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Everything posted by KaiduOrkhon

  1. Scenario: Miniature & Parallel Universe The following question originated at a dinner party among friends. There was an interesting and educational variety of answers. By the readers leave I’ve transferred the question to SFN Question: In a universe parallel to ours, exactly the same in every way; with all of the galaxies - including the Milky Way, and our solar system with all our planets as they are, including earth and everything on and within it and including its inhabitants and the molecules, atoms, electrons, nuclei, photons - except: that this ‘twin universe’ and all of its contents was one thousand times smaller than the universe we in the here and now occupy - instead of the there & then occupation of the miniaturized universe (including all of our miniaturized selves): would this miniaturized universal space and all of its miniaturized contents undergo and experience the same time standards as the ‘regular sized’ universe we are part of? Yes or no. Addendum options Time would be the same in the two compared universes. Time would be different in the two compared universes. If yes, please explain. If no, please explain. http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie or http://forums.delphiforums.com/kaiduorkhon (This is not a business solicitation of any kind.)
  2. Dear Mr. Alber: I have been energetically advised by a host of SFN subscribers (and others) to ask you for your consideration of the following poetic rhythm and rhyme approach to the extensive and complex subject at issue - in contrast to your impressive mathematical approach. Though this request is not without some sense of levity, I sincerely request your serious attention and response as it may be a paradigm shift to further inspire your respectably ongoing efforts, like yourself, I welcome help to furthermore understand what this means: Space-time Gravity Is The 4th Dimension Asked the teacher what gravity was, an' all he said is what gravity does. Said I wanna know why, not how things fall. Teacher said nobody knows that one at all. Asked the people on the 6 O'Clock news; they said on that we have no views. Same thing happened in a physics lesson - a picture of Newton gave a puzzled expression. Still wanted to know what gravity is, so I went outside and continued the quiz. Asked a mathematician and he took all day saying gravity is numbers. So I lit one up and, went into suspension, tintanambulating beyond the 3rd dimension. The answer appeared as a gentle kiss, so I wrote another poem and it goes like this... Poetry for all times and places, poetry for all rhymes and spaces. Where are the dimensions and where are they not, boundless dimensions of color and thought; infinite dimensions of cold and of hot. But countless dimensions of space there are not. Dimensions of music, of wine and of thee, of these there are many, but of space only three. A 3-D you anna 3-D me, munching 3-D apples from a 3-D tree. 3-D up an' 3-D down, 3-D apples to the 3-D ground. 3-D east an' 3-D west, Sir Isaac Newton did his 3-D best. 3-D universe, 3-D math - 3-D projectiles onna 3-D path. 3-D smooth and 3-D rough; 4-D Einstein singin' "Three ain't enough." 4-D amplifier and 4-D gear, singin' 4-D lyrics into 3-D ears. 4-D guitar an' 4-D strings. Albert's 4-D song about 4-D things. 3-D professors onna 3-D jag, stuffin 4-D physics in a 3-D bag. If yer lookin' for a message in here, it's of 4-D headaches from a 3-D beer. 3-D professors tellin' 3-D lies, gettin' 3-D money for the Nobel Prize. 3-D scientists onna 3-D pension, refusing to recognize, space-time gravity is the 4th dimension. (Variations on this vignette appear elsewhere on the net. Copyright 1979, by K. B. Robertson. All rights reserved. With proper accreditation, may be reproduced for educational purposes.) Dear Mr. Alber: R.S.V.P. Thank you for reading this missive. Sincerely, K. B. Robertson
  3. I recently posted the following dissertation in 'Do You Have A New Theory?' I hope consequently that it is not disqualified as a 'double post', since it's propriety here as it relates to the issued 'open letter' regarding quantum mechanics may redeem itself. Professor Paul Dirac's proposed anti-particle (electric charge, referred to as a 'particle') and its proposed explosion upon contact with a conventional 'particle' (electric charge), may be an ongoing event constituting the status quo of reality as we experience it... Consider a sphere such as a macrocosmic planet, the sun, or a microcosmic system such as an electron 'particle' (electromagnetic charge). Each generates a familiar, spiderweb shaped electromagnetic field, wherein the magnetic portion of that field emanates in a northerly direction from the north pole of the issued sphere, loops around it in a circular motion which suddenly is traveling in a southerly direction upon reaching and passing the ecliptic middle of the issued sphere. Whereupon the continuing loop completes a full circle around the planet, sun or electron that generates, maintains and sustains it; said magnetic field then entering the southern pole of it's given system of origin (planet, star, electron) to resume a northerly direction through the axial center of and relative to the polar system at issue. This described dynamic represents an ongoing cyle of magnetism generated by and emanating from, around, and back into the system that generates, maintains and sustains it. The sphere itself, en toto, is stablized by a magnetic field which is constantly moving in opposite directions - northerly out of, then looping around to a southerly course, and back into and through the core of the issued spherical entity in a northerly direction, ad infinitum. The reverse of directions - from north to south - occurs at the ecliptic (equatorial bisection) of the issued, spherical electron, planet or star Each given system is also emitting electrical energy in straight lines at right angles from the ('particle') system that the circular magnetic field is parallel to. These magnetic directional reversals and electric discharges may causatively correspond to the occurrence of observed - right angle emitted - quantum emissions. In the four dimensional setting that Einstein has assigned to all material systems; these two (northern and southern) hemispheres are bonded with while oppositely interacting with each other ('as anti-particles'), apparently resulting in the Dirac-predicted explosion, constituting nothing less than the omnidirectional expansion of 4-D systems; not excluding the relativistic consideration that mass value increases with velocity. (Thank you for reading this missive.This is an unprecedented interpretation of the combined work of Dirac, Planck and Einstein, by K.B. Robertson. More will be said about this later. Constructive criticism, contributions and commentary are respectfully invited. http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kaiduorkhon's forums.
