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Everything posted by matty

  1. Just fine, checked out your cool video and left you one in return.:)

  2. How've you been, Appolinaria?

  3. I thought she was too cute too over there, ya' lil scientist!

  4. You did just fine. Chalk another one up cuz that one's most odd.
  5. hello, no offense, but it's sKeptic. I know there are very different spellings for things abroad, some of them bug me but I don't think this's in that category and if it is, well, add it to the list... Septic, I keep reading it like sceptor, you know, lol, omg, knockitoff.
  6. Heh, whutta funny question, I kept thinking I was close to 5'9", hadn't looked in so long but turns out I'm 5'8"; hmm, less I'm shrinking...
  7. Draftsight is nice enough and so basic any beginner can figure his way around just tinkering with it an afternoon. http://www.3ds.com/products/draftsight/overview/ Free CAD, CAM and CAE http://www.freecad.com/ I'd seen this person got help days ago but didn't look at the offered links and so I wondered if these, esp Draftsight would be any better help, since people on the thread were talking like the software in their links wasn't designed with arcs and ellipticals in mind, though it could be done. CAD software is built around everything-engineering, so ellipticals, arcs, fillets, rounds and radii, dashed and center lines, crosshatching and just everything 3D requires is all in one place and easy to use. And, no, I'm not getting any kickbacks, it's free.~ I just thought there might be a lot of people happening around a place like this who could use it and even sounded like some of them might be in that thread, wherever it went. On system requirements... http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-cad-program.htm
  8. I don't know jack about metrology and the difference and so then I guess this would be moving away from context so, now that I think about it, the latter is semantics, since pumps are what we're referring to then and they're set at lowest points for most pushing force achievable.--But I never thought about it like that, I suppose. I tend to think of their draw but, yeah, there is a lot more going on than that when I refresh myself. Not so complicated in out of context syringe, I don't think, you draw back and by suction, pull in liquid.--Anyway, that just sounded ridiculous to me but not if you, in fact, break hydraulics down. -You win, So what.~
  9. Apparently, given all of the forces acting on these experiments, i.e., leakage and a host of other issues, they're all pretty crude. I know you guys have a habit of indulging in the supportive nature of fondling generalities but I'm a lover of specifics. If you break away from the comfort zone in generalities, this becomes far more spurious a debate, and, yes, this to date was brought in as an issue for and carried out as a debate and not a 'discussion,' however lofty that sounds. http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/MSD/mass.shtml I found it curious a device had been conjured which renders all objects in any space the same, so I did want to know about it if there was one, it's very interesting, indeed, in that case. But an impartial reader following through these passages in the link above certainly gets another, much less cut and dried impression, all the way to the paragraph, "...Thus, the lifting force on the object and that on the standard are not the same and the object will no longer appear to have the same mass as the standard. The mass that the object now appears to have is the 'conventional mass'..." And, anyway, if we're measuring "true mass", just how null and void can it all have been rendered to begin with?? Worse yet, when I dug into that link, no offense intended at all, it isn't your own, you were just trying to catch me up, I getit--but I got a good giggle when in the link I read that generally liquids can't be pulled. Heh, Guess they weren't aware of modernday hydraulics at the time--or your basic medical syringe--or even a plunger??, now that one's just a shame, I swore we might be able to expect to find any one of these applications in some context in science venues abound... I didn't even read dude's post there, but I thought Mods weren't to be too eager to take action within the context of threads they're participating in?? Lol, too funny, maybe you oughta take a gander back at them yourself, it seems Ophiolite has a more respectable handling on it all than a couple of you do, eh. Nice, that's some posturing under the haughty guise of 'scientific' pursuit... Hmf~
  10. This is neat... http://inspireyourgroup.com/blog/funngames/tumblewing-glider/ You can find these projects everywhere, all over the net, google kids' science projects and include the flying criteria. They are commonly found even to be divided by age group.--And you can use motor but it has to go unaided?..anyway, easy, fun research project, it's just like you're asking us to do your homework.--ahahah!..
  11. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DaP3gzee1cps%26feature%3Dplayer_embedded&feature=player_embedded&v=aP3gzee1cps&gl=US That crazy or what?*lol!, too weird!*
  12. hahA Lolol!
  13. And like this... http://www.bigbigforums.com/off-topic-chat/438835-new-alcohol-warning-labels-funny.html Yeah, that's all especially conducive to society's smoothing along like a well-oiled machine. And that's only the lighter side, without even looking to all the decisions that get made under the influence, not to mention the morning After; driving isn't the only responsibility issue.
  14. Indeed, I think you are a beacon of hope.:) I've rather enjoyed a good deal of your posts, most anytime I find myself stumbling on them, they can be found to be poignant. Nice to find lucid thinkers, even if you do have to go digging for them on occasion.--Pleased to meet you, Ophiolite.

