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Mr Rayon

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Everything posted by Mr Rayon

  1. Well, if religion is not the answer, what does everyone here think is the best solution/treatment for mild depression? Has anyone here ever suffered from any sort of self-deficiency/mental illness such as depression?
  2. Too right! Many of those who criticize religion are anti-religious bigots. Even science is a religion. Many religions support the teaching of science however the behaviour of adherents may not always be consistent. There is clearly double standards going on here.
  3. Well, for a lot of people it, that would be a good reason to go to church/mosque/temple/synagogue as many people have or will experience depression. It also gives people a good excuse to be good to one another and live a God-centred life. I think we are now living in a world where most Christians at least, imo don't regard the Bible as logical. Merely by going to church they are trying to delude themselves. Depression gives a good reason for people to try to delude themselves as well as other people. Religion has somehow become more of a fad nowadays. I think we will reach a point whereby more and more people will experience the world's major religions - I mean if you were truly an atheist, you wouldn't be afraid to get exposed to many different religions and perhaps moving in-and-out of belief and disbelief.
  4. http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/religion-treatment-depression-mood-0313122/ http://brainblogger.com/2012/04/14/religion-and-depression-cause-or-effect/ http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/28/us-religion-depression-idUSTRE81R1R320120228 http://catholicexchange.com/does-religion-cause-depression/ http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/02/12/what-came-first-religion-or-depression/ http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-57323167-10391704/religious-services-prevent-depression-what-new-study-says/ http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/faithandhealing/2009/05/depression_and_religion.html http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/237541.phpst Just been surfing the net. Depression and religion, what are everyone else's experience of it here?
  5. Faeces is essentially pure human waste. It contains a lot of bacteria and consuming it could cause a lot of health problems/diseases. Urine is usually sterile but again contains many substances that your body naturally tries to get rid of that is not essential to good health. Sweat is hard to collect and drink again. Farts smell awful. After thorough research, Johnson and Everitt in their book, Essential Reproduction (2000), and L. Paget in her, How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure (2000), reveal that a man’s semen really does contain high nutritional content. In one typical ejaculation (approximately one teaspoon), semen already contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3$ US RDA copper and zinc. Indeed, the semen of a man contains high nutritional value. http://healthmad.com/addiction/weird-facts-about-semen/2/ Many women also claim that semen is very tasty (in healthy men who eat lots of pineapples) but this can vary slightly depending who you ask. 150 mg of protein is a lot of protein. That surpasses a lot of protein bars in terms of protein content. Think of how many meals your body would need to have to make up for those loss of nutrients. As you can see, it's not exactly a "small benefit" but a great one if everyone recycled their semen or someone elses. The problem with our world is that we are living in a too consumerist society. We are constantly pressured to consume more and more healthy foods but never recycle what good we already have.
  6. I have heard people say that it is best to recycle one's own semen whenever an ejaculation takes place. This prevents the loss of many essential vitamins & minerals + protein + a bunch of other good stuff that the body can reuse. I have also heard people describe semen as a 'protein shake'. What do you do with your semen after undertaking sexual intercourse with a condom? What is the scientific community's opinion about recycling one's own semen to keep the nutrients you excrete from being lost but reused by the body once more? What is best done with it? What do you do with your excess semen after sex?
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/10/11/amanda-todd-teen-bullying-suicide-youtube_n_1959668.html What does everyone here think about teen suicide? Could Amanda Todd's death have been prevented? If you were with her in her last moments, what would you have said to prevent her from committing suicide?
  8. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_semen-therapy I've noticed the above link lists many health benefits for women but I was just curious to know whether there are any health benefits for men?
  9. With the increasing industrialisation of both China and India, do Western powers have good reason to be sceptical about reducing their ecological footprint? What are today's major barriers for sustainable development in a non-destructive manner?
  10. Why are there so many global warming sceptics in USA? I have heard that it is the third most populated country in the world but are there any psychological reasons for why this is so. What are the psychological reasons?
  11. Also, notice at 0.05 the singer is wearing another cross! So subtle I almost didn't notice. Christian beliefs are so ingrained within our society that we sometimes can't separate it from everything else or fail to notice until our subconscious mind tells us to convert for some reason...
