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Everything posted by LucidDreamer

  1. LucidDreamer


    Oxygen is a key component cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process where food is broken down into energy. Oxygen plays its part by being the last component in a chain where an electron is passed down a line of increasingly more powerful oxidizing molecules. It is necessary to have a very powerful oxidizing agent that the end of the chain and oxygen it a more powerful oxidizing agent than Nitrogen.
  2. I have nothing intelligent to say, but I love the title of this thread.
  3. First of all, I basically agree with everything that badchad said. There is no doubt in my mind that the pharmaceutical companies have sacrificed the good of the people in favor of monetary rewards on many occasions. However, there is little chance that pharmaceutical companies could cover up then prevent a cancer cure. There is little chance that there is any natural cure for cancer as simple as taking a fruit seed. If it was this simple then man or at least another creature would have evolved the ability to produce this chemical long ago. Cancer is a multi-faceted problem that will require more work than finding a healthy seed to eliminate
  4. There are examples of people with brains that weigh twice the average who have normal intelligence. There are also examples of people that are extremely intelligent whose brains only weighed about 2/3 to 3/4 the average. Also, people survive when their brains have been compressed to 25% its normal volume and appear to have normal intelligence. Some people are born with only half a brain yet they are still able to live normal lives with normal intelligence (not totally positive about that one.) Whales have very large brains and a huge body mass because they have no problem supporting all that mass. There is probably an advantage to having a larger brain mass but that doesn't mean that an intelligent species of man could not develope with a smaller brain mass or continue to have the same level of intelligence with a reduced cranial capacity.
  5. No, given time, brains will always defeat brawn. Given that the Flores man has a much smaller cranial capacity coupled with the fact that he used the same tools as Homo erectus it is more likely that Homo sapiens is more intelligent. Also, the fact that Flores Man did not spread over the rest of the world and defeat Homo sapiens is again evidence that Homo sapiens is more intelligent. However, since there is no evidence that there was a land bridge between the mainland and the island it is possible that Flores Man built a boat and traveled to the island, which is a feat that could only be accomplished by an intelligent species. I would also wager that Flores Man was at least as intelligent as Homo erectus. The island may have dwarfed his body but I highly doubt that natural selection would result in a less intelligent species of man. His cranial capacity may have shrunk because the pelvis size of the women shrank and their body’s' ability to support a larger head was reduced but that doesn't mean that their intelligence was diminished. There are examples of people today that have brains that have been compressed to the size of tennis balls that appear to have perfectly normal intelligence. Also, the tools found were similar to the tools used by Homo erectus. I would make a guess that Flores Man's intelligence was somewhere between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. There is quite a gap between the period that Homo erectus was thought to have lived and the time that Flores Man died out so the species had some time to evolve a greater degree of intelligence, but that doesn't mean that they did. This also brings up the question of whether other offshoots of man survived until much more recently than we thought. Homo Sapiens’s history could have been quite bloody.
  6. How about something that cannot be verified, such as, "there are 37 planets in this galaxy that have life on them." Or perhaps you could say something like, "After you let me go I will go to my house and eat a snickers bar." Or maybe, "If you let me go I will live to 100."
  7. lol, better for Cain at least. I imagine that Cain has a few other siblings and cousins stashed away in his closet.
  8. Wow, that's an amazing find-an entirely new species of human. A quote from one of the articles: "But modern humans must surely have encountered this tiny relative of ours..." Yes, right before they wiped them off the face of the earth.
  9. It is advantageous because allows for job specialization. In an assembly line it is more productive to train each individual in one type of job so that he becomes very good at one thing. It is more productive than trying to train everyone to do every job. Men are physically more powerful so they are naturally more suited to warfare and hunting (at least before the current level of technology). So it is advantageous for the male sex to develop mental skills suited for these jobs. Women bear children and take care of the household. In hunter/gatherer societies, which was only form of society that existed until recent times, the woman gathered nuts, grains, fruits, etc. It was advantageous for early hominid females to develop mental faculties to support this. Of course man's true power is his versatility and adaptability so the differences are slight. Also, you usually find only a limited amount of diversification of the genetic characteristics between sexes within the same species in the animal kingdom.
