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About JustinW
- Birthday 02/14/1984
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Logical discussion
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audio/radio production, bio-med equip, and construction but no degree
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All of it
Life is a field. Those on one side of the fence and those on the other. I straddle the fence and my balls hurt.
Safety Coordinator at sand mines
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'The heart is the seat of all emotion' - Egypt
JustinW replied to s1eep's topic in General Philosophy
The heart has nothing to do with emotion . It may affect our decision or mood in reaction to damage but the emotional response would still be the minds flight or fight nature to adapt and survive. Creating a reaction designed to initiate a response benefitting life longevity. Funny thing about the car.......I would have 1st thought about it as the heart being the motor and the driver being the mind, since they are analytically providing the same functions for their systems. Also, existence doesn't rely on observation to exist. Just because we do not observe something doesn't mean that something didn't effect something that we happened to observe afterward? Our observation of anything at all is a fare the reason for everything. Maybe.... maybe not..... Knowing the answer to the question, "Why?" is halfway to enlightenment., and there are arguably 2. Because and Why Not -
I have a theory that may explain gravity in a way that works with light bending and the correlation between (density of an object and degree of gravitational force). I was thinking about centrifugal force and why dense objects gravitate while less dense eject objects from them. This idea may have a bunch of holes explaining why it doesn't work the way im thinking. I also thought about hearing a story that two ships afloat in the ocean will also gravitate toward one another if left adrift. So I applied the that to dense matter adrift in the ocean of ether or space. Though the property characteristics are so far apart couldn't the same force characteristics still be possible? When an object moves through water the water bends around it. If the ether of space worked in this same fashion, it would explain why light bends in the space around a dense object, wouldn't it? Also, an object is under more pressure as it ascends into deeper elevations of water. So if the ether of space is like a see of water, the objects adrift through it would experience the bending of ether "also bending light" as well as having a positive pressure of depth that would act on the surface at a rate measure equal to the degree of density + pressure.? Couldn't the reason for oceanic attractions adrift be used to explain at least two observations of gravitational forces, and if so, would mean that we are not pulled by gravity but rather held/pushed by gravity? I know there are probably some things that would have to apply to this but I am but a simple ponderer of ponderable things in a world full of things to ponder on. I would be grateful for any knowledge on the ideas subject.
Is time discrete? (split from time does not have a speed)
JustinW replied to davidivad's topic in Speculations
the unit of measure for time is relative to each participant in that it is measured by a constant shared by each viewer equally. i reject the idea of those who view time as a physical entity that turns the hands of the clock or has any bearing on reality other than human social organization. -
3 guys want 1 room. The manager charges them 30 dollars. Each guy pays 10 dollars. After a little while the manager remembers the room is only 25 dollars and sends the bell boy 5, 1dollar bills to refund the 3 guys. Since the 5 cant be split evenly between the 3, the boy only returns 3 dollars and pockets the other 2. If each guy now has only 9 dollars invested (27), and the bellboy now has 2, (29). where is the missing dollar?
Huh? What do mean? Is there something I missed, or is everybody supposed to get what seems like an inside joke? The truth of that debate was that Obama was off his game and Romney jumped on it. I particularly enjoyed the exchange in which Obama claimed that Romney was getting a tax break for moving companies over seas. Romney was correct in denying that. Not that he wasn't getting a tax break for moving companies, but with the way Obama worded it, he was correct in denying it. When looked at a little closer, Romney does recieve tax breaks for moving a company, but what the left would have you believe is that it is only a break for moving a company overseas, when in reality the break comes from moving a company anywhere, whether domestically or internationally the tax break is the same. This is why when Obama said it was a break for moving a company overseas, Romney was correct in saying that in his 20 plus years of being in business that he had never heard of such a thing. Another thing that struck me as negative by Obama was his reprimand of the moderator, saying that he would have had 5 more seconds if he wasn't interuppted, then proceeded to take 20 more seconds to finish. It just seemed a little pompass to me. All in all I would say that Romney came out on top in that debate, although I would have to agree with most of the commentators that I've heard, and say that it was by no means a game changer.
