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Mr Rayon

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Everything posted by Mr Rayon

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebezjhl5ARM
  2. Oh wow. Did anybody see that sword trick in the end? How'd he do it?
  3. I notice in America there are lots of Mormons. Say, if an American family who were in a polygamous relationship were to move somewhere else, perhaps another state or to another country, say Canada for example where it is illegal in most (if not all) places. My question is could they be punished there if they only went to Canada for holidays and initiated their plural marriages in a state in America where it is not illegal? Hope somebody has the answer! I'm not from Canada/US by the way.
  4. It's never too late, trust in yourself and you can achieve anything! But how old are you exactly? And are you currently employed in anything related to the field of 'engineering in biotechnology'? Are you currently single and have you started a family already? I understand that once you're married travelling/studying and the like can be a bit more difficult to manage and sometimes compromises must be made. Also, what are your reasons for wanting to become a scientist? What do you hope to achieve by becoming one?
  5. Well, it's not really my area of expertise you see. I'd rather just stay quiet and read everybody's posts while you guys debate it through. I ask many questions here because they're all silly questions that I can't really ask in real life however nonetheless am still curious about them. Also, science is quite related to pretty much everything in life, so it's easy to post new threads on SFN without looking as though you're trolling (which you would in any other internet forum) but I suppose initially I was trolling to begin with but I have grown to become interested in what people are saying. I am also currently not a committed SFN user, that is why I don't post as many replies. I probably only go here 10-15 mins daily whenever I am bored or have nothing better to do. What can I do with power of the internet? All this responsibility sounds like a burden to me... I'm not committed enough yet, give me some time.
  6. Here I am. What is it? I am reading the posts.
  7. Does anybody think that there is an inverse relationship between how many sexual partners one has in their lifetime prior to marriage and how long their first marriage will last prior to divorce? (i.e. the more sexual partners one has before meeting the right one will likely find their relationship with the one they marry a bit more boring as they would have already had the boyfriend/girlfriend experience from previous relationships and hence are more likely to not commit in the long run and vice versa)? What does everyone think? Also, could this be the reason why America has such a high rate of divorce? And what does everyone think is the ideal number of romantic/sexual relationships one should have with different people? Also, are people generally more happy when they're alone or when they've started a family?
  8. Hey, what does everyone think about this old guy called Jacque Fresco? I am unfamiliar with his background/credentials but in a nutshell he's proposing for a global resource based economy to be implemented instead of the current monetary system. He's been labelled as a 'genius' and also as an 'idealist'. But what does everyone think? Is this actually possible? Should we hate him, love him or oppose him? Is he too idealistic? Is he crazy? Anybody heard of him and what do you guys think about his ideas/followers? The Venus Project: Zeitgeist Addendum Zeitgeist Moving Forward Website: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/
  9. Thanks for the comments!

  10. By WHO, do you mean the World Health Organisation?
  11. I keep hearing that America hates communism. Is this true? If so, how did this begin and why do they hate communism (or communists)?
  12. Worldwide, why are so many rape crimes commited men as opposed to by women? There was statistic somewhere saying that 95% of rape crimes in the US are commited by men. That presumably only leaves about 5% by women. Could this in anyway suggest that men have a higher libido than say, women? Or... are other reasons more likely for this alarming statistic? What does everyone think?
  13. I'm not sure whether many people are aware of this on SFN but most Muslim countries are poor and generally just doesn't compete that well in the global economy, apart from a few exceptions. Why are so many Muslim countries poor countries? What is the likely root-cause of this? What does everybody think?
  14. Overall, does the abundance of religion make this world a better place to live in? What do you think? Certainly if there was no religion and everyone were agnostics, it would make this world a much boring place to live in. Religion also encourages one to become a more morally better person. For example, through recycling, having good relations with neighbours and looking after poor/lost/homeless strangers and charity etc. But then you hear people doing outrageous things as well in the name of religion, whether it be Hinduism, Christianity, Voodoo or other religion.
  15. Anybody hear the news about what's happened in Greece? How did they get into the position they're now in and when will it get better? What does everyone think? ...your speculations please...
  16. There are people who say that science is a religion.
  17. If so, when? And is it the responsibility of the developed countries to make sure this happens?
  18. ...only God knows. O_o
  19. Thanks man. Trying this now.
  20. Marat, what do you do for a living?

  21. Has any good come to European/Western society through experiencing World War I and World War II? If World War I and World War II had not occurred, would the world be a better place now? How has experiencing these wars impacted upon the society in which we have built? Did humanity learn anything from these wars or did it just heighten the demand for nuclear weapons? What's your opinion?
  22. Hey guys! My computer's print spooler service is not running. Anybody got any ideas on how I can fix this? My computer also had a recent virus but now it's gone. What can I do? I can't print! I'm not sure what's wrong with my computer and why my print spooler service won't run. When I now go to: start--> run (services.msc) The service window shows the print spooler service as "started" and on "automatic". The PRC (Procedure remote call) also appears as "started" and on "automatic" so I'm not sure what's the problem.
  23. Mr Rayon


    Hi everybody! I am wondering whether anybody here knows whether the places where Aurora Australis/Borealis occurs are popular tourist attraction sites? Anybody know? Thanks!
  24. Which country does everybody think is the most dangerous for foreign workers to go to for work? I specifically interested in hearing peoples opinions particularly in regards to countries which are wanting foreign workers to come to their country and have many jobs specifically for foreigners. What does everyone think?
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