  4. From: RascalPuff (Kaiduorkhon) 12:51 am To: ALL (1 of 1) 3.1 Professor Paul Dirac's proposed anti-particle (electric charge, referred to as a 'particle') and its proposed explosion upon contact with a conventional 'particle' (electric charge) may be an ongoing event constituting the status quo of reality as we experience it... Consider a sphere such as a macrocosmic planet, the sun, or a microcosmic system such as an electron 'particle' (electromagnetic charge). Each generates an electromagnetic field, wherein the magnetic portion of that field emanates in a northerly direction from the north pole of the issued sphere, loops around it in a circular motion which suddenly is traveling in a southerly direction upon reaching and passing the ecliptic middle of the issued sphere. Whereupon the continuing loop completes a full circle around the planet, sun or electron that generates, maintains and sustains it, said magnetic field then entering the southern pole of it's given system of origin to resume a northerly direction through the axial center of and relative to the polar system at issue. This described dynamic represents an ongoing cyle of magnetism generated by and emanating from, around, and back into the system that generates, maintains and sustains it. The sphere itself, en toto, is stablized by a magnetic field which is constantly moving in opposite directions - northerly out of, then looping around to a southerly course, and back into and through the issued spherical entity, ad infinitum. The reverse of directions - from north to south - occurs at the ecliptic (equatorial bisection) of the issued, spherical electron, planet or star Each given system is also emitting electrical energy at right angles from the system that the magnetic field is parallel to. These directional reversals and discharges may correspond to the occurrence of quantum emissions. In the four dimensional setting that Einstein has assigned to all material systems, these two hemispheres are oppositely interacting with each other ('as anti-particles'), resulting in the Dirac-predicted explosion, constituting nothing less than the omnidirectional expansion of 4-D systems; not excluding the consideration that mass increases with velocity. (This is an unprecedented explanation of the combined work of Planck, Dirac and Einstein. More will be said about this later. Copyright by K.B.Robertson 2/2007 and 12/'79). Further info accessible at http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie
  5. The above provided URL is outdated and updated to http://forums.delphiforums.com/AlbertTheAxe
  6. The above provided URL is out dated and updated to http://forums.delphiforums.com/AlbertTheAxe
  7. The above listed URL is updated to http://forums.delphiforums.com/AlbertTheAxe
  8. What kids, dogs & guns too often have in common is that they control their owners rather than conversely. Whaddaya think of that observation? What does this portend in the larger picture of people and society? What might be learned from this unfortunate fact? Are there some people who just never will catch on, regarding these subjects and their common lessons? Any suggestions on improvement and educational procedures or approaches?
  9. In a proposed physically expanding universe, yesterday's square mile is smaller than today's, and today's square mile is smaller than tomorrow's, ad infinitum. Yesterday's sixty miles per hour is slower than today's sixty miles per hour, is slower than tomorrow's sixty miles per hour. A diagrammatic model of constant physical expansion can be represented by a pie chart shape < with the intersection of the two lines representing the smaller past (moment A) , while physical reality moves - expands - from left to right (----->A--->,B--->,C) - the middle of the pie chart representing larger moment B, with the widest portion as moment C (ad infinitum). The same square mile (on earth, in a physically expanding universe) occuring ever more largely - maintaining its relative density - at different moments in time. In this setting, yesterday's sixty miles per hour is slower than today's sixty miles per hour, and today's slower than tomorrow's. Accordingly, the speed of light at moment A (yesterday) is slower than today's, and today's is slower than tomorrows, while, the speed of light is constant, relative to the coordinate system from which it originates and with which it is associated. The value of space determines the value of time and the C of E=MC2. Another way of perceiving this is, that the value of time is determined by the value of space it - time/motion - occurs in. The continuum of change maintains the constant. The earth and everything upon and within it at moment A is much smaller and more dense than the same relatively enlarged earth at moment B (when compared with itself at the earlier moment), just as moment B earth will be relatively much larger and less dense at moment C, when compared with itself at moment B. Inhabitants of this earth are in a uniform process of enlargement they remain unaware of, because their entire physical environment, along with themselves maintains a uniformly changing density and size. There is no contradiction of the law of conservation of mass energy, because it's the same amount of energy distributing itself over an ever increasing volume of space. The relatively larger, slower moving people at moment C, are unaware of the constant change in their size and corresponding change of time standards, relative to the relatively smaller, correspondingly more dense, faster moving people (themselves) at earlier moments B and A. Is this not - among other relativistic considerations - a reasonable scenario of time dilation, non-absolute space-time, and the celeritas constant, and if not, why not?
