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Dear ZeroPoint Quark Linda: Thank you for your request. Unfortunately I do not have permission of the incumbent administrators to refer Readers here (via 'click-on URL' or other URL address) to one chapter - or for that matter the entirety of my condensed version of my 627 page, 45 year, 10 sold out edition, small press, internationally distributed work. I have already been chastized for posting extensive messages, hence I am unable to fulfill your complimentary request. Mr. Bill Hutchinson - EINSTEIN WAS WRONG!! AND EVIL!!! is permitted to be clicked on, but not my work gainsaying his and that of the Final Theory, written by an Australian who begins to parallel my work (feigning ignorance of it) and then perilously breaks away from it into a communications pudding that fails to set up whether its chilled or heated. I do not understand the inequity of allowing Bill Hutchinson's black magic and anti semitism to be clicked on here, while - so far - any such suggestion or action on my part, regarding my work, has been disallowed (there seems to be some sort of an idea that I'm trying to sell what I've sold out ten times and have always freely given away also. It used to be entitled THE NEW GRAVITY, then it went on to being GRAVITY IS THE 4th DIMENSION: Extraterrestrial Physics 101, then GRAVITY, ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM are the 4TH, 5TH & 6th DIMENSIONS: THE NON-MATHEMATICAL REINSTATEMENT OF EINSTEIN'S PRESENTLY ABANDONED UNIFIED FIELD: THE BIG BANG THEORY IS WRONG: ENTROPIC HEAT DEATH IS A MYTH. Presently I call it TOTAL FIELD THEORY. It's posted and can be freely accessed, but the predominant management forbids it. Yes. I have a 'new' theory, based on previous non recognitions of the foundations of classic and contemporary physics. But I'm not allowed to connect readers of 'Do You Have A New Theory' to it. :eek Thank you for asking.
what's the exact definition of "matter"
KaiduOrkhon replied to gib65's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
Not large on the fermions, bosons, gluons, tachyeons, musons or leprechauns, etceterayeons, Copenhagen entanglement, foam, dark matter, slits, shotgun pellets, blitz, waves, staves and perhaps too many pinkly smoking barrels of philological raves. I'm sure these emergences of energy need nomenclature; just not so sure about the flocking flippancy. The most enduring definition known to these old fashioned parameters is: "Matter is that which occupies three or more dimensions of space-time; disallows the simultaneous occupation of it's space by any 'thing' else, and, opposes a resistance to non uniform motion" - meaning, if it's matter, it's gotta have negative and positive inertia. Not sure, but it sounds like in your concept of matter stops being that once it's no longer an element, and after it's reduced to what elements are made up of, which is of course, sub-atomic, so called 'particles'.. 'So called', because until further notice, all the particle slingers are projecting is charges of electricity having no distinct boundaries. Electrons, protons, and even neutrons - all charges, positive, negative or neutral. The billiard ball concept is rotated completely off the slate as far as I know. The 'charge of electricity' fulfills the above definition, even when it's an electron or proton. I dunno about the rest of that stuff. The electrical charge is without a discontinuous surface defining it's seperation from surrounding space. The surfaceless charge just gets more dense as you approach it's center. Short of fission, it doesn't look like the center of any of the sub-atomic particles is getting reached, if it's getting got to at all. It looks like the center of a sub atomic charge is as challenging to reach, as is the outside parameters of the macrocosmic universe (Is finite <in space>, but unbounded <in time> - Einstein) Fission after all being the 'splitting of atoms', not necessarily the splitting of subatomic particles. Then you got Planck's constant h - photons. It sounds like, so far, distinguishing matter from mass. I always gathered they were inseperable. Hope this helps some. Interesting - thought provoking -interrogatory. Think I'll just listen as more cogent information may be (ahem) fielded here, before the next atomic or sub atomic inning. A TOTAL FIELD THEORY guy, here. - That Rascal Poof, Aka Kaiduorkhon "If it moves, it is." - Einstein ('There is no space empty of field' - Ibid) -
Hoping this information corroborates the edifications of J'Dona, Severian and anyone else who couldn't agree with them more, including Truly Yours. An introduction to an introduction: THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS. by Professor Frank Pajares, as remarkably condensed by Thomas S. Kuhn. An advised required reading to anyone interested in and/or involved in any of the sciences, particularly pragmatic and theoretical physics. With kudos to Mr. David DubinaSix, of Alaska (nor is this the first riveting package of information that Mr. Six has forwarded to this record ) This same URL clicker occurs near the close of this dissertation on TOTAL FIELD THEORY. If you don't enjoy snowboarding, skiiing, ice or rollerskating, golf or baseball, horseback riding, hockey - or reality in general - you can probly skip this intro to the introduction (It Requires High School Reading Skills - far more challenging than TV GUIDE, for example...) Otherwise, please relax. Clear your mind, and, arm yerself with a large container of popcorn and/or chips and a non-alcoholic beverage (You may slide 'n glide, sea 'n ski, earth, wind and fire when ready, Skidly?). http://www.des.emory.edu/mfp/kuhnsyn.html This URL sometimes lands on fine print which may be enlarged via clicking on the 'View' mode in the upper left hand corner of your moniter. Adjust 'Text size'. (So easy, even a Geico advertising administrative executive can do it?) The record was inspired to proffer the above (may I say 'riveting') URL, in the spirit of the immediate above quoted message posted by MARTIAN, and the perhaps majority who may agree (Sorta like the chicken soup, that can't hurt any, and, may help?). Thank you for being here, and there. I am gratefully and respectfully, That Rascal Puff, Aka K. B. Robertson. (Of course my TOTAL FIELD THEORY <is not an hypothesis> is not presented here, neither is its URL, though it is, in my humble estimation, completely ingenous and germane as an issue in this thread. With permission of the adminstrators <including J'Dona and Severian?>, it would be an honor and a privilege to bring one chapter of my book to this thread, and, should it not meet the administrations requirements, it follows that it won't be posted for very long if at all. I request this opportunity, that those who will, may draw their own conclusions. Thank you - one and all, large and small - once again. - That Rascal Poof )
Update & Review. This inestimably precious thread was originated (It could be said to have been 'discovered', by bascule?) In order to maintain focus on what the locus of controversy orbits, the following information is provided by Mr. Fred Hutchison, via the provided click-on. Mr. Hutchison is not to be underestimated as a model example of freelance theological emporia imposing on the arena of science. The two subjects are not necessarily mutually exclusive. On the other hand the inspiration for bascule's thread - Mr. Hutchison's A CRITIQUE OF EINSTEIN, defines a conversion from science and religion to one of propaganda, perhaps - however inadvertently - having value in how not to do either science or religion. Please note the click-on URL address connection to Mr. Hutchison's inimitable antithesis of the meaning and import of Relativity, The Unified Field, and Albert - One-beer-mug - Einstein, personally. Theology. Science. Philosophy. Mr. Hutchison is a stellar emporium of ad hoc cosmological death camps - where oats, peas, beans, barley, chickens - all manner of human sustenance is 'murdered', thither helter and hither skelter, willy nilly, along with the WW II Japanese Empirical infrastructure and that of the Third Reich and Black Shirt Fascisti. All the while waxing 'evangelism', bell, book & candle. For further definitions and details, kindly defer to Thor (the oxymoronical, evangelical non-sequitur, self-spun into this thread, so far). _______________________________________ Einstein was WRONG!!!!! And EVIL!!! by Fred Hutchison ---------------------------------------------------- bascule's initial entry: "This was so hilarious I just had to share it. I love prudish douchebags who think SR/GR somehow condone moral relativism." http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/hutchison/050128 Quote: A critique of Einstein Fred Hutchinson ______________________ Just a reminder on the initial origin and ontology of this thread. Thank you for only humanly being here - and there also. - That Rascal Poof (Etceteras)
One-beer-mug ein stein Thor Science Forums & Debate WELCOME HOME, Maestro Fred Hutchison (& Co): ( All kudo's to Bascule <Inc.>, continued Thor - Message #44: “GR/SR actually do condone moral relativism and thanks to Dr. onebeermug (ein stein), in 1945 the U.S. became the first country to technically murder mass to commit mass murder.” _________________________________ By the usage of the ‘technical murder of mass’ you apparently mean human induced nuclear fission (‘splitting the atom’, causing a ‘chain reaction’). Other schools of disciplined thought call your clever manipulation ‘transposition of contexts’; it’s usually related to the adage: ‘Numberless are the apparently reasonable conclusions that are otherwise based on a false premise.’ You would attribute anthropomorphic values of life to the inanimate - in this case, the nucleus of a ‘split’ atom. Bequeathing that transition to the human translation of ‘murder’. Extrapolating your established course of values, all of the stars in the sky are great homicidal theaters of nuclear fission; certainly including the nearest - medium sized - star, our Sun. A universal process of nuclear reaction is ubiquitously found in Nature, as specified. Your transition of contexts is duly noted - quick to call Nature a mass murderer and pass that monstrous interpretation on to whomever may be ‘Evangelistically’ inspired enough to imbibe and thrive in your miasma. Mr. Fred Hutchison’s dissertation begins on the shakey premise of a ‘strong implication’, for example; by that I mean the subject of moral relativism that you’ve apparently teamed up with him on. Mr. Hutchison begins his tirade - A CRITIQUE OF EINSTEIN - with the early premise that Einstein’s work ‘sends the message that all things are relative in the cosmos, with the strong implication that the realms of morality, truth and culture are relative. I dissent.” (Oh-ke) Your message #47 - “You have a point”, in response to ‘the tree’: message #45, seems only to make ‘the tree’s’ point, all the more photosynthetically poignant. Under the handle of ‘Thor’, your postings on Mr. Hutchison’s side of the political river he’s introduced, smack of a self contradictory pantheistic (Unevangelical) dualism that belies what may be a dualistic identity, finding you and Mr. Hutchison one and the same argumentive element (Lon Chaney?). It is difficult to engage with much solemnity an argument which blithely walks through Einstein’s greatest achievements, as though fathoming the universe from his desk and blackboard is not as valid an approach to further understanding as any other type of expeditionary endeavor... Hutchison says it himself, indeed, Einstein did provide the leads, and for the most part, indeed, he did let the experimentalists do the ‘mopping up’ for him. In most cases, finding an optically smooth surfaced polish and reflection right where Einstein computed it would be. When Hutchison speaks of ‘Parallel lives’ of Spinoza and Einstein, leaning heavily on their Judaistic heritage, I may only wonder that he hasn’t taken note that the indoor cerebral methods