  10. I don't think it would drastically affect our way of life. Technology based on the earth's magnetism and technology based on magnetism are two totally different things. A compass would definitely be affected by the shift but I think it would have little impact on a computer monitor.
  11. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi Abstracts from journal articles published online.
  12. That was the other answer that I knew about. Hadn't even thought about antimatter. Good Job, all.
  13. You're right iglak, I was assuming that the second person would not be able to hear the first person's answer.
  14. The blind man has a red hat on and the other two prisoners also had red hats on. The prisoners are going to guess based on the odds. If the first prisoner looks and sees that both of the other prisoners have red hats he is going to guess he has a white because it is statistically more probable that he will have a white if the hats are randomly placed. He will be wrong, and the second guy will guess white as well and he will be wrong. It can't work any other way because if he sees that the other two have a white and a red hat then he will guess he has a red because it is statistically more probable that he has a red hat. If he looks at the other two and sees that they have white hats then he will guess correctly because he has to have a red hat. So the only way that it is possible for them to guess according to the most probable choice and at the same time be wrong is if they all have red hats. Opps also, the first two men could both have white hats and both guess red hats and still the blind man would have to guess a red hat because that is the only possible hat that the blind man can have if both men are wrong and both play the odds. Is this the sun looking down at its reflection on a lake? That's the answer I was looking for.
  15. Dehydration and the interference of normal chemical reactions with the presense of alcohol. The fact that you were in the sun will dehydrate you faster and exercise will dehydrate you even more. Drinking large amounts of water while you drink or before you go to bed will eliminate most of a hangover but who remembers to do that when they are drunk.
  16. Yes, maybe that was too easy. A man wants to find out what switch operates which light in an apartment complex. The problem is that the 3 switches are on the first floor and the lights are on the second floor. He can't see what switch turns on what light when he is on the first floor and no one is home to help him. Furthermore every time he gets halfway up the staircase a motion detector turns off the light upstairs so when he gets upstairs the light is already off. How can he find out which switch operates which light?
  17. The DNA inside every nucleus of all the cells of the body contain the entire DNA strand that contains the genetic code for all organs and everything that is coded for in the organism (exceptions aside).
  18. This is a thread where each poster gives a riddle or an answer to a previous riddle. I'll start it off with a simple riddle. There are at least two answers that I know of. What can you put in a barrel and make it lighter (can't remove the air and add a lighter composition of air or add a container of gas.)?
  19. I recommend taking a multi mid-day, or taking half in the morning and half midday or taking a separate anti-oxidant type(but don't take too many). I also recommend drinking juice or eating fruit before debate practice. You might also try taking b-12 drops under the tongue, but again dont' take too much. Don't eat a big fatty meal before the debate practice either. You might also try experimenting with your schedule so that you have the energy drop earlier in the day and then go back up before debate practice.
  20. ya, the point was that you should take more cocaine (kidding of course.) Let me add another. Mnemonics. Mnemonics can greatly increase almost anyone’s ability to remember just about any kind of information. It can be extremely useful to learn a good mnemonic system if you are in college or if you are somehow required to remember lots of information. Some people are born with extraordinary memories. Most of the amazing feats that these people are able to perform have been beat by people with ordinary memories using mnemonic systems.
  21. I think myths have cultural supernatural origins and they don't necessarily have any basis in reality beyond popular belief. Fictional characters come from literature or other entertainment areas. Legends are usually based on a real event or person and are just very embellished. You feel bad... I have been sacrificing 1 indigo child to him every full moon now for 10 years.
  22. I'll throw one out. Vocabulary. By increasing your vocabulary you not only increase your ability to communicate more effectively you also improve your ability to think effectively.
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