  15. I would be very reluctant, personally, to trust any new drug, I mean new to you. http://m.topix.com/forum/drug/celexa. --a cita forum of users, also goes gy celexa http://www.medpagetoday.com/Psychiatry/GeneralPsychiatry/29179 Always watch whatever names the drug goes by, search for info by way of typing in 'citalopram news' and scour down the links carefully. Forums are extremely suggestive. So is the FDA actually takung action on something, I see several times it's taken issue with cita lately and banned high doses, cardiac issues. Do your homework, look at sources going by .org, etc, not just .com.
  16. Before I get back with anything else, I want to be clear I'm not a health professional either but leaving such things, most things untreated is very serious and I really think by now you should go the the emergency room, any hospital will see you. Sounds very much like you just have a sexually transmitted Yeast infection gone astray, since it's been left virtually untreated now years, but that should be a comfort, though everything suggests it's an emergency by now and some elements can become irreversible if left too long. The following link is excellent, give it a thorough read, it even suggests you'd very much been getting some worthwhile help here, including Appolinaria's suggestion to use tea tree oil; here it says to us it in a bath, but no bath oils. http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/std/yeast_infection.htm Those two links alone are enough to get you on headed on the right track but you'll likely need a prescription and probably a couple of over the counter items, like suppositories mentioned here, in the above. Ok, so who knows if you don't have a couple of elements turned loose after this ordeal, look at this link, this is a must read on itching especially at NIGHT and says doctors oftem misdiagnos. Very treatable. http://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/arachnids/acari/sarcoptes_scabiei.htm Perhaps you have, as someone else suggested, two things going on? But read this link well, it offers TWO possible suggestions in this itching at night area and even says the respond to the warmth of being in bed, under blankets. I can hardly believe the freaking Mayo Clinic could carelessly overlook something so simple and it only reinforces everything I ever think about doctors, your whole experience to date with this being just a fine case in point! Feel free to privately message me from my profile page from here if you like. Good luck, I hope any of this leads you in a positive direction. Appolinaria was right on with her permethrin. See this link too, it suggests very much you've just progressed to the stage of taking on an allergic reaction in the process and it offers super specific advice to go with the first hygienic link I left a bit ago. Forget what a said on the two mite suggestions the link above offer, however, since the second was bird related. http://www.dermconsultants.com/scabies.html Some google images as well...and the above links fit your description perfectly, including nail-related and scalp irritation... http://www.google.com/m/search?q=scabies&pbx=1&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g5-k0d0t0&fkt=2461&fsdt=17643&cqt=&rst=&htf=&his=&maction=&site=images&gl=us&client=ms-android-verizon&source=mog&csll=&action=&ltoken=70a140e That's all good news to you, if I'm correct and I think I am; it could've been so much worse. Plus, apparently, you need a referral right away to a DERMATOLOGIST and not and OBGYN. What the CDC has to say is some relief... http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/scabies/gen_info/faqs.html "...How long can scabies mites live? On a person, scabies mites can live for as long as 1-2 months. Off a person, scabies mites usually do not survive more than 48-72 hours. Scabies mites will die if exposed to a temperature of 50°C (122°F) for 10 minutes. Can scabies be treated? Yes. Products used to treat scabies are called scabicides because they kill scabies mites; some also kill eggs. Scabicides to treat human scabies are available only with a doctor’s prescription; no "over-the-counter" (non-prescription) products have been tested and approved for humans. Always follow carefully the instructions provided by the doctor and pharmacist, as well as those contained in the box or printed on the label. When treating adults and older children, scabicide cream or lotion is applied to all areas of the body from the neck down to the feet and toes; when treating infants and young children, the cream or lotion also is applied to the head and neck. The medication should be left on the body for the recommended time before it is washed off. Clean clothes should be worn after treatment. In addition to the infested person, treatment also is recommended for household members and sexual contacts, particularly those who have had prolonged skin-to-skin contact with the infested person. All persons should be treated at the same time in order to prevent reinfestation. Retreatment may be necessary if itching continues more than 2-4 weeks after treatment or if new burrows or rash continue to appear. Never use a scabicide intended for veterinary or agricultural use to treat humans!..."
  17. http://www.stdsandyou.com/yeastinfection/hygiene-standards-to-follow-when-candida-thrush-yeast-infections-are-present.html The link above has detailed hygienic standardss for a sexually transmitted yeast infection of the fungal nature your documentations suggest.--I previously left this an entirely different oost but without remembering your family contracted the itching, so I'd really overlooked something important but this standard above is a good place to start.
  18. Start having a look around the CDC's parasitic image library, although, as someone said, a magnification of 10X leaves something to be desired. Hopefully you prepped slides with proper fixatives too, if need be--I'm not much of a help here either but strong in research. http://dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/HTML/Image_Library.htm Also, here is a parasitic INDEX feom the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/ NEITHER of those is their home page, don't skip home pages, not a good habit. But it is important to note that the best sources you most wish to be able to submit your specimen almost all require they be submitted by a health Professional and practicing physician, this's honestly not a do it yourself kind of project but a serious matter for trained experts in the field, it's not good to base much opinion on posts here on a forum. When you do your research, like going into this index or googling, searching from the ground up on your own, it's absolutely KEY that you CROSS REFERENCE. For example, when you search the index of parasites, first go into the little search browser at top right and plug in words and phrases together, such as 'sexually transmitted', that is job number One. You may fit several words in that little search sometimes, helping your hunt much more. So maybe use the sexually transmitted with itchy or with 'responds to warm water'. Lastly, what was the drug treatment you said it was responding to until you got off it? That should definitely go in the search that it responded to a particular drug! One other thing, I know Blahah brought it up but you have to wash all bedding constantly in hot water for this, once a week probably won't do, I doubt it and you're probably reinfecting yourself everytime you begin to respond with any treatment anyway. I'd stay away from your couch, etc, fabric, even upholstered seats, sprays reserved for the car, etc could help. Boy, I'd move again if it were me. Start over but with proper treatment and care this time. Go back to MAYO, nobody can do you better than them, tell them they haven't yet helped, you still need to be diagnosed and have run out of money trying, including investing in their expertise. Disgusting how doctors give up when the money stops flowing, you paid for a nearer diagnosis and this is treatable. They should be held accountable and not allowed to dismiss you, lose you in the shuffle, yoy have to be your own healthcare advocate, just like you are actively researching, you have to actively return to them for what your insurance already covered Don't be so naive, you pay for your healthcare every bit as much as we do, they just take it out in trade, heh. You also experience lengthy waits in those social systems, akin to food rationing, likes of the Soylent Green variety, lol.--nExt!, right after the last guy died waiting in line for commonplace procedures given here like candy, all for the taking if they can cram it up your insurance, you're in and out, same day procedurals. Where do these people come from who look into the eyes of government, of all things, and see some kind of figure glaring down on them reserving only all the love of a Daddy! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Furthermore, micro, I would come at them (civilly, from a professional, sensible standpoint)--but from two angles, email the Mayo Clinic a very thorough documentation of your entire process since it began, just as you did here. Email it to the right people, if you get no response, you sent it to the wrong department. ********Don't forget to cross reference everything whenever you do a search, it's all-umportant to targeting anything.
  19. Go see my reply on the thread. You deserved privacy but this is a big forum that could use help in this area, a similar thread to yours is floating about here, and I still think you need Prednisone to tackle the resulting rashing.