of Newton were parallel to those of Einstein. Si. You and/or Mr. Hutchison may or not have heard of or be familiar with the works of Jeremy Rifkin, who is the author of several splendid books, one of which isn’t all that marvelous, entitled ‘ENTROPY’. Now. You wanna talk moral relativism - transpositing the context of the inanimate to the anthropomorphic, that title is certainly even more worthy than your proposal that gross inanimate mass can be or is ‘murdered’. How seriously can anyone be taken who proclaims “Gravity on earth has nothing to do with vortexes, whirlpools or warps in the space-time continuum”. / “Einstein’s gravity has no effect on the atomic level and a negligible if any effect on a baseball”.? “Einstein cheats.” “Plug figures”. Empty academic allusions to Descartes, Kant and Quantum Mechanics - as though Einstein’s continuous field theory isn’t soluble in the discontinuity of Planck’s constant h. There limited space in the incumbent format to take qualified difference with you, Thor, and/or Mr. Hutchison (Inc). Though you are invited to draw your own conclusions after perusing Einstein’s non mathematically translated Unified Field Theory at http://einstein.periphery.cc/, and http://forums.delphiforums/kaiduorkhons forums, where you may log in and select TOTAL FIELD THEORY on the menu. (Get back to us on that, won’t you?) Covetous flushing of the very reason ‘water going down the drain forms a whirlpool’ - convulute 'plugs' of explanation in molecular realms of mysterious dynamics; without a thought of explaining the inertial effects of a spinning earth and the fact that the whirlpooling drainwater moves clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere (going straight down the drain at the equator). It does relate to gravity as all phenomenon and existential conditions inevitably do, but the lecture on spiral shapes and vortexes favors the very premises Mr. Hutchison is trying to discredit. Spinoza’s God and that of Einstein is an existential God, not a personal taskmaster, supervisor, coach or guardian angel. A personal God otherwise allows - if not wills - all the collateral human damage and intercine casualties of injustice and tragedy on earth. Ostensibly a concept of a personal God is optional, but religion, like politics - objectively speaking - has little and nothing to do with science (In the first, second and third places: squared...) “It is high time for physics to outgrow Einstein.” It sounds like you’ve been swinging around on the branches of the tree’s legacy, Mr. Hutchison. (Inc.) Just what sort of gravity - and tree - is it then, that grows you out and brings you down from the hominid high times? Thunderously bolted to yer own war worshipping hammer it is then. Apparently, TIME magazine’s PERSON OF THE CENTURY rully scratched yer simian dandruff? For more detail on the futility of anyone blaming Einstein for E=MC2, you may - or not - check out messages #31 & 32 on this thread, by Truly Yours (perhaps you dropped something, long before Hiroshima or Nagasaki - like, a heck of a lotta world and scientific history- the inspiration for the Manhatten Project, Tickling the dragon’s tail; the Third Reich’s race to beat us to The Bomb, the fact that the Bomb saved Japanese as well as American lives <having to choose between the lesser of two acknowledged evils> stuff like that... <Peace must be defended. Freedom is not free.>) “There are only two infinities. The universe, and, human stupidity. And, I’m not too sure about the universe.” - One Beer Mug Thank you for reading this missive. - Poof
Where are the dimensions and where are they not? Boundless dimensions of music and thought. Infinite dimensions of cold and of hot. Dimensions of beauty and wine and of thee, occur in spatial dimensions of which there are three. A 3-D you anna 3-D me, munching 3-D apples from a 3-D tree. 3-D up and 3-D down. 3-D apples to the 3-D ground. A 3-D fall anna 3-D 'thump'. 3-D sugar inna 3-D lump. 3-D smooth and 3-D rough. 4-D Einstein singin', 'Three ain't enough'. 4-D guitar and 4-D strings. Albert's 4-D song about 4-D things. 4-D amplifier and 4-D gear, singin' 4-D music into 3-D ears. 3-D professors onna 3-D jag, stuffin' 4-D physics inna 3-D bag. If you're lookin' for a message in here, it's of 4-D headaches from a 3-D beer. 3-D professors tellin' 3-D lies, gettin 3-D money for the Nobel Prize. 3-D scientists onna 3-D pension, refusing to recognize, gravity is the 4th Dimens ion. Copyright © 1969, '79 & '99, by K.B. - CrazyHorse/ObiWan - Robertson. ..................... Time, motion & gravity equal the 4th dimension. <1x4x9>) For more cost free rhythm and reason, please consider a season that resonantly sings beyond theories of strings. From Euclid's straight line shine to Isaac's golden apple and its geodesic grapple. A catchy little tune that most anyone can croon, by the curved silvery light of Albert's expeditionary moon. Mr. Vanderelli's waking inspiration may yet sweep the sleeping nation at the slightest provocation. An unrecognized solution that might start a peaceful revolution. Big Bang Gangology’s further confirmation of their favorite libation - more denial and debate with the orphaned steady state. Behold Albert's resurrected smart bomb with enduring aplomb. Leaves all the buildings and people intact; takes 4-D space-time to get them back on track.
TOTAL FIELD THEORY (Including Quantum Mechanics and 'Particles')
KaiduOrkhon replied to KaiduOrkhon's topic in Speculations
Playing Black Sabboth Backwards & Seeing God. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Viva El Bascule! (Sir.) With that many exclamation points and a CPA status, how could Mr. Fred (Simmering Saucily?) Hutchinson be wrong, or evil? Speaking for myself and I am sure many others likewise lacking the courage to disagree with this ostensibly omnipotent authority, I am overwhelmed by his expertise and comprehension of Einstein's Semite twisted ravings. Thank you for reading this missive. Sincerely, K.B. Robertson World's #1 Einstein Groupie Apprentice to Albert - The Axe - Einstein. The Last Man Standing (Aegis to the Great EuroAsian Continental Green Grass RiverDragon.) Vini Vici Entiendo __________________ Subedai Bahadur (Aka The White Mongol) 02-12-2006, 03:53 PM #32 KaiduOrkhon Quark Join Date: Jan 2003 Location: Santa Cruz, CA Posts: 27 God does not change history, but, people do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote: Originally Posted by 'reverse': And yet you cant get past the fact that the terror of the world (Atomic missiles) can call Uncle Albert …well, Uncle Albert. Japan got the brunt of it.. countries this very day are invaded to preempt it. That is quite an EVIL legacy. (and my momma said that evil is as evil does). ________________________ Apparently this is in agreement with Mr. Fred Hutchinson's edict that Einstein was not only WRONG!!!!!, but also EVIL!!!! Well. Wrong he - Einstein - may be on any number of finer points, though in many popularly alleged cases of would-be corrections of Einstein's work, it is resolved that the contentions to his work - and sometimes himself, personally, such as the included factor of Mr. Hutchinson's attack - are falsely grounded: characteristically due to a basic misunderstanding of Uncle Albert's work, resulting in an ersatz 'correction' that, is, with no puns intended, 'irrelevant'. Generally speaking, certainly Einstein's work has known its share of proper and well founded refinements; the same may be said of the works of Newton, which in fact were not at all disproven or contradicted by Einstein, but, rather, refined - moderated, fine tuned; placed in a more focused perspective. Such refinement is predictably and very nearly inevitable as regards the vantagepoint of future scrutinization corresponding to advancements in technology and scientific methods. There may be no major contributor to science who has not been to one degree or another, 'corrected' with any number of proper and acknowledged correct refinitions of any given major contribution and contributor. There flourishes a wide array of pro and con Einstein schools of thought and thinkers. 'The Special and General Theory have been abundantly attacked and criticized; allegations that they are wrong and proved to be wrong are not unusual. The Unified Field - Cosmological Constant/Lambda - may be the most favored issue of those who would take difference with Einstein. Se la vie. Reviewing and questioning the status quo in just about any discipline, certainly - if not especially - the established principles of physical science is a commendable preoccupation; a very important part of what true science is (supposed to be) all about. The fact remains that the findings and achievements of Einstein, however flawed remain at the status quo foundations of modern physical science, until further notice: along with those of contributors since the time of Democritus, Aristothenes and earlier, certainly including the more recent contributions of Bruno, Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Maxwell and Einstein (to name a few). Mr. Hutchinson has candidly proclaimed Einstein to be wrong and openly offered his reasons for disagreeing with Uncle Albert's (terminologically endeared) personage, as well as his works. Likewise, Mr. Hutchinson has proclaimed Einstein to be evil and openly offered his reasons for passing these morality based judgements. It is well known that Einstein bashing - no more than scientific quackery, anti-semitism and wide spectrum bigotry at large, is not a new strategy for attempting to empower - or drawing attention to - one's self, neither is it an unusual social recreation. Efforts to gain notariety by employed methods of association; reaffirming Einstein is often no where near as noted as disagreeing with him. Many so called 'arguments' with his work are based on a false premise, wherein the contender literally doesn't understand what he triumphantly or agonizingly disagrees with. This is true of many besieged works besides those of Einstein. Not incomparable to the fairly new trend of would-be, patently charleton psychics who have graduated from table levitation, mass hypnosis and crowd mesemerisation regarding placebo ESP, facilitating alleged communications or other supernatural contact with perished persons 'on the other side'... Whereas, The New Age charleton (a blight on true psychics, the category of whom this record has no doubt do indeed possess or otherwise access or control truly extrasensory powers) specializes in making 'contact' and 'receiving messages' from Harry Houdini, Buster Crabbe, Mae West, Charlie Chaplin, Hedda Hopper, James Dean, Michael Todd, Jayne Mansfield, Joe E. Brown, Marilyn Monroe, and/or Elvis Presley (etceteras)... Einstein trashers. Extrasensory super-star flashers. Big splashers. Same Same. Einstein was WRONG. All the more impact when followed up with a passel (!!!!!!) of exclamation p'oinks. Not quite competitive quality for Howard - ShockJocking - Sternism, but giving it the same sirius satellite network broadcasting, blasphemous effort (on the http://www.net). Hey. Einstein was not only wrong, he was EVIL (!!!!!)