  10. Dear Elas: You just summed up the status quo in transitional physics today: "There seems to be considerable misunderstanding of the current state of our knowledge of physics." Dark matter. Gravitons. String Theory. The list of tachyons, leprechans and put ons goes on and on... Most of the so called 'new age physics' is frantically straight faced, straw grasping hypotheses... Including the so called 'big bang theory' - which is an hypothesis, and a very poor one at that (there is no common center from which the observed expanding universe, expands. This is not the signature of an explosion. It is the signature of a repellng force in accordance with Newton's laws of 'attractive force', but acting in the opposite direction). We often hear of Einstein's abandonment of his Cosmological Constant; we do not hear that he was back to working on it until his passing in 1955 at Princeton. There's more to this of course. A lot of it is TOTAL FIELD THEORY at http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie Thank you and yours for being, and for reading this missive.
  11. On and off topic in accordance with Martin's address to darkangel. To point out that with an apostrophe d'archangel means 'of the arch angel'.
  12. "The Mt. Wilson astronomer, Carl Sandage, found that stars in a cluster called NGC 188 appeared to be at least 24 billion years old. 'We are in trouble', said Sandage... for the earth could certainly be younger than the universe, but if the universe has been expanding at the present rate for 24 billion years, it would seem that it should be more spread out than it is. So the astronomers have a new problem to resolve." - Isaac Asimov, THE INTELLIGENT PERSON'S GUIDE TO SCIENCE, p. 49-50 Asimov states in the same discussion on the only recently discovered 'expanding universe': "Astronomers have now generally accepted the fact of this expansion, and Einstein's 'field equations' of his General Theory of Relativity can be construed to fit an expanding universe." - Isaac Asimov, THE INTELLIGENT PERSON'S GUIDE TO SCIENCE, p. 49
  13. I have a generalised new perspective on - re-cognition of a series of relatively old - tried and true theories; where the mathematics and predictions are already well established. That is, the required predictions and mathematical confirmations are already in place as the status quo in contemporary theoretical and astrophysical science. http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie
  14. Dear zeropointquarklinda: the first url is a crtique on Einstein by a guy named Hutchison, who, uhm, speaks for himself.Compliments of 'bascule', of Science Forums and Debate - SFN, http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/hutchison/050128 The following URL clicks on to TOTAL FIELD THEORY, by Yours Truly http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie A pop-up ad may occur on the first click of the above URL, after X'ing that out, a second click takes you there.
  15. Dear zeropointquarklinda: the first url is a crtique on Einstein by a guy named Hutchison, who, uhm, speaks for himself.Compliments of 'bascule', of Science Forums and Debate - SFN, http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/hutchison/050128 The following URL clicks on to TOTAL FIELD THEORY, by Yours Truly http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie
  16. It was '66 or '67, when the front cover of TIME magazine announced GOD IS DEAD, in those words, covering the entire front page. Of course the feature article was on theology and contingencies. The idea of a personal God that looks after some and rejects others (for ambiguous reasons in either case) is a cruel hoax on anyone desperate enough to put their 'faith' in it. There may be a God, and there may be a hereafter, where there is justice, whereas, unless all victims are to be held responsible for their victimization - 'Or else God would have prevented the victimization - the victimized person must have had it coming and God was meting out 'payback'... That mentality is commonplace... Unless 'god' is responsible for all of what happens in this realm (THE SAVAGE GOD), there ain't no such God, which is different from saying 'God Is Dead' - it's more like he, she or it isn't merged with by or within a mortal form, and the generalized religious concept of God is bonkers. There is no guarantee of justice or mercy in the mortal realm, obviously. This realm is indeed 'the devil's playground'. Justice and mercy does happen here, but it's the exception rather than the rule. What's happening here is not 'God's Plan' - if you believe it is, you deserve to be subordinate to a policy of intimidation, limitless cruelty and injustice as it is the dominant paradigm rising far above those who are faithfully stopped to smell the flowers and counting their blessings in the midst of what does indeed appear to be the last days - brought by mankind upon mankind, not by God upon mankind. Moral: Don't blame past present and future holocausts on 'God'. Try the Hollywood entertainment industry and it's mega death speaking, industrial 'sponsors', you know, the CEO captains of industry that own congress, the senate and the so called White House. The petroleum industry. The weapons industry. All of those who profit from mass chaos, confusion and suffering, and all of those who worship those dominant paradigms while making a policy of blaming it on the innocent public and/or 'God' (Seig!).