  20. This thread has bothered me days... Just curious, PhD, on an opinion... If pseudoephedrine --an alpha ADRENergic stimulator--is contraindicated with maoi's, why isn't it with benzodiazeprines--a (parallel) relaxant, sedative, hypnotic anti-anxiety prescription? In the same way maois are antidepressants, benzos being an antianxiety should mean contraindication by default... You find incidence of this sort of thing all over the medical field, in every capacity of experienced physicians, why do you imagine that is??? Uhm, also, with a chronic sinus congestion, why wouldn't a preVENtative measure be in order, an antihistamine BEFORE the onset of congestion, and then we're dealing with a nonaxiety related supplement.-- Diphenhydramine is Over tje Counter, but get a high enough dose to tackle something so stubborn, maybe. 25mg lasts hOurs, get loe doses and seems useless but makes you a little sleep, some are resistent to the sleepiness though, doesn't bother me to much in midday but knocks me out at night. Have it at any dollar store too, usually, so you can avoid $20 Claritin. Not that I endorse trusting dollarstore China-exported meds who enjoy a lax system, again, without a body of oversight in the FDA, or what it should be but this med seems trustworthy.
  21. I goofed around on your thread here before, I'm sorry, I hadn't finished reading them, scuze me. Go check your messages, maybe I can help?? good luck
  22. I forgot to drop the kink, well not a link, you'll have to copy and oaste the url into your browser for all these.


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