... A rundown on that fizzle would only be a close approximation what's already understood by the majority of Readers, as above-reviewed. ___________ Quote (Worth repeating): Originally Posted by 'reverse': And yet you cant get past the fact that the terror of the world (Atomic missiles) can call Uncle Albert …well, Uncle Albert. Japan got the brunt of it.. countries this very day are invaded to preempt it. That is quite an EVIL legacy. (and my momma said that evil is as evil does). ______________________ Passing in Review: Unsurpassable fact of atomic missile terrified world affectionately calls Uncle Albert.. well, Uncle Albert. Seque to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the dark cloud of threat suspended over the world ever since That is quite an EVIL legacy. Momma said that evil is as evil does. A.) Albert Einstein is no more responsible for the outset of atomic power used to make weapons of mass destruction than Aristotle is responsible for the collapse of Greek culture due to civil wars. B.) He did reply to a letter sent to him by President F.D. Roosevelt, who inquired of Einstein, whether he thought a weapon could be jerry rigged out of the findings of Special and General Relativity (SR in particular). He (Einstein) did reply that he considered it a real possibility and recommended that a program of producing an atomic - fissle - weapon - should be seriously considered and pursued. This recommendation (lead to the Top Secret 'Manhatten Project', of the 'Tennesee Valley Authority'), along with several other urgent issues, including the fact that the Nazi's were working on the development of a nuclear weapon (via the production of Deuterium <re: 'Heavy Water' - H-30> - since prior to the involvement of the U.S. in W.W.II (of the early '40's). A. and B. are to clarify that: Einstein did not invent nuclear weaponry, and, if the United States had not beat Hitler's Third Reich in the race to develop atomic weapons, the entire world - whatever may have been left of it - would have been under the dictatorial, racist, sexist, war and violence mongering power of the heirs to Der Fuher's estate, scheduled as en perpetuatem for one thousand years. C.) Long before the 12.7/'41 attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese; since 1931, expansionist Japan was pillaging, raping and burning massive areas of eastern China, which, at that time had not significantly adopted or engaged modern industry or technology and lacked a coordinated government;while it did have the natural and human resources that Japan was forcefully and superviolently taking from China. As a relatively small country with a relatively very high population, Japan had the choice of joining world commerce in obtaining what resources she needed through peaceful world trade, or engaging in expansionist warfare in order to steal resources she did not otherwise have. She chose - or was obedient to the command to choose - acquirement of what she needed, by initiating warfare on massive portions of eastern china and southeast Asia, including Burma and the Phillipines. This went on for a full decade, with the *League of Nations - founded by Bertrand Russel, Mahat Maghandi and, yes, (Uncle) Albert Einstein (*later to become the United Nations), constantly and increasingly reminding and admonishing Japan to cease and desist her warfaring expansionism, or, be embargo'd - cut off from world trade - by all members of the League of Nations. Faced with that alternative, Japan chose to escalate her war-making hegemony - pillaging, rapine and purloining of natural resources from massive portions of the eastern Asian continent, and, having made that decision to continue her course of violence, she opted to neutralize the most powerful force in the Pacific (Pearl Harbor's U.S. Naval resources), to insure that she would not be deterred from her monstrous oppression of all of eastern Asia. 'Japan got the brunt of it.' (Is it?) She sure as hell did, and just as it was (allied with) with the Fascist Nazi Third Reich, so it was with Japan. That is to say: it was either us, or them. And: they ('The Iron Axis' of Germany, Japan and Black Shirt Fascisti Italy) started it (In spades). Moreover. Not to blame your contorted translations and revisional history, on your 'momma'. She was as far as can be seen, altogether correct in the advise she favored you with. Whereas, you are very apparently the object lesson that evil is as evil does. My Mama lost three (3) of her brothers in that God forsaken holocaust on both sides of the United States. In the name of those three hallowed soldier, sailor and airman spirits, and 26 and more million other innocents like them, this record and millions - billions - of morally, legally and politically correct agreements with this record, weary of listening to your hand-wringing, whining, complaining, and indignantly laced smugness about who was and was not responsible for the development and employment of atomic weapons; under what (mind boggling) circumstances. (World War II was not Vietnam. Meanwhile, passing the blame on to the United States, and: yo mama, is further proof of the age old adage that 'Not even God can change history; but people can'. <Evil is indeed, as evil does, and, there is no getting past that terrifying fact...> ) This condemnation of Japan and Germany in the issued time frame is not to be confused with the relative innocence of the 2nd and 3rd generations of peoples from either or both of those two countries, at this time. Please convey your sympathetic regard to Dear old Uncle Fred Hutchinson, in the name of all those poor, slavering Samurai impersonators and Nazis, for the tens of millions of (particularly Chinese, Polish, Russian, Jewish, Chec and Yugos - and innummerable other unaccounted for) souls who perished (and continue to suffer in their second and third generations) under their inexcusably rabid, self and countryman imposed - as well as world ravaged - despotism. (Did <May God bless> your <grossly misrepresented> Mama, suggest you don a new wardrobe in place of the flaming duds you're presently and publicly strutting about in? <The seven year old grandson of a dear friend of mine just suggested that you put yourself out, voluntarily, before somone throws you in the nearest lake.>... Having heard this record say it before, the same seven year old added that, it's always a good idea to know what, where, when, how and who you're talking about - and to - before you place your tin can caboose in contention with battleship row.) Thank you for reading this missive. Sincerely, K.B. Robertson (Aka, etceteras). kraziequus@yahoo.com -
TOTAL FIELD THEORY (Including Quantum Mechanics and 'Particles')
KaiduOrkhon replied to KaiduOrkhon's topic in Speculations
Amiable Readers: If anyone happened to notice my chronological absence and my present return, I can only say that I was enchanted by several other threads on SFN, especially the one started by 'bascule', entitled: "Einstein was wrong!!! And evil!!! It's listed under Psuedoscience and Metaphysics topics, but its much more - and less - than that. Truly yours recommends it as prime reading material for all Einstein and/or relativity (& total field) buffs of every description. Bascule didn't author the attempt at a SHOCKING(!!) title, but rather, the work ('Einstein was Wrong!! And Evil!!) is that of a fellow named Fred Hutchinson, who Mr. bascule adroitly dedicated an entire thread to. Fred Hutchinson need be read to be 'believed' and 'bascule' posted the guy, knowing darn well he'd be typographically free fire zoned, which of course he - Hutchinson - precisely and perfunctorily was, and still is, for that matter. (Viva Bascule - somehow knew Fred Hutchinson needed a wider - perhaps 'born again', audience. The issues of the thread frequently parallel those of this thread, is another reason I recommend it, here (and there). _________________ And now, back to our story: "Although the dimension numbers are generally considered to be arbitrary, the 4th dimension is generally considered to be time" - alien The above statement by alien is entirely true. On the other hand, regarding TOTAL FIELD THEORY, the statement 'Gravity is the 4th dimension' does not gainsay - but rather includes - it. That is, time (the interval between two or more events in space, re: 'space-time') is integrated with gravity, as the 4th dimension. Had alien - or J'Dona - read what he apparently refuses to read, he probly wouldn't have made such a point of stating the well established obvious. Moreover, the 'general consideration that the dimension numbers are arbitrary', use to be true, until the unprecedented identification of gravity as the 4th dimension, electricity as the 5th and magnetism as the 6th dimensions. Again, corrections are invited, whereas, this writer requests that his unprecedented, documentary, foundations-of-modern-physics- authenticated work be read, before it is disagreed - or agreed - with. One of a series of published titles by the same author concerning the same evolving work was 'The New Gravity' (Is The 4th Dimension). A total field theory. There is nothing new about Newton's gravity or Einstein's 4-D space-time continuum, except, preeminently supreme proof that they are one and the same. There are several TOTAL FIELD THEORY relevant entries in response to bascule's #1 entry in the SFN Society & Politics thread, EINSTEIN WAS WRONG!! AND EVIL!!! Truly Yours authored a few of them: A 'click on' to bascule's offered (paramountly resourceful) thread (above - http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/hutchison/050128 -) aligns this response more specifically, but here's hoping there's a place for it here (Fred Hutchinson's unarguably head turning: 'Einstein was WRONG!!!! and EVIL!!!!'), also. Greetings, salutations. Howdy & Hallucinations, fellow Campers. For a Singularity thread (it is, isn't it? And more power to it) this (blessed) 'bascule'-administrated site sure has a lotta plurality's in it. (And that is good, no?) ________________ Note of suggestion to to 'rocket jockey' and 'Pham Nuen': you might consider slipping a copy of Alvin Tofler's FUTURE SHOCK, or THE THIRD WAVE, onto the living room coffee table (without any introduction, feigning ignorance of how it appeared in wherever you choose to have it mysteriously pop up in the household. Taking responsibility for placing it may reduce their interest in reading it, if and when they know that's what you wish them to do).... The books were written twenty and more years ago but are no less applicable to the - often alarming - exponential growth of technology and change in global affairs, and accompanying social and cultural impact that eacj of you are apparently - and quite understandably - describing a quandary with, regarding your parents, or the technologically amplified 'generation gap'... _____________________ (Not sure what age group 'alien' is within, but he and his venerable circles may find Tofler's work helpful. There's counsiderable <if marginal> controversy on the 19th green that a lot of younger as well as older folks may be better updated by Tofler's FUTURE SHOCK, and THE THIRD WAVE, as well...) Four! Starting at the beginning subject of this thread on singularities, correct Truly Yours if wrong here, but, isn't that the 18th to 19th transitional Pebble Beach tee-off berm leading to the cross-winded repository on 'black holes'? There's a lot of cul de sac controvesy on that generally mysterious subject is the only sure thing there seems to be on those 1st thru 18th greens corresponding with as many infinitely dense, gravitationally light captivating - Riemannian structured - cups (and then some; re: 'rubber sheet' analogy); complicated and distanced by a lot of dog's legs, water hazards and handicaps. Starting with the parabolic arc from any given sand trap, there's an entire school of Relativists who have named that apparent arc a 'geodesic' and insist that it rully is a straight line, generated by the illusory 'curvature' of the so called (much misinterpreted) 'warping of 4-D space around it'. Thoughtful woody swingers may wonder what I'm doing here in the club house talking like a pro to a mixed group of greenhorns, astute dilletantes and Ph.D's., but we all do have in common until further notice the recently birdied fact that Einstein scored an Eagle when he glided through with what is now accepted as the ubiquitous, all prevailing 4-D space time continuum - including its equation with time and motion, though he never did quite call it gravity, he did connect it directly to the General Principle of Relativity, which is synonymous with gravity, which, in turn, is - ever since - synonymous with acceleration. Took the right and left hand hooks out of the formerly three dimensional drivers; though nobody seems to be altogether sure whether or not the ball is on the fairway or exactly how and where it may be located If it's) in the rough (or a bird's nest?), ever since. Not telepathic here, but I s'pose its reasonable to wonder what the flock I'm doing talking about birdies and eagle's nests and only humanly being tee'd off, that sort of thing, in this introductory department provided by the eternally venerable 'bascule' (of the 'Highlands?) who did after all, root out Mr. Fred - ('Einstein is WRONG <!!!!