Phi, True, but...scientifically it is understood that life begins at conception and ends normally in senescence. To arbitrarilly pick a point in the life cycle that qualifies for protection under law seems arrogant. If you choose 26 weeks as the beginning, you open the door to subjective discrestion. Example being, once it is determined that the beginning is subjective, it could be determined out of convenience that anything younger than an adolescent is abortive. Zapatos, And that is the reason that some also take this view. I myself being one. Oh...by the way, good to see you fellows again. It's been awhile.
iNow, I would like to comment on something, if I may. The first bolded part that I have quoted you on is absolutely true and in no way argues your point. In fact, I would say it's counterproductive in that it's an individual's liberty that is the main reason for the sum of its parts being what they are. There was outrage towards Obama's statement because it underscored his leaning towards socialism and the push to dictate people into excersizing values that others want them to (even if it is not their own). So what, if a person makes it somewhere in life due to the people who have helped or inspired them. Does that mean that individual liberty isn't the reason that person made it somewhere? Hell no. It was individual liberty that allowed others to get themselves into a position to give that help/inspiration.
Just to put my two cents in here, and not that there has been a plausible machine built thus far, but a form of free energy could be the vacuum energy of space. I'm waiting on the next big idea that comes along to make it possible to extract energy from space itself. If this could be done, it would be an infinite supply. So therefore would be free.
Does this imply Human brain photographic editing ability?
JustinW replied to Tnad's topic in Amateur Science
One thing that I have heard of that goes along with the title of the OP, if not the intent of the OP, is something called the color constant. http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7uGtfeNP2hkAw0ZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZW5xbmQ4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0RGUjVfNzc-/SIG=11t9ra1o3/EXP=1340337709/**http%3a//web.media.mit.edu/~wad/color/exp1/ This might explain it a little better than I can. It was rather interesting at any rate. When someone asks if we see things the same way as someone else, we can honestly say no. I was watching a show the other day that showed how different cultures were able to distinguish shades of color that other cultures couldn't because of their language. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples of the brain tricking us into see something that is actually different than the way we are precieving it. -
A trip, I'm going to have to disagree with you just slightly. My argument was centered around the fact that a "marriage" is a religious ceremony, having nothing to do with legal standing. I've been away for a while and thought about it a little. I realized the inaccuracy in this side of the argument. Even if we did classify "marriage" as a religious institution, who's to say that a same sex couple couldn't be "married" within a religion that accepts such? I see that this point has been made while I was away and it is something I should have thought of from the first. This is what it says in Wiki under "Marriage Ceremony", and I think this comes closer to explaining why I differed between a "marriage" and a civil union. "A marriage is usually formalized at a wedding or marriage ceremony. The ceremony may be officiated either by a religious official, by a government official or by a state approved celebrant. In many European and some Latin American countries, any religious ceremony must be held separately from the required civil ceremony. Some countries – such as Belgium, Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands, Romania and Turkey[81] – require that a civil ceremony take place before any religious one. In some countries – notably the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Norway and Spain – both ceremonies can be held together; the officiant at the religious and civil ceremony also serving as agent of the state to perform the civil ceremony. To avoid any implication that the state is "recognizing" a religious marriage (which is prohibited in some countries) – the "civil" ceremony is said to be taking place at the same time as the religious ceremony. Often this involves simply signing a register during the religious ceremony. If the civil element of the religious ceremony is omitted, the marriage is not recognized by government under the law. While some countries, such as Australia, permit marriages to be held in private and at any location, others, including England and Wales, require that the civil ceremony be conducted in a place open to the public and specially sanctioned by law. In England, the place of marriage need no longer be a church or register office, but could also be a hotel, historic building or other venue that has obtained the necessary license. An exception can be made in the case of marriage by special emergency license, which is normally granted only when one of the parties is terminally ill. Rules about where and when persons can marry vary from place to place. Some regulations require that one of the parties reside in the locality of the registry office. Within the parameters set by the law of the jurisdiction in which a marriage or wedding takes place, each religious authority has rules for the manner in which weddings are to be conducted by their officials and members." iNow, I think you are correct here and that JohnB might have it in an earlier post when he mentioned that this was ultimately a societal decision. And everybody knows that society doesn't always make those decisions based on logic more than feeling.
