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Everything posted by alextui

  1. IF - THEN is not constructed from basic logic gate. Actually i think the fundamentals building blocks of computing is 0(ZERO) AND 1 (ONE).
  2. Personally i think window system give out more heat than linux, that is why so many small business using linux as their hosting server.
  3. java or dot net, either way works.
  4. for(int i=0; i<=linearray.length; i++){ // get word from array at first String word = linearray; //then use word to query the hashtable Object o = targetHashTable.get(word); //if the result is not null, it means there is a hit. if(o!=null){ //product the result } }
  5. u need to learn solved the simple problem by looking at java doc. here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Hashtable.html then you will find out , it is keySet(), not keyset(). we can't spoon feeding here, the admin of this forum have zero tolerance on spoon feeding.
  6. Change this: for(Enumeration<String> e = hashtable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(){ Object obj = e.nextElement(); System.out.println("- Element(" + obj + ") = " + hashtable.get(obj) + "\n"); } into this: for(String key = hashtable.keyset()){ Object obj = hashtable.get(key); System.out.println("- Element(" + key + ") = " + obj + "\n"); }
  7. Change your class name to HashTable1( rather than HashTable) and try again.
  8. Are you expect a brute force algorithm or an optimized one? If you want an optimized one, we need to know more detail/ property of those atom or structure. here is the brute force one: Assuming all atoms is in array atom[x] i=0; sum=0; for each atom[i] i++; j=0; for each atom[j] if(i==j) next; sum=sum+calcFunction(atom[i]+atom[j]); end for end for
  9. Actually all of the programming language are the same, once you control one, you will control all of them.The difference between them is the syntax or features. The key for being a good programmer is how your mind is working. That is why , when you apply a job at google, they only test your ability for solving a problem. Personally i think you can start it from java.
  10. I don't think you can.
  11. Bio industry is not getting paid good, finally u will find out you need to pursue a medical degree.Therefore, what i recommend is upenn.In case of that you change your mind later on, u still have a lot of option there.
  12. Nothing is perfect ==> god is not a programmer
  13. i hate Nothing, life is so good.
  14. alextui


    It is a typical case for spoon feeding...
  15. (b) n (d) n2 (j) loglogn Just my thinking, maybe it is not right, i need to go over my text book.
  16. Post your unfinished code here, we can't spoon feeding.
  17. Use "SSH Secure Shell", it comes with gui for transfer file.
  18. Cons: Your warranty has been voided
  19. Please be more specific, math field is too big, which field you need help? statistics, algebra, matrix?
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