> and EVIL <!!!!> Hutchinson's doctoral in scientific comedy, burlesque and socio-cultural bigotry, as a contribution to the Smithsonian Institute taxiderical specimens dept. and joined by the company of those who have the Japanese Imperial Dictatorship of 1931 - 1945 'taking the brunt' of what 'momma says', regarding 'evil is as evil does.' (Sheesh) Of course innocent Japanese did - and still do - suffer, that's part of the point that 'REVERSE' impaled his, her or itself with. in 'bascules' release of the charming - Hearts & Minds Winning - Mr. Hutchinson, who exquisitely finds Einstein's theories as fissile weapons of mass destruction. Although this is a thread -TOTAL FIELD THEORY, there's cogent import in some of the responses Mr. Hutchinson evoked and I hope it's okay and educational as well as entertaining to include some of bascule's - Fred Hutchinson celebrating - evocations in this thread. Anyway, speaking of introductions, my rully real name is Kent Benjamin Robertson, Aka etceteras, and unless Dear Reader doesnt' spend much time surfing the net, a cartel of remarkably chain reactionary coordinated 'people' have made me famous 'all over the www' for what they (as self revealed gluttons for self-inflicted masochistic punishment wearing the raimants of sadism and 'rightousness') are individually, collectively and irretractably responsible *for ( - as I am known for being fond of observing): *compromising a sealed can of Whoopaz, clearly and humanely labeled 'Don't Open This'; while chanting: 'Two wrongs don't make a right, but, three or more do!' (Re: 'the 3 body problem', and 'Lagrange L-1 thru L-5', which some Lost Platoons insist proves that there are 'zerp points of energy' in far or near space. Some of these misleading poltroons pack a lot of wallop on - and blackball anyone who disagrees with them -on and off some major forums.) Truly Yours has been made famous in many different ways on as many forums: getting 86'd (banned), for knowing more than my adversaries know I know? (Recent Example: The guy who got in the way of vice president Dick Cheney's lead bird shot had it coming and made the hunting license bereft, administrative V.I.P. do it.) Enough self aggrandizment for the moment of being overwhelmed by the started, fought, won and lost war of - triumphant! - orbsyclied, GAHDly (Omnium moderating) words that prove that a quadruped such as a dog or cat, posseses a fifth leg, which use to be a tail, and how enough people have gathered togther to disagree with Yours Truly: that their democratic vote on this transformation of tail to leg has redefined quadruped anatomy to quintuple anatomy ( 'We can't all be wrong'. So, there?) The Where We Were. Oh yes. Singularities - and before that, Einstein. Bascule (Is it okay to spell yer name with a Capital B, Sir?) admirably and smoothly improvised the opportunity to access readers to this realm (You are here X) featuring discussions on singularities and related issues, from the MotherShip forum on Einstein (Not Fred Hutchinson?). Some forums disallow the 'click-on' opportunity for the Reader to be accessed to another forum, whereas, since Bascule gracefully did so (We: are here X), and in view of the preceding entries who have thence registered and logged themselves in here: by Bascule's administrative leave, I will chance the liberty of accessing whatever interested Reader may wish to scrutinize or otherwise peruse my Home page, before this blog closes from this Introductory entry - my thought being that whomever may not know - whether or not they agree with - my work, may be opportuned to draw their own conclusions, and perhaps, improve, disqualify, augment or reclassify the information therein. (We may or not be what others say we are. We may or not be what we say we are. But, we are what we do - and are not what we don't do.) Yes. There is much talk of singularities - black holes. You know, that place in space that is ever increasingly so dense and gravitationally intense and yet microcosmic that light signals are prevented from escaping its - estimated - yet to be empirically established coordinates. It isn't established for sure that they exist, let alone what causes them. Well. If they exist, Truly Yours has written a (- ten sold out editions of an internationally distributed, small press) book (in the past 45 years), not only on what may be the (non-mathematically comprehensible) cause of black hole singularities, but, also: offers a Relativistic explanation for dynamics at the quantum level, the objective union of the 'discontinuous particle' with the 'continuous field' (the compatible 'waveicle'), as well as the non-mathematical translation of Einstein's Special & General Relativity and the Reinstatement of his Presently Abandoned Unified Field Theory. Why The Big Bang Theory Is Wrong, and, that 'Entropic Heat Death' is a myth... Including the non-mathematically comprehensive explanation for Relativistic 'non-absolute time', and, 'non-absolute space'; 'time dilation', why 'space and time' are inseperable and became recognized as 'space-time', what is the explanation for the relativistic contraction of physical matter in the direction of its motion at a rate proportional to its velocity. The identification of three prevously unrecognized - 4th, 5th & 6th - dimensions. The proof and explanation for the ('Hubble's 'red shift') Spatially Expanding Universe. The reinstatement of the presently abandoned Steady State Theory. The reason all test objects, regardless of their mass value, when dropped simultaneously from the same height, 'descend' at the same rate of acceleration and strike the earth at the same time (contradicting Newton's laws of gravity). Why an apparent parabola described by a horizontally projected test object (baseball, bullet, cannon-ball, etc.) is actually traveling in a straight line 'geodesic'; exactly what causes 'geodesics'. Why Xeno's paradox is not paradoxical, why and how Olber's paradox is not paradoxical and explains and substantiates the relative velocity of light, what is time? what is space? Why the values of time and space vary from place to place and moment to moment. The cause of 'time dilation'. Why the value of time varies with the 4-dimensional coordinate system from which it originates and with which it is associated. What causes 'refraction'? Then, there are newly presented, unresolved issues of so called 'entanglement' and 'how one photon on this side of the universe knows of and identifies with an apparent counterpart photon, 'on the othe side of the universe'. Whereas, it seems to this (Gravity, Electricty & Magnetism are the 4th 5th & 6th Dimensions: Non-mathematical Reinstatement of Einsteing Presently Abandoned - Steady State - Universe (etceteras) author, to be intimately bound up in what is sometimes colloquially called 'parallel universes'... More specifically resolved by Truly Yours as a manifestation of 'bilateral symmetry' and 'bi-polarity' - two examples of ubiquitous universal entities associated with the existence of any physical entity - from the torus shaped magnetic field moving out of the north end of a macrocosmic objects, such as the earth, or a microcosmic entity, such as an electron... Whereupon, such magnetic field generated by and constantly emitting from (bipolar) north end, circles round to re-enter the 'bottom'; 'southern pole' of the bi-polar system - planet; electron; star; travels upward; 'northward' thorugh the central core, to exit the north pole of that system, circle round it to re-enter the south pole, ad infinitum. This also - in a 4-D space-time continuum - seems to account for the previously unexplained relativistic increase in mass value corresponding with increased velocity. (There's a lot more where this came from, and plenty to go around for whomeover may wish to improve, disprove, augment, correct, applaud, question, or otherwise comment on it, on the menu slection TOTAL FIELD THEORY, at http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kaiduorkhons forums and the menu selection on Einstein's work and the Unified Field, at http://einstein.periphery.cc/ kraziequus@yahoo.com "Nothing is ever accomplished by a committee unless it consists of three members, one of whom happens to be sick and the other absent." - Hendrik Willem Van Loon "If science were a democracy, or a committee, the universe would still be revolving around the earth every 24 hours." - H. L. Mencken. (And here's a few for Mr. Fred Evangelical - 'Evil is as wrongness insists' -) Hutchinson. <With all kudo's to the catalytically cavalier - Hoot mon - Bascule>) "Prejudice and bigotry save a lot of time, because you can form and defend an opinion without the facts." - Anonymous "The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of an eye; the more light you pour into it, the more it will contract." "Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and spindrifts." - Ben Hecht "Reality is dismissed, for lack of evidence." - Kent Benjamin Robertson "Only the universe and human stupidity are infinite. And I'm not so sure about the universe." - Einstein Thank you for reading this missive. Sincerely, Kent Benjamin Robertson Aka The White Mongol, Mystic Horse World's #1 Einstein Groupie Apprentice to Albert - The Axe - Einstein The Last Man Standing Aegis of the Great Continental EuroAsian Green Grass RiverDragon __________________ Subedai Bahadur (Aka The White Mongol) -
The Official "Introduce Yourself" Thread
KaiduOrkhon replied to Radical Edward's topic in The Lounge
SaSke private messaged yer 37 and bird like fly but not fly like bird. -
The Official "Introduce Yourself" Thread
KaiduOrkhon replied to Radical Edward's topic in The Lounge
Lepton Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: Auckland, New Zealand Posts: 0 hey that guy in ur avata is frm "death note" isnt it?? ________________________________________ Ya. it mkes 2 " " n'ow. NewZeaxCanadaconeXXion. 11 months of AA koded konTempt. Ave#2atesitePaswrd. Trans'helback-equatory. Demands rite 2.2 AA dbl 'death note' jury trials. Eel ave is way- X-ray. We'l see'l. (Nadie poder cojer el cajones. Immuno a le 'n carcero.) appy returns on new # 1-667 stalking grounds. Jck zes velcom b'AckAk. -
The Official "Introduce Yourself" Thread
KaiduOrkhon replied to Radical Edward's topic in The Lounge