Phi, So you're saying that marriages started from a basis of law rather than religion. Who's law? And I guess that would have been a secular law huh? Sounds like we had some pretty up-to-date ancestors. So you're saying those TRIBES were strictly secular. What time period do you suggest for this? This is percisely why I included heterosexuals, that do not have a religious ceremony, in the definition of civil unions also. Civil unions may be performed without any religious context, but the argument is whether a "marriage" can be. And since I maintain that marriages have been majorily religious institutions, I believe that a "marriage" should be defined by the common practice of the religion that performs it. Polednice made some interesting points which I will have to think about and adress in a minute. I'm surprised they haven't gotten rid of that yet as well. It's getting to where you can't even say the word God anywhere public these days. I wouldn't call that a ceremony any more than swearing an oath to tell truth in a court of law would be. ydoaPs, Like I asked Phi above, Who's law? What time period did this "secular" law begin? John Cuthber, Pair bonding may pre-date religion, but the ceromony involved? You would think that there would have to be a problem dealing with the ceremony before somone came up with a laws to solve such a problem.(hence contract) Which was the subsequental law that encompassed marriage to provide rights to one's spouce. So therefore I still maintain that law came after religious ceremony, not the other way around. Polednice, I had to think about this for a second, but have come to the conclusion that what you suggest has little to bear on the matter. On both of your points it would be like saying that the Mason's headquarters doesn't dictate the rules of other masonic lodges. If you join a club, follow the rules, or find another club. And here, why a church? And doesn't the phrasing of civil union coupled with all the legality that currently encompasses a marriage not solve the problem? It's just a term, and since religion has historically claimed this term, why not let 'em have at it? It seems irrational to spend so much time, energy, money on such a silly thing as the phrasing of a contract. Doesn't it? Arete, I can see the problem with this here, and I agree. But I still think that civil unions encompassing all the rights that embody a marriage will solve it.
JohnB, I've been thinking about this subsidy thing for awhile. I have had a few conversations with Phi about subsidies before, and since, have come to the conclusion that subsidies do not fit in with my ideological view point. That being said I can see where in some cases they may be necessary, but even when necessary, undesirable from my point of view. Maybe I'm just a stickler on giving people handouts that I don't see as warranted. Anyway...as far as "same day out-of-pocket expense" for a particular visit, I spend just about the same as you. Except... I don't have to go through the hassle of paying more on arrival, then having to go out of my way to get a refund. The quickest answer I can give about what freedoms that my system gives me more than your's gives you, is that I have the freedom of not having someone dictate what I do, how I do it, and when I do it, just to get medical attention. Other than the normal constraints of a private business system. Which in my mind is more acceptable coming from a market rather than a government's political agenda. It seems that people want all that's good and nothing that's bad, without realizing that everything good has it's bad points. In order for those people to control this they have to do so by government intervention. Doing things in this manner only make for a larger control by government, which equates to having more rules, conditions, mandates, taxes, crime, etc... Touche`, I never thought of it that way. The biggest arguments I've been in on that subject were about those things being more of an inconvenience rather than an attack on personal freedom. But that's another topic altogether.
Once again I have heard a rant about how the ban for gay marriage is forcing people's religion onto others. I have always found this to be a hypocritical point of view and somewhat inaccurate at the very least. Historically marriage has been a religious institution. The basis of marriage was to make a vow in the sight of God and for all men to bear witness to that vow. Since marriage is a religious ceremony, the hypocricy and the denial of the freedom to practice ones own religion comes in to play when the freedom to define it as a religious act under the practices of that religion are denied. Marriages that do not meet this criteria, whether same sex or not, should fall under the definition of a civil union. This means any union that is not performed by a religious leader, or vows taken in the sight of the God of that religion. (whatever God or religion that may be) I do believe that everyone should have the same legal rights to their spouces whether they are same sex spouces or not. I also believe they should fall under the scope of civil union instead of a marriage. This also goes for heterosexual unions that are performed by a justice of the peace. They shouldn't be classified as a marriage if they are not performed with a religious meaning. Marriage is not a law. It is just recognized by the law. If civil unions could give the same rights to information, property, etc..., then it should be sufficient in the eyes of rational people. BUT, by demanding that you be included in a religious act without any regard for that religions practices defiles the sanctaty of that institution. I can understand the outrage of not being included in an institution when that institution is recognized by law, and given rights that are denied to others, but shouldn't the passing of civil union rights that encompasses the same body as a marriage be sufficient enough without having to impede on someone's religion? I know that this has been talked about here before, but knowing that there are bound to be alot that disagree with me, I would like to know what is wrong with my take on this issue.
