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Mr Rayon

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Everything posted by Mr Rayon

  1. I would include non-compulsory religious studies in the year 7-10 school curriculum (Australia). Harder maths in year 7-10 and compulsory LOTE (Language other than English) throughout highschool with bonus points to those who do exceptionally well on their university entrance LOTE exams.
  2. I blame all engineers everywhere. They're all so lazy! How hard could it be to build a really strong and tall wall in all beaches as protection against tsunamis. But it's not just engineers, it's the scientific community worldwide. I blame their negligence and sheer laziness to do anything about problems in life and from always taking 'short cuts'.
  3. Is it true that human meat tastes like chicken? I heard that it does. Have there been any scientific tests to confirm/deny this seemingly outrageous claim?
  4. Hey, everybody! In regards to the Christian faith, which country do you believe is most religious? That is, Phillipines or USA? And also, worldwide which countries are most religious in terms of Christianity? What does everyone think?
  5. Currently, is there any demand at the moment for astronauts with extensive science knowledge/background to go and work in space? Will there be any increase in demand for it in the near future? When are we expecting more scientists to be sent into space to undertake scientific experiments for the benefit of mankind?
  6. Umm...the internet. I thought a while ago we were all producing too much babies. Here's a good video about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG2IZEzUmA0 But there's also lots of other stuff like people speculating that Singapore will have only about half of its current total human population in 20 years time. It all sounds very serious but it's the first I've heard of all this. Is this a big problem?
  7. Or is this all just some silly propaganda stuff?
  8. Slightly irrelevant but how do these sorts of people manage to get to power (i.e. Gadaffi, Ahmadinejad etc)? They seem like idiots but then again I don't really follow politics so I guess I could be wrong. All these leaders seem to have their own unique personality, like that Berlusconi guy who's been in the news a lot too. They're all very different and many aren't even very good role models.
  9. For children (from 6-10 years of age) is it better for them to have a few group of friends or many friends? What are the advantages of a child having many friends and what are the disadvantages as well? And when I say advantages and distadvantages I mean to refer to their psychological and social development. How can having many friends have a negative impact on a young student? Also, generally speaking, how can having many friends be a bad thing? Would you rather have few friends that you know very well or many friends that you know but not as closely well? Have there been any scientific studies on this to show which is more beneficial to an individual (e.g. for better self esteem, health, general happiness etc)?
  10. What do you mean by a them against us? I'm not a fool too. How am I fool? I'm just trying to find out answers in life, nothing more and nothing less.
  11. Is it true that a person can die from a "broken heart"?
  12. Hey, everybody! Just watched this video on youtube regarding the golden ratio and it's association with the city of Mekke. And I don't know much about the Koran or even extensive knowledge of mathematics but this has got me going. Could Islam be the real deal? I'm scared. What do you logical scientific people think? Could Islam be the real deal? I think I'll let you SFN mathematicians decide! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUOxz3q__ko&feature=channel_video_title
  13. And assuming only women existed and that they reproduce more women but differently to how the women of modern society today reproduce with men.
  14. If you were to shave someone's eye-brows and the hair which covers the tips of their eyes, would they grow back? Do you think it's a good April fool's joke to pull on someone?
  15. I don't trust google.
  16. Does anyone know approximately what it is?
  17. Ok, thanks for that.
  18. If so, by how much? Does anybody know or have some rough estimates from reliable organisations? Just interested in the ratio between men and women globally? Is it 50:50?
  19. At what rate are animals disappearing because of global warming? I heard that the extinction rate is phenomenal and is as high as it has ever been. But how high is it exactly? Does anybody know?
  20. Or as extensively as we used to? Is it an accurate term to use in scientific papers?
  21. Are all whales endangered or just specific species of whales? (don't know) Does the killing method they employ result in a quick death for the whales? How long does it take for the whales to die? Which particular type of whales are the Japanese hunting? And how many of the whales that they are hunting are left out there? What about all the scientific reasons? What exactly are these 'scientific purposes' that we hear about? Do you know what they are?
  22. But what are the arguments that both influence the development of a human being? Was this conclusion based on any experimental analysis? I am writing an essay and need some points/evidence/rebuttals etc to plan out as I am completely ignorant about the whole debate.
  23. No, humans and animals are different. They don't have the same rights. What's ethical to do with animals doesn't necessarily mean that it's ethical to do on humans (e.g. in laboratory experiments). I think whaling is ethical now though for our time period. It's horrible how the Japanese are being demonised for hunting whales for scientific purposes. Anway, does anyone know what the pros and cons are for whaling? I want to know more why whaling should be considered by a larger proportion of the global human population to be 'okay'. If you had to convince someone that whaling is alright, that it's not so bad, what would you mention to convince them so?
  24. What is the purpose of whaling? (e.g. by the Japanese) Is it a relatively new development? Did people used to go whaling in the 'olden days'? Should it be stopped? Do we have enough whales to continue allowing people to kill whales? Why does the news of whaling make so many people upset?
  25. Does nature or nurture (hereditary or environment) influence the development of one's identity more? Scientifically, what are the arguments presently for each stance?
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