From: That Rascal Puff (Kaiduorkhon) 1:04 am To: ALL Of Justice: "Do not wait for the last judgement. It takes place every day." - Albert Camus "May your nearly prepared breakfast toast always land butterside up." - That Rascal Puff Fully aware that any staffer may crisply gaffe this post from its placement here in the Intro department of SFN, humble scribe may only hope this protean public message may serve the casual interest, if not the recreation, studied probity - or education - of whomever may honor it with the equity of a simple browse, perusal or scan. For more seasoned forumites and arbiters, it may be recognised and amenably qualifed not only as a tenably continuing introduction, but also a progressive rounding off and closure of a marathon if figurative, microcosmic socio-political collapsation, and moral disentanglement. 27.1 (*NOTE: It is a crime punishable by imprisonment, fine, or both, to falsely replicate or alter any legal records such as those presented in the following documentary. <This post was installed 22 February 2006 Wednesday. Narrative subject to revision or amplification.>) GREETINGS: Due to long standing, increasingly pejorative, here and gone; zig-zag; now you see it, now you don't - blight on the world wide web and the internet, the following documentary message is proffered as a Public Service. Allowing the Reader to draw - activate or recreate - her or his own conclusions. Although many persons and circumstances are responsible for inspiring - if not requiring - the posting of the below delivered documentary messages (There's much more where they came from; originating in as many stations of authority), one Brian Kirk Parquette ('Bkparque', and the <'square baby' changing> company that keeps him <'Ver7ein'>), since December 1999, is (sometimes anonymously; or impersonating someone else) at the center source of - and the inspiration for - the http://www.net peppered revilements (diatribe, put-downs, gotcha's, false rumor mongering, muck making, name calling, hook, sinker 'n line stealing, merit parroting, impotently preponderant, self rescindent, orifice retentive, bell book & candle plagiarizing, stuck-fixated beezlebub finger pointing, prevarication stationed, sadomasochistic-narcissisistic, call to sessions on 'reverse confession' obsession < r squared multi-dimentia [absolute ground zero free fire zoning, dragon's tail tickling, flash pointing, massively critical], fissile pi [carrying itself out to it's last high resolution hacked out fractal decimal p'oink] > ) AT ISSUE, HERE: TO WHOMEVER IT MAY CONCERN (Be they foreign, or domestic...) *Asterisked <* > parenthetical inclusions in the following statements are refinations of the author, K. B. Robertson <Record keeper>.) ________________________________________________ To: From: Columbia Heights District Police Kent B. Robertson Chief Stuart Anderson 114 Maple St. #2 559 Mill Street NorthEast Santa Cruz, CA. Columbia Heights, Minnesota 95060 55421 20 February 1991 Wednesday Dear Chief Anderson: This letter represents an urgent inquiry in search of possible records confirmation that may exist in your department’s files, contingent to an ongoing federal suit concerning a nearly thirty year old, extant series of ongoing, conspiratorial pedophile felonies; originating in the early ‘60s and continuing to the date of this writing. Mr. Bruce Robertson, a defendant in ongoing litigation, alleges that he wrote a letter of complaint to your department Police Chief, in late 1964, regarding the allegory rape of his four year old daughter, by one juvenile, Michael Jensen, of Columbia Heights (Mpls) Minnesota. This letter of complaint was in fact seen by several (currently) affirming witnesses in 1964, but there is no confirmation that it was ever sent-to or received-by, your department. Mr. Bruce Robertson’s return address at the time he says he wrote this letter of complaint to your then-incumbent Police Chief, was 1624 Iris Street, Denver/Lakewood, Colorado. The letter alleged that the subjected rape had occurred some six months earlier, under your jurisdiction in the Columbia Heights District; at the residence of Michael Jensen’s mother. Does your department have any record of any such letter of complaint from Bruce Robertson, about his (teen aged) brother-in-law, Michael Jensen? Having learned of this rape six months after the fact, of course Bruce Robertson, the father of the alleged raped child, was legally obliged to report the crime, which he insists that he did. Bruce Robertson alleges that he sent the cited letter to your department in late (Nov. - Dec.) 1964, and which letter Bruce Robertson also insists, resulted in legal juvenile court actions against Michael Jensen of the Columbia Heights District, who, at that time, was 15 years of age. There are updated and complex contingencies of this stated event which *nullify standard limitations statutes, insofar as an ongoing conspiracy seems to be directly related to this otherwise nearly thirty year old event (*refer FEDERAL CODE, TITLE 18, CONSPIRACY). Although the non-recovery of any such record would not resolve a great deal, its recovery confirmation would certainly clear Bruce Robertson’s name (*as well as myself and anyone else besides Michael Jensen, if in fact these allegations are true) and clarify his allegations, if this cited letter (*and incident) could simply be confirmed to have in fact been received by your office in the ascribed time-frame; all the better if a manifest copy of such letter could be tendered. Any response from your office regarding this urgent inquiry will be of great import in the subjected, pending 17th (*Federal) District litigations (*at that time, Congressman Leon E. Panetta, later succeeded by present 17th District Congressman, Sam Farr). Awaiting your much needed reply, I am very respectfully yours, (*Long hand and typewritten signature.). Kent Benjamin Robertson (Brother of the defendant). 114 Maple Street, Santa Cruz, CA. 95060 ph: 408-459-6709 ______________________________________ (*Asterisked parenthetical inclusions in the following statements are refinations of the author.) (*The original copies of the following documents from police officials in Anoka, Minnesota are on file and/or witnessed by 17th Federal District Congressman’s Aides, Rachel Dann and Craig O’Donnel (1-831-429-1976), as well as the staff (*Attn. Ms. Meridith) of the Record’s Department, Santa Cruz Police Department, Santa Cruz, California: including a number of distinguished citizens - Yvonne SueEllen Young, retired legal secretary, ph: 1-559-449-0801, Michael Juergen Lang - URL psywarrior2001@yahoo.com, Floyd W. Creager, ph:1-831-464-1630. Dr. Surjit Dinsa, ph:*82-1-845-485-7423, Prof. Mark S. Halfon, Nassau College, ph: 1-516-572-8013, Caryn H. Robertson, ph. 1-845-838-2693, and, if any authentic official so requests and pays postage, a *certified audiotape (*oscilloscopic voice patterns are equivalent to fingerprints) will be forwarded - of Richard Robertson proving in is own words that he is a 47 year fugitive from a crime upon which there is no originating state - or federal - statute of limitations; who is to this day still openly blaming his stepfather, while secretly blaming his youngest brother; for a crime he (Richard Robertson) committed his first felony on - in not reporting, and, who has instead taken a leadership role in persuading others, to blame upon innocent persons: accumulating a massive though only partially accounted for number of accessories after the fact (*under the law, as guilty as the original perpetrator); many of whom are still active, to this day (especially one Brian Kirk Parquette - ‘he’s all over the net’), some 47 years after Richard (####) Robertson (and his brother Bruce Robertson) started it (*in 1963 and 1964, sequentially). A verbatim transcription of the cited audiotape recording is (in real time, here and now) instantly accessible in part 3, of http://einstein.periphery.cc/machine_1 thru _4.) ______________________ (*And now this:) __________________________________________________________________________ (*Asterisked < * > parenthetical inclusions in the following documentary statements are inclusions of the author.) ____________________________________________________________________________ POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ____________________________________________________________________________ 599 Mill Street Northeast (612) 788-9221 Edward M. Carlson STUART W. ANDERSON Mayor Chief of Police February 28, 1991 Mr. Kent B. Robertson 114 Maple Street #2 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Dear Mr. Robertson: I am responding to your letter dated February 20, 1991, in which you are requesting 1964 data of an alleged sexual misconduct by one Michael Jensen. You raise the issue of whether we can confirm ever receiving a letter from Bruce Robertson (*Michael Jensen’s elder brother in law, Bruce Robertson, being the husband of Michael Jensen’s elder sister, Marilyn Jensen). Please take notice that under the Minnesota record retention system, we have lawful authority to destroy all records after six years and this has been our policy. In an effort to determine whether any of our employees who were working in 1964 and who would have some recollection of this event, I have contacted former employees. I have located one former employee who has specific recollection of this event and was the investigator for the Anoka County Attorney. I have provided him with a copy of your letter and have requested that he communicate directly with you and report what facts he has available to him. I regret that I did not have written confirmation, but I believe I have found a bona fide witness who has personal knowledge of the information you seek. If you need additional information or have questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, (*Longhand signature) Stuart W. Anderson Chief of Police SWA:mld 91-046 _____________________________________________________________________________ Office of (Anoka County Icon ANOKA COUNTY ATTORNEY Great Seal of Minnesota INVESTIGATION DIVISION COURT HOUSE state) ANOKA, MINN. 55303 Telephone: Area code 612-421-4760 FAX # 422-7524 March 12, 1991 Mr. Kent B. Robertson 114 Maple Street #2 Santa Cruz, CA 9506 Dear Mr. Robertson: I have received your second letter dated March 2 1991. I can appreciate your interest in getting all the information possible, but again as I said in my first letter to you, I am sorry but I cannot tell you anymore than I did in that letter. I suppose the reason I remembered as much as I did is because of Michael Jensen being the suspect in the case and, of course, I have followed his (*legally eventful) track record throughout the years, up until just recently. So whenever I would have reason to think of Mike Jensen, I would always relate to the incident he had with his niece. Again, I wish I could be of no help to you but with no records available for me to review, I’m afraid I cannot be of much more help. Sincerely, (*Longhand signature) Roy Hedblad, Investigator Anoka County Attorney’s Office RH:ts (*Post script: Kent B. Robertson was residing in the state of Colorado, and had been for years, at the time of the occurrence of this Anoka <Mpls.> Minnesota crime. Kent B. Robertson has never legally been - or legally accused of - any kind of ‘suspect’ in any kind of trans-misdemeanor stated ‘misconduct’, at any time, in any place, under any <military or civilian> circumstances. Nor are their any records - neither has he <this record, K.B. Robertson, etceteras> ever said or implied - otherwise.) This is a legal, public disclaimer and caveat, directed at any and all who have already irretractably said and publicly posted - or may ever say or publicly post - otherwise. To do so, is to condemn yourself to be publicly found (historically flash-frozen), doing so. <Congratulations? Does that sound familiar?> Clue: The United States constitution sanctions not only one's right to defend self and others, but, also, the right to redress of grievances and free speech. Whereas, The Emancipation Proclamation was law 140 years ago. Night Riding trespassers - of every rank and plumage - will be (publicly) prosecuted to the full extent of - "All we have, are the rules." Moral Relativism is historical bunk.. Right & Wrong: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Perjury is as perjurists do. Derelection of duty and abuse of power, is as derelection and power abuse does, and does not. Resistance, denial, or the raimants of false authority is futile. Turn. Or burn. (*NOTE: It is a crime punishable by imprisonment, fine, or both, to falsely replicate or alter any legal records such as those presented above. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER __________________________________________________________ (There's more where this came from and plenty to go around.) "Justice is like a train that's nearly always late." - Yevgeny Yevtushenko Thank you for reading this missive. -