- 97 replies
Phi, I know this kinda sounds barbaric, but being the warring nation that we are, what does the justification matter? It seems to me that it would have happened sooner or later anyway, no matter what the justification. And the justification that is being used is just to satisfy those that need it. To me it seems that the big dog will always get what it wants, and this matter of "ethics" has only been an issue over the past few centuries. 2 things on this. First, where has it been proven unreliable and by who? Second, why is it unethical and to what type of person is it unethical? It seems that ethics is a fluid subject, only a fad such as political correctness. So why base such choices on ethics rather than results. I'm not too sure about that. Some of our greatest advancements have been through showing off our brawn. We got to space when we did by showing off our strength. We ended the 2nd world war by exacting our strength. Is there something your meaning here that I'm missing. I don't see this as an accurate statement. There is violence all over the world right now. I would have to say there is more at time now than there used to be. I think you're trying to connect two things that alot of times have nothing to do with one another. Alot of times violence IS the smarter action to take. The only people that say otherwise are those that reject it on ethical grounds which are as fluid and varying as emotional response. Moontanman, This seems to imply that we aren't keeping up with the rest of the world. Or that we're falling behind in some way. What is different about our manipulation from the top that is so different from the rest? And why does it matter? I've said this before, but I guess it only depends on what your talking about before it becomes scary to anyone else. I find it hard to believe when people talk about this type of manipulation. Like they are the ones that are magically seeing through the manipulation that is supposed to encompass everyone unknowingly. Maybe they are being manipulated into objecting a certain type of manipulation.Like this: Are you sure you weren't manipulated into think this way by a group that you admire or agree with more than another? Imatfaal, Maybe not definitively or by specific situation, but I think you can easily generalize people's characteristics across sexes, nationalities, races, historical periods, religions, and especially cultures. I think this is where we will more than likely disagree. The first thing that I wouldn't think upon seeing someone hanged is "that's murder". The first thing I would think is "what did he do to deserve it". I think this difference in opinion, or reaction, or whatever you want to call it, is what prompted me to ask these questions. Did the human brain flip-flop in the last few decades or something? That wasn't what anyone used to think about that sort of thing. And I believe that a person being scared for their lives or in tremendous pain isn't thinking about loyalty. Especially under tremendous pain. Everyone cracks eventually. The hardened heart argument doesn't work for me, especially coming from academia or a politition. Which allies? When, where? Polednice, I didn't say we do, and can agree that we shouldn't be cruel wherever possible. I don't believe I framed the question as being so one sided. I just implied that cruelty has been a way of life for humanity, and wondered why there was such a big push away from violence for the sake of something like a mood that could change abruptly in the future depending upon circumstances. I don't think I want to live in a world that rehabilitates child molestors. Call me old fasion, but I think a little more cruelty is in order. There are some things that I believe cruelty is called for. This seems to be my biggest point in writing this topic. With the varying differences in ethical opinions, who's to say how much cruelty is deserved? And why isn't a certain amount of indifference not more prevailant in these situations?
luegi, Negative (vacuum) pressure. Which brings up a question that I have yet to find an answer to also. JohnStu, Are you saying that with the bag expanding, in a vacuum, that it would not build vacuum pressure inside the bag? Even once the threshold is crossed that allows there to be a greater amount of vacuum inside the bag than outside? Pantheory, The less matter that you have in a space (the bag), the greater the amount of vacuum in the space. And visa versa. It doesn't seem accurate to say that "nothing/space" is the cause of this pressure change. And it also only seems accurate to say that matter is the cause of possitive pressure when matter builds up in a space. Matter would seem to be an unlikely culperate for vacuum pressure to build once matter is taken out of a space. So what is the exact cause of vacuum in that space (bag), if not the space itself?