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txuEqEqbGHk Also, above you can clearly see the singer show off a cross necklace in her hands at 2.52. I don't think she's Christian so what's the deal with that? Also, I know I've seen many people through facebook who I know personally are not Christians but I've seen them wear cross necklaces. Well, I only know three people but that's enough to raise eyebrows and there are other people that I see sometimes just randomly in the public who wear cross necklaces who do not act like Christians so I can safely assume they're not Christians. Further research indicates that it is a fad: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080805162743AACjYKS http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110702041042AAq6qa4 But why?
  13. Sorry, I didn't mean most non-believers but definitely a small handful of them. A minority but noticeable minority. Most non-believers do not wear cross necklaces but nowadays it's become more fashionable to do so but I'm not sure what's the root cause. And it's not bullshit, it's the truth.
  14. What does everyone make of this? It is a little misleading to the public. Why do you think the cross neclace is such a popular accessory today amongst our non-religious youth? Would you ever wear one if you were not Christian/Catholic?
  15. WRONG!
  16. Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in Australia. Many also claim that it is compatible with modern science. What do most people make of this? As part of a scientific community, do you think you would ever consider taking up and accepting this religion/philosophy/way of life as your own? If not, what are your reasons for rejecting it? Are your thoughts about it more or less hostile in comparison to the great Abrahamic religions? And if you had to accept one of the world's religions (for whatever reason), which one would you pick?
  17. Unlike the Quran, there are many accepted translations of the Bible that Christians regard as holy. The Muslims like to tell us that the Bible got corrupted over time. Through the process of translating from one language to another, how likely is it that the Bible maintained it's original meaning entirely to how they were in Hebrew (as is the case with the Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament)? How accurate is the process of translation? Is it possible to translate from one language to another without altering the original meaning? I have heard that it is impossible to do this but is this correct/incorrect? Also, as language changes, for example the English language over time, will we see new English translations of the Bible being printed? Has the Bible been constantly changing and will it continue to change? In regards to Muslims only considering the original 7th century Arabic script as holy, does this indicate that corruption is inevitable when translating from one language to another? Is it actually possible to translate from one language to another, without changing the original meaning, and hence corrupting? What is the position of the scientific community regarding possible corruption of the Bible during the translation process from the original languages they were in?
  18. What is the name of the song above? I really like the song but don't know what it's called but the person singing it sounds American so some of the people here may know. Thought I'd open this thread to check whether anybody knows. Do you like this song?
  19. What non-religious motivations could one have for reading the Bible? And also, what are some benefits that it can have to read it for an atheist/agnostic? Is it best if people stopped reading books such as the Bible? Many people who are atheist/agnostic have not read the Bible or gotten extensive exposure to religion. Should people get extensive exposure to different religions before labelling themselves atheist/agnostic? Why do you think that the Bible is the most popular published book of all time? Is it the best book ever created after-all?
  20. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/txt/s3581623.htm At 38:15 of the video, Peter Jensen Anglican Archbishop of Sydney points this out.
  21. Okay, there's been recent breakthrough research suggesting practicing homosexuals live shorter lives than their heterosexual counterparts. Anyone care to speculate why this is so?
  22. Hi, I was wondering whether has any ideas whether laughter clubs really work. http://www.laughterclubsvic.org/ Basically, it's just this thing where you meet up with people regularly to laugh together for no particular reason. Could it be the secret to happiness? What are the latest scientific evidence suggesting? Would you give laughter clubs a go?
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRF7d9ydQf8&feature=related Was Sadddam beaten and tortured by the US? What do most Americans make of this?
  24. Who said what? Relations seem pretty good.
  25. If it were proven that God doesn't exist, would the world become a better place? What are some possible changes to society/people's attitutes towards one another if their belief/hope of the existence of God would disappear? Is it desirable to make people not believe in God? Why are atheists so determined to prove there is no God/s to the theists? Furthermore why is there so much debate/discussion about "God" in a scientific forum such as SFN? What's the big deal all about?
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