Start having a look around the CDC's parasitic image library, although, as someone said, a magnification of 10X leaves something to be desired. Hopefully you prepped slides with proper fixatives too, if need be--I'm not much of a help here either but strong in research.
Also, here is a parasitic INDEX feom the CDC:
NEITHER of those is their home page, don't skip home pages, not a good habit. But it is important to note that the best sources you most wish to be able to submit your specimen almost all require they be submitted by a health Professional and practicing physician, this's honestly not a do it yourself kind of project but a serious matter for trained experts in the field, it's not good to base much opinion on posts here on a forum.
When you do your research, like going into this index or googling, searching from the ground up on your own, it's absolutely KEY that you CROSS REFERENCE.
For example, when you search the index of parasites, first go into the little search browser at top right and plug in words and phrases together, such as 'sexually transmitted', that is job number One. You may fit several words in that little search sometimes, helping your hunt much more. So maybe use the sexually transmitted with itchy or with 'responds to warm water'.
Lastly, what was the drug treatment you said it was responding to until you got off it? That should definitely go in the search that it responded to a particular drug!
One other thing, I know Blahah brought it up but you have to wash all bedding constantly in hot water for this, once a week probably won't do, I doubt it and you're probably reinfecting yourself everytime you begin to respond with any treatment anyway. I'd stay away from your couch, etc, fabric, even upholstered seats, sprays reserved for the car, etc could help. Boy, I'd move again if it were me. Start over but with proper treatment and care this time.
Go back to MAYO, nobody can do you better than them, tell them they haven't yet helped, you still need to be diagnosed and have run out of money trying, including investing in their expertise. Disgusting how doctors give up when the money stops flowing, you paid for a nearer diagnosis and this is treatable. They should be held accountable and not allowed to dismiss you, lose you in the shuffle, yoy have to be your own healthcare advocate, just like you are actively researching, you have to actively return to them for what your insurance already covered
Don't be so naive, you pay for your healthcare every bit as much as we do, they just take it out in trade, heh.
You also experience lengthy waits in those social systems, akin to food rationing, likes of the Soylent Green variety, lol.--nExt!, right after the last guy died waiting in line for commonplace procedures given here like candy, all for the taking if they can cram it up your insurance, you're in and out, same day procedurals.
Where do these people come from who look into the eyes of government, of all things, and see some kind of figure glaring down on them reserving only all the love of a Daddy!
Furthermore, micro, I would come at them (civilly, from a professional, sensible standpoint)--but from two angles, email the Mayo Clinic a very thorough documentation of your entire process since it began, just as you did here. Email it to the right people, if you get no response, you sent it to the wrong department.
********Don't forget to cross reference everything whenever you do a search, it's all-umportant to targeting anything.