9. I guess you are not interested to do an experiment to test conservation of mass.
  10. I can't make quantitative predictions before the results. Once you get results, say 1 microgram lost per gram per 1 degC, you can make quantitative predictions.
  11. You come up with all the reasons why not to do a relatively simple experiment. Are you not interested to measure if W changes at increasing T in vacuum to test conservation of mass ?
  12. Use the most precise balance you can find.
  13. My theory came out from my imagination and provides many experimentally testable predictions. No, I am not sure. This is why this experiment should be carried out by proper experimentalists to exclude all possible side effects on weight. And this experiment should be carried out to highest precision measurable with modern instruments.
  14. I think first you should get it right on a qualitative level and later quantify a theory. W reduction at increasing T in vacuum, if exists, disproves the mathematical framework of physics.
  15. My theory predicts W should decrease at increasing T in vacuum and can be found here <link removed by moderator> (Glaser, Metrologia, 1990) used precision balance to measure micrograms changes in weight. In his experiments in air 20 grams metal rod heated by 5 degC lost 100 micrograms. I think this precision may be sufficient to find the missing weight predicted by my theory.
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