  17. http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie
  18. James Van Allen - discovered the inner - magnetic field -belt in the late '50's. Early satellites proved the outer belt. There is controversy as to when and by whom the outer belt was discovered - via Russian satellite, or American.
  19. "The value of time is covariant with the value of space it occurs in. The covariance of space-time coordinate systems accomodates that the speed of light varies from place to place and time to time, but that is it always constant (C - Celeritas Constant) relative to the coordinate system from which it originates and with which it is associated." In the 4-D space-time continuum, yesterday's speed of light is slower when compared to today's, and today's speed of light is slower when compared to tomorrow's; while the speed of light remains constant at any given moment on and within - relative to - any given coordinate system. (Refer, the dynamics of and solutions to 'optical - event - horizon' & 'Olber's paradox') - K.B. Robertson, GRAVITY, ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM are the 4th, 5th & 6th Dimensions. The Reinstatement of Einstein's Presently Abandoned Unified Field - Steady State - Theory (Aka, TOTAL FIELD THEORY: The Big Bang Theory is Wrong. Entropic 'Heat Death' is a Myth) http://forums.delphiforums.com/EinsteinGroupie
  20. Dear Bettina: Hope you don't mind my asking. Have you ever been diagnosed (also) with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD, as defined in DSM IV - Diagnostic Symptoms Manual, edition 4)? Even if you're not familiar with the reference book - has any professional therapist ever so diagnosed you? Best regards to You and Yours. "Please take control of your life, because, if you don't, sure as hell, somebody else will". - Solamente Marie D'Angelico
  21. If the 1st Law of Psychiatry really is 'Never encourage unusual behavior', doesn't that exclude the accomplishments and contributions of a lot of unusually behaving people? It can and sometimes is said that humankind would be better off without any kind of technological development and that may be true, but we're where we are, under the impingent circumstances, for better and/or worser, and if the 1st Law of Psychiatry is 'Never encourage unusual behavior', doesn't that fairly begin with failure to control fire and the innovation of the wheel, for example? (These points are so elementary that even a Geico advertising executive can understand them?) If the 1st Law of Psychiatry is circumspected, is it not true that neither psychology nor psychiatry are sciences and for this reason have no authority to be conjuring - let alone functionally applying - any 'laws'? If the First Law of Psychiatry really is trying to pass itself off as a scientific law, is that not unusual behavior and the pinnacle of duplicty? Is that not insanity, squared? Post Script: 50% of the admitted patient hospital beds in the United States are psychiatric. Refer: insanity factory. Starting with the people in charge? Any further commentary, criticisms, contributions are invited (as long as none of it constitutes or endorses unusual behavior?) Interrogative: How much trouble are we in? Declarative: How much trouble we are in. Everything is impossible. Some things are more impossible than others. "If I knew where it began and ended I'd put everything else in the middle." - R. W. Emerson
  22. Classical Physics is here to stay (even when it's wrong, it has its educational days. T'was ever such). Whenever word goes out that a formerly forsaken Classical concept has made a 'comeback', please recall that in the vast majority of cases, it - the Classical, archaic or passe - was not absent from wherever it had been temporarily abandoned or forgotten (in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd places?). "I'd put everything in the middle if I knew where it all begins and ends". - R.W. Emerson
  23. Can Big Bangology *amend with the imminent reinstatement and return of the Cosmological Constant - Einstein's presently abandoned Unified Field - the Bondi, Gold, Hoyle Steady State theory <Re: 'The material-spatial accelerating universe'>)? *Why must it, or why must it not? How can it, or why can it not? "If I knew where it all started and ended, I'd put everything else in the middle." - R. W. Emerson
  24. After recently receiving several introductory notices via email from SFN, I gratefully introduce myself as That Rascal Puff. I'm a science writer and author of a number of small press published works on Einstein's relativity and ethnology. Tormod, Turtle, GAHD and others are my former correspondents. The 'Posting Rules' say that I may post new threads, replies, attachments, or edit my posts. I'm not sure whether to do this or not. Uhm. Dear Hearts: Is this a reinstatement, or an error of some kind?
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