A 'click on' to bascules offered (paramountly resourceful) thread (above - http://www.singularityforums.net -) aligns this response more specifically, but here's hoping there's a place for it here (Einstein was WRONG!!!! and EVIL!!!!), also. Greetings, salutations. Howdy & Hallucinations, fellow Campers. For a Singularity thread (it is, isn't it? And more power to it) this (blessed) 'bascule'-administrated site sure has a lotta plurality's in it. (And that is good, no?) ________________ Note of suggestion to to 'rocket jockey' and 'Pham Nuen': you might consider slipping a copy of Alvin Tofler's FUTURE SHOCK, or THE THIRD WAVE, onto the living room coffee table (without any introduction, feigning ignorance of how it appeared in wherever you choose to have it mysteriously pop up in the household. Taking responsibility for placing it may reduce their interest in reading it, if and when they know that's what you wish them to do).... The books were written twenty and more years ago but are no less applicable to the - often alarming - exponential growth of technology and change in global affairs, and accompanying social and cultural impact that eacj of you are apparently - and quite understandably - describing a quandary with, regarding your parents, or the technologically amplified 'generation gap'... _____________________ Four! Starting at the beginning subject of this thread on singularities, correct Truly Yours if wrong here, but, isn't that the 18th to 19th transitional Pebble Beach tee-off berm leading to the cross-winded repository on 'black holes'? There's a lot of cul de sac controvesy on that generally mysterious subject is the only sure thing there seems to be on those 1st thru 18th greens corresponding with as many infinitely dense, gravitationally light captivating - Riemannian reminiscent - cups (and then some); complicated and distanced by a lot of dog's legs, water hazards and handicaps. Starting with the parabolic arc from any given sand trap, there's an entire school of Relativists who have named that apparent arc a 'geodesic' and insist that it rully is a straight line, generated by the illusory 'curvature' of the so called (much misinterpreted) 'warping of 4-D space around it'. Thoughtful woody swingers may wonder what I'm doing here in the club house talking like a pro to a mixed group of greenhorns, astute dilletantes and Ph.D's., but we all do have in common until further notice the recently birdied fact that Einstein scored an Eagle when he glided through with what is now accepted as the ubiquitous, all prevailing 4-D space time continuum. Took the right and left hand hooks out of the formerly three dimensional drivers; though nobody seems to be altogether sure whether or not the ball is on the fairway or exactly how and where it may be located If it's) in the rough (or a bird's nest?), ever since. Not telepathic here, but I s'pose its reasonable to wonder what the flock I'm doing talking about birdies and eagle's nests and only humanly being tee'd off, that sort of thing, in this introductory department provided by the eternally venerable 'bascule' (of the 'Highlands?) who did after all, root out Mr. Fred - ('Einstein is WRONG <!!!!> and EVIL <!!!!> Hutchinson's doctoral in scientific comedy, burlesque and socio-cultural bigotry, as a contribution to the Smithsonian Institute taxiderical specimens dept. and joined by the company of those who have the Japanese Imperial Dictatorship of 1931 - 1945 'taking the brunt' of what 'mama says', regarding 'evil is as evil does.' (Sheesh) Of course innocent Japanese did - and still do - suffer, that's part of the point that 'REVERSE' impaled his, her or itself with. in 'bascules' release of the charming - Hearts & Minds Winning - Mr. Hutchinson. Anyway, speaking of introductions, my rully real name is Kent Benjamin Robertson, Aka etceteras, and unless Dear Reader doesnt' spend much time surfing the net, a cartel of remarkably chain reactionary coordinated 'people' have made me famous 'all over the www' for what they (as self revealed gluttons for self-inflicted masochistic punishment wearing the raimants of sadism and 'rightousness') are individually, collectively and irretractably responsible *for ( - as I am known for being fond of observing): *compromising a sealed can of Whoopaz, clearly and humanely labeled 'Don't Open This'; while chanting: 'Two wrongs don't make a right, but, three or more do!' (Re: 'the 3 body problem', and 'Lagrange L-1 thru L-5', which some Lost Platoons insist proves that there are 'zerp points of energy' in far or near space. Some of these misleading poltroons pack a lot of wallop on - and blackball anyone who disagrees with them -on and off some major forums.) Truly Yours has been made famous in many different ways on as many forums: getting 86'd (banned), for knowing more than my adversaries know I know? (Recent Example: The guy who got in the way of vice president Dick Cheney's lead bird shot had it coming and made the hunting liscense bereft, administrative V.I.P. do it.) Enough self aggrandizment for the moment of being overwhelmed by the started, fought, won and lost war of - triumphant! - orbsyclied, GAHDly words that prove that a quadruped such as a dog or cat, posseses a fifth leg, which use to be a tail, and how enough people have gathered togther to disagree with Yours Truly: that their democratic vote on this transformation of tail to leg has redefined quadruped anatomy to quintuple anatomy ( 'We can't all be wrong'. So, there?) The Where We Were. Oh yes. Singularities - and before that, Einstein. Bascule (Is it okay to spell yer name with a Capital B, Sir?) admirably and smoothly improvised the opportunity to access readers to this realm (You are here X) featuring discussions on singularities and related issues, from the MotherShip forum on Einstein (Not Fred Hutchinson?). Some forums disallow the 'click-on' opportunity for the Reader to be accessed to another forum, whereas, since Bascule gracefully did so (We: are here X), and in view of the preceding entries who have thence registered and logged themselves in here: by Bascule's administrative leave, I will chance the liberty of accessing whatever interested Reader may wish to scrutinize or otherwise peruse my Home page, before this blog closes from this Introductory entry - my thought being that whomever may not know - whether or not they agree with - my work, may be opportuned to draw their own conclusions, and perhaps, improve, disqualify, augment or reclassify the information therein (We may or not be what others say we are. We may or not be what we say we are. But, we are what we do - and are not what we don't do.) Yes. There is much talk of singularities - black holes. You know, that place in space that is ever increasingly so dense and gravitationally intense and yet microcosmic that light signals are prevented from escaping its - estimated - yet to be empirically established coordinates. It isn't established for sure that they exist, let alone what causes them. Well. If they exist, Truly Yours has written a (- ten sold out editions of an internationally distributed, small press) book (in the past 45 years), not only on what may be the (non-mathematically comprehensible) cause of black hole singularities, but, also: offers a Relativistic explanation for dynamics at the quantum level, the objective union of the 'discontinuous particle' with the 'continuous field' (the compatible 'waveicle'), as well as the non-mathematical translation of Einstein's Special & General Relativity and the Reinstatement of his Presently Abandoned Unified Field Theory. Why The Big Bang Theory Is Wrong, and, that 'Entropic Heat Death' is a myth... Including the non-mathematically comprehensive explanation for Relativistic 'non-absolute time', and, 'non-absolute space'; 'time dilation', why 'space and time' are inseperable and became recognized as 'space-time', what is the explanation forthe relativistic contraction of physical matter in the direction of its motion at a rate proportional to its velocity. The identification of three prevously unrecognized - 4th, 5th & 6th - dimensions. The proof and explanation for the ('Hubble's 'red shift') Spatially Expanding Universe. The reinstaement of the presently abandoned Steady State Theory. The reason all test objects, regardless of their mass value, when dropped simultaneously from the same height, 'descend' at the same rate of acceleration and strike the earth at the same time (contradicting Newton's laws of gravity). Why an apparent parabola described by a horizontally projected test object (baseball, bullet, cannon-ball, etc.) is actually traveling in a straight line 'geodesic'; exactly what causes 'geodesics'. Why Xeno's paradox is not paradoxical, why and how Olber's paradox is not paradoxical and explains and substantiates the relative velocity of light, what is time? what is space? Why the value of time varies with the 4-dimensional coordinate system from which it originates and with which it is associated. What causes 'refraction'? Then, there are newly presented, unresolved issues of so called 'entanglement' and 'how one photon on this side of the universe knows of and identifies with an apparent counterpart photon, 'on the othe side of the universe'. Whereas, it seems to this (Gravity, Electricty & Magnetism are the 4th 5th & 6th Dimensions: Non-mathematical Reinstatement of Einsteing Presently Abandoned - Steady State - Universe (etceteras) author, to be intimately bound up in what is sometimes colloquially called 'parallel universes'... More specifically resolved by Truly Yours as a manifestation of 'bilateral symmetry' and 'bi-polarity' - two examples of ubiquitous universal entities associated with the existence of any physical entity - from the torus shaped magnetic field moving out of the north end of a macrocosmic objects, such as the earth, or a microcosmic entity, such as an electron. Whereupon, such magnetic field generated by and constantly emitting from (bipolar) north end, circles round to re-enter the 'bottom'; 'southern pole' of the bi-polar system - planet; electron; star; travels upward; 'northward' thorugh the central core, to exit the north pole of that system, circle round it to re-enter the south pole, ad infinitum. This also - in a 4-D space-time continuum - seems to account for the previously unexplained relativistic increase in mass value corresponding with increased velocity. (There's a lot more where this came from, and plenty to go around for whomeover may wish to improve, disprove, augment, correct, applaud, question, or otherwise comment on it, on the menu slection TOTAL FIELD THEORY, at http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kaiduorkhons forums and the menu selection on Einstein's work and the Unified Field, at http://einstein.periphery.cc/ kraziequus@yahoo.com "Nothing is ever accomplished by a committee unless it consists of three members, one of whom happens to be sick and the other absent." - Hendrik Willem Van Loon "If science were a democracy, or a committee, the universe would still be revolving around the earth every 24 hours." - H. L. Mencken. (And here's a few for Mr. Fred Evangelical - 'Evil is as wrongness insists' -) Hutchinson. <With all kudo's to the catalytically cavalier - Hoot mon - Bascule>) "Prejudice and bigotry save a lot of time, because you can form and defend an opinion without the facts." - Anonymous "The mind of a bigot is like the pupiel of an eye; the more light you pour into it, the more it will contract." "Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and spindrifts." - Ben Hecht "Reality is dismissed, for lack of evidence." - Kent Benjamin Robertson Thank you for reading this missive. Sincerely, Kent Benjamin Robertson Aka The White Mongol, Mystic Horse World's #1 Einstein Groupie Apprentice to Albert - The Axe - Einstein The Last Man Standing Aegis of the Great Continental EuroAsian Green Grass RiverDragon
___________________________________________ Dear D'jona and Insane Alien By Your petitioned leave: At the time I wrote the above post' date=' I misunderstood that it would occur and be stationed [u']between [/u]the above post and that of Martian (as quoted above). That is to say, the sequencing of the quote to Martian was intended to occur, addressed to each and both of you, as above described. Please pardon the quasi-anachronism. Sincerely, K.B. Robertson (Etceteras.)
Dear J'Dona and Insane Alien: Please refer to the next notably cognate and timely post by 'Martian', and consider my reply to that amiable entity and/or sentient being, as it applies to the recent posts by yourselves, in response to KaiduOrkhon, aka, Truly Yours, K. B. Robertson. Sincere gratitude, Kent Benjamin Robertson Aka Kaiduorkhon (That Rascal Puff) kraziequus@yahoo.com
ARE DISCONTINUOUS QUANTUM MECHANICS and CONTINUOUS FIELD THEORY REALLY MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE? REPRISE The present time is 2.9.06, 0103 hrs, Thursday. Just over 24 hours ago Truly Yours posted about a half dozen messages in as many Science Forums and Debate (SFN) locations, particularly in the - alleged - 'more tolerant' category of Psuedoscience and Metaphysics. A number of prompt responses resulted, a few of which were quite reasonable if tentative; more of which were mostly in the category of generally groundless and unwarranted disclaimers and stay-away (off limits, police line emulating) flags hoisted by 'Insane Alien' and D'jona - unfounded, poorly grounded disagreements; met (by this record) with even toned reason and repeated observations that, for all of the dissention from the InsaneAlien and D'jona duo, none of the negative chaff from that sector was case-specific, apparently on accounta the unexplained refusal to research the work they were diminutively alluding to. (Sorta like Mr. Fred H. doing an exhaustively contorted critique on Einstein's <Wrong!!!! Evil!!!!> Semite-contaminated work without comprehending a word, sentence or paragraph of it. <Ask Mr. Balusque - Mr. Fred - CPA/MBA - H's new Public Relations Manager; AKA: 'Sir'. Bravissimo Muchissimo.>) Resulting in the absence of any qualified argument, beyond the repeated, superfluous clarification that posted information must meet certain standards, without specifically pointing out what - if any - given standards K. B. Robertson did not meet, or was not otherwise conforming to. There were a number of wide-spectrum allegations that requirements were not being met; whereas, such allegations did not - and so far, do not - specify how, why, when and where Yours Truly did not qualify for any specific evaluation, or, pointing out any specific errors or other inappropriate or incorrect information that might be found in the title (let alone the contents) of 'Gravity Is The 4th Dimension', otherwise titled 'Gravity, Electricity & Magnetism are the 4th, 5th & 6th Dimensions: The non-mathematical Translation of the Special & General Theories of Relativity, and, the Reinstatement of Einstein's Presently Abandoned (Steady State) Unified Field. The Big Bang Theory is Wrong. 'Entropic Heat Death' is a myth'. The fact that the preceding post (above: Are Discontinuous Quantum Mechanics & Continuous Field Theory Really Mutually Exclusive? was not and so far has not been responded to, subjected, or otherwise brought under non-specific, unqualified, psuedoscientific or metaphysical condescension, calls attention to itself. Perhaps on accounta the featured post reflects the authority of the information the cited downplayers aren't prepared to own up to... (Not knowing what they so fervently purport to understand? <Conspicuous by omission?> ) Should there be a visitation here - or anywhere else I'm directed - to set me straight and/or otherwise level the playing field (disintegrate the vigorously implied though unltabled house of cards and/or orbiting roulette tables), day or night: we'll leave the lights on for you. Thank you for reading this missive. (Even though the usual Welcome Wagoneers have somehow, cautiously rolled past it?) Sincerely, K. B. Robertson (Etceteras.)
_________________________ Well. Hello Martian. (Welcome to earth and if we were responsible for the mess' date=' we'd apologize?). Yours is among the more germane and astute responses we've received on this site in recent memory. There's a glorious axiom that gives substance to the importance of simplicity. The Gravity and Unified Field work at point here, which is not being evaluated, but rather dismissed out of hand as unworthy of address, consideration or evaluation; such dismissal based on the categorically unscientific presumption that it can't be what it is. D'jon and 'insane alien' have divined that the work I've authored must meet standards that it meets - and surpasses; must make predictions that it does make, and must offer explanations hitherto inexplicable, that it does explain. Insane alien and J'Dona (? of most recent occasion) openly concede not knowing or taking the time to learn of the issue they anticipate - and proselytized - the failures and shortcomings of. Insane alien has already proved himself as falsely anticipating what he mistakenly thinks, in proclaiming that 'the 4th dimension is time'; as though my (unprecedented) statement that gravity is the 4th dimension somehow must exclude time; whereas, time is motion and conversely, and is inevitably included in the statement, 'gravity is the 4th dimension' - the partial title of a work neither Insane alien nor J'Don have read, and show no interest in reading, while assertively predicting that 'the (paraphrased) forces which made me leave the first time, will most likely make me leave again.' Insane alien's self proved false assumption apparently has not given he, or J'Dona, cause for pause. The latter of the two has recently abandoned an ongoing thread at one location, choosing to leave my repartee to his earlier, respectfully challenged reasoning, unanswered at that thread (under the 'more tolerant' category of 'Psuedoscience and Metaphysics', entitled TOTAL FIELD THEORY Including Quantum Mechanics and 'particles'), and moved to join 'insane alien's speculative anticipations of my - consistently dismissed; simultaneously unevaluated, ungainsayed, specifically unaddressed work, in another discussion at another location ('Do you have a new theory'); gone on to generally reiterate previously made, generally irrelevant and otherwise inapplicable points. As though listing a series of definitions for what constitutes a worthy scientific dissertation, is germane to the specific work they - until further notice - functionally refuse to authoritatively critique or otherwise editorially disqualify... Without ever making described, qualified contact with, or otherwise objectively surveillancing what they renounce, and predict public disinterest in (effectively displacing - and discouraging - any unbiased public response). J'Dona speaks of my (paraphrased) 'previous failures to establish a following'. Whereas, I would much prefer a constructive argument addressing specific issues in the conspicuously 'untouchable' work at (notably tenacious, evasive) point, here. Imperatively structured, command authority inflected, proclamative disclaimers abound, while none are qualified... That would require a real knowledge of what they so far have - or candidly say they have - no way (interest or need) of knowing of. That is, [u']as[/u] though the work they are alluding to is something else, someplace else, based on some reasoning other than that upon which it is based, where, when and how it is, and for what reasons. This pattern of disallowing my work from becoming a familiar and tenable subject on a given website or forum has repeated itself many times in many places, since I began using the net in September of 2002, and before then, in other 'innercircles' of 'good ol' boys'. Yet, in over four decades of publishing and selling out what is now ten (highly if obscurely acclaimed) small press editions, my unprecedented work has yet to be anywhere near disqualified. On the contrary, 'my work' (which is based on the work of many others far wiser and more knowledgeable than myself) clarifies and qualifies what was previously vague and unqualified. Because it simply authenticates itself on the foundations of status quo physics, by way of recognizing and connecting previously unrecognized, unconnected facts. My (notably entrenched) uninitiated critics are speaking of an unprecedented series of recognitions, anticipating and addressing a collective series of previously unexplained, uncomprehended, misunderstood facts, as though this work is not (cannot, must not be) beyond their present knowledge and understanding. Apparently taking 'personally' the unprecedented titular statement - for example - with its correspondingly unprecedented identifications and discoveries of previously unidentified, unknown and/or misunderstood findings - that apparently repelling title including the statements: Gravity, Electricity & Magnetism are the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions. The non-mathematical Translation of Einsteins Special & General Relativity, and the Reinstatement of Einstein's Presently Abandoned Unified Field Theory, The Big Bang Theory is wrong. 'Entropic Heat Death' is a Myth'. In parodying the experience of those encountering such a title (let alone the implied contents), were I not the author - discoverer/translator - of this work, I would make a point of reading it, in order to bring down the deck of cards that the unbalanced author must surely have stacked and gone bonkers over... Whereas, until such time as a given reader disassembles any such structure, item by item, or, locates the lynchpin that collapses the entire castle in the sky, I would not rest easily with what had every appearance of being a 'loose cannon', that far too many people were (and I assure you, hundreds of thousands already are; internationally) taking seriously. The following sentiment is a portion of an e-mail letter (that I am granted permission to publish) from a sponsor of Hypography Science Forums: from which I was recently permanently banned - for three days; then re-admitted, only to be permanently banned again; with the stigmatic flag 'Banned' accompanying whatever may be left of my posts on Hypography Science Forums (under the user name, That Rascal Puff). My wife went on to join and introduce herself (in the 'Introductions' at Hypography); simultaneously speaking on my behalf, due to the fact of the discontinuance of any further opportunity for Truly Yours to qualify or otherwise defend himself... ...From invasive, 'hi-jacking' posts such as 'This message deleted by GAHD. Reason: That Rascal Puff is unworthy of google' (that's what it said, in the middle of a cordial and highly informative and educationally recreational, lively dialogue on TOTAL FIELD THEORY, with an administrator named 'Turtle', an administrator named 'IrishEyes', a sponsor named 'Infamous', a forumite named Craig, and a forumite named 'Buffy' - 'Resident Slayer'. 'Turtle' had of his own intiative, humbled Truly Yours with an off-the-beaten-path, 'Lounge' thread, entitled: 'Walking Stick and Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory'. I was firstly and wrongly 'banned, permanently' for 'multiple posts', which turned out to be the error of one 'orbsycli' (administrator; cohort of adminstrator, GAHD 'the pirate'. Three days later, the Hypography Founder, one Tormod, of Oslo, Norway, who still has my highest respects, even though (due to the fact that he has since his foundership, understandably devoted more time to his growing family) he left the store generally unattended (by 'volunteer' administrators, in a 'free' forum), long enough to let the tyranny of administratively empowered elements such as 'orbsycli' and 'GAHD' preclude justice and practice creative troublemaking, name-calling and vacuously blaming and accusing, kangaroo courting, convicting and ejecting Truly Yours (for example). GAHD sent me a series of 'Private Messages', which, I soon learned, I was disallowed from posting in the forum proper. GAHD goaded and bullied Truly Yours to a point where I did post his moral trespasses, gaffes and uncalled for flourishes of the abuse of power. This is how Tormod, as CEO, was finally persuaded by the cited rowdies, to ban me yet once again, permanently (for posting GAHD's Private Message in the forum mainstream - holding him publicly accountable for what he wished to carry out 'in the dark'. He got caught, and, I got busted for busting him... There's been a lot of that going on around my work, and myself personally, for over forty years... <There's a message in there somewheres?>). As I was saying, my wife registered with Hypography (the first and only forum she's ever joined), to amenably round off a few potential misunderstandings in the 'Introduction' category of new memberships. My wife, Caryn ('Godmothered by a computer spellcheck programe which insisted on calling her 'Crayon'), closed the letter with a statement that I had influenced and contributed to the letter's content (an unsurprising matter of fact.) She was subsequently congratulated as a new member; told to log in, which she did, and then told shortly after her introduction, accompanied by the manifest posting of her message on my behalf, whereupon she was then barred from further access to any facet of Hypography. 'YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED. Reason: None'. Then, as I was saying, I continued to correspond via private e-mail with Hypography sponsor and pen pal comrade, 'Infamous' ('InfamySteadfast', or, 'Infmy'); he gave me permission to publish our e-mail correspondence. The following missive is one such letter from 'Infamous', who is a fair minded, sensitive and knowledgeably truth seeking, energetic man in his early sixties, as am I. Note his stated speculations why I was really banned (including my wife, three times in less than five weeks; due to an altogether too familiar process of blaming the <would-be, innercircle designated> victims). In this case, InfmySteadfast points out the empty reasoning of the ejection crew as being their 'suspicion' that my wife's letter was approximately co-authored with myself as the other contributor. This is true, as it was stated at the closure of the letter written by my wife and contributed to by myself. This is a given. Lacking any real reason for a series of faux pax's, the 86'ing party created a 'reason', which was no reason at all... <'suspicion' that I contributed to the content of my wife's letter...). And now this: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 21:34:39 -0800 (PST) From: "James Pugh" <rockytoptenor@yahoo.com> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more Subject: Message for Tormod............... To: "Ben MacColley" <kraziequus@yahoo.com> Sir Puff; I'll need to ask Tormod if he's interested in hearing from you first, he always quite busy and I'm not sure how he will react if I just forward the message without first asking. I have some information that may explain why the problem occured with your wife's membership. I wasn't going to tell you this because I didn't want you to get upset, but now I think it's time for you to be brought up to date. When your wife delivered her first message, a few of our members had suspicions that it was really yourself that was responsible for the correspondence. Orby was the first to suggest it I believe, please don't quote me on this, I would really like to distance myself from this conflict. I personally don't have any problems communicating with you on any level, some others however, allow their egos to get in the way of benifical conversation. I wasn't going to tell you the following for some of the same reasons but I feel it necessary to now relate my former involvement in your first re-instatement. It was I that politely asked Tormod if we couldn't give you another chance at forum membership. I'm afraid that asking again would fall on deaf ears, especially because everyone knows that it was thru my efforts that you regained your membership the first time. At any rate, if Hypography can be convinced that it is not yourself impersonating your wife as a way to regain a voice in the forums, they may allow her to join the forum. Understand, I'm in no way suggesting that I concur with this paranoid delusion of theirs, I'm just relating the content of conversations I was privy to. It's really sad that some people have this need to exercise power over others. For what ever reason, it's something I've really never had the tast for. Maybe I'm the one that's weird, seems like just about everyone I know has this thing eating at them. I personally don't like to fight or exercise my will over others, I'm perfectly content to allow my fellow man to live his life in any way he wants, so long as he's not stepping on my toes, I have no desire to step on his. I'll send Tormod a message and ask him if he wants to converse with you, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. I get the distinct impression that the real reason behind your problems at Hypography is a few of the higher ups feel threated by your superior intellect......just an opinion of mine, but I think there's some truth in this observation.................James This is an example, along with that still being exemplified by qualified, awry elements of Science Forums and Debate (SFN), of how the first and only non-mathematical translation of Einstein's most significant achievements, is being greeted, by far too many ingrate elements. (There's ominous messages of import in here somewhere's? <The Inquisition has not expired. Only it's vehicularization - and some of its age old hell raising methods - have changed.) Thank you, Martian, and whomever else it may earnestly concern, for reading this missive. Sincerely, K. B. Robertson World's #1 Einstein Groupie Apprentice to Albert - The Axe - Einstein Aegis to the Great Continental EuroAsian Green Grass RiverDragon The Last Man Standing. Vini. Vici. Entiendo.
Respectfully submit: There is a series of consistent aversions to reciprocal communications, addressed to nearly all of my posts. I am unsure how to interpret your responses, or those of D'jon, at other locations. I have provided access to my 'Home' URL and been told such provisions are 'Blatent Advertising'. I sincerely and respectfully contend that accessing Readers who care to 'click-on' to the provided information and read it - and then comment upon it, pro or con; at their volition, by definition, avoids any lengthy dissertations in any post on any forum or website. Whether or not a given Reader wishes to address the extended information and/or comment on it, is at the option of the Reader; without depositions of apparently overextensive information, as representatives of SFN consistently advise against. I am sincerely attempting to abide by your rules - as I learn of them - to the best of my ability, Provision of a Home page URL does not seem to me, to be any kind of imposition at all, to the general policy of brevity. A typically abbreviated question frequently does not allow or fairly beget, or oblige, a more extensive reply - exceptions to this rule, granted. I have been repeatedly told, in various ways, that there is no contribution on my part, as I submit there is. NOTABLY: There has been no specific address to or disqualifications of, any real or imagined equivocations - in context of the Home page URL click-on work I am referring to. The preemptive requirements are, that an extended statement is discouraged and/or disallowed at this location, and, any provision of an URL clicking on to the Home page at issue here, is prohibited. Please tell me what you think of this description of the quandary apparent that prevails here. Is not the non-posting of a proposed 'new theory', and the provision for 'guidelines' what is presented here. If this latter question is not germane to your intended meaning in saying: If not, will you - or perhaps D'Jon - provide me with what is or not intended in the responses Truly Yours is receiving from each and both of you (lately, for example)? Thanking you, I am sincerely, K. B. Robertson
An Offered Avenue of Comprehension in the Quantum Mechanical Field of 'Discontinuity' and the 'Quantum Leap' (continued)... The 5th dimension (5th ninety degree extension out of the four part, three hundred sixty degree quadrants) doesn't ‘mysteriously’ leap out of 4-D matter at all, but rather is an inevitably extrapolated, continuous - inevitably accelerated - extension of it (the 4-D mass from which it originates and by which it - the 5th dimension, is generated), manifest in an apparently discontinuous unit - "Plank's constant 'h' factor"; a discontinuous unit - photon - always having the same value, because it is consistently the 5th ninety degree unit extending out of the 4 physical dimensions that preceded and generated it. The 5th ninety degree units (photons; 'Planck's "constant 'h' factor") moving at right angles - outside the fully occupied - 'no vacancy here, beyond four 90o quadrants, constituting a - system: projections of and from the 4-D charges ('particles') are called photons, or 'quanta' - the smallest unit of energy known to academia. The described dynamic does not actually contradict continuous field theory (as popular perceived and alleged), but rather, is a result of and generated by the 4-D space-time continuum. The 5th and 6th dimensions of electricity and magnetism respectively, are accelerating, just as the source from which they invariably originate (4-D matter), but the expansion of electricity and magnetism is exponentially extended from 4-D matter and therefore accelerating at a much faster - quantum leaping - rate. An illusion of 'contradiction' of continuous field theory, whereas the apparently 'discontinuous' particle is actually a 4-dimensionally and continuously expanding charge of electricity which generates 5 and 6 dimensional, 90o quadrants - photons - at right angles from it's 4-D boundaries. (The record may be 'redundant' in the presentation of this issue, whereas, the repetitive descriptions wish to approach the unprecedented solution from several different perspectives. Thank you.) This record describes the above explained ephemerality (the dynamics of Planck's 'constant "h" factor' known as the 'quantum leap'): as the 'translatory moment' - when the 5th 90o unit of electricity 'quantum leaps' out of the 4-D quadrant of 90o that generates furthermore, 90o of electricity, followed by 90o of magnetism; i.e. - the 5th and 6th dimensions of electricity and magnetism, respectively. Comprehensively and continuously emitted in discontinuous units, called 'quanta' and/or 'photons'; often referred to as 'photo-electric effect'. The 'translatory moment' is also when the apparently 'standing field' of actually expanding (ever acclerating) 4-D matter, projects the 5th and 6th dimensions of electromagnetism, abruptly accelerates beyond the accleration-rate of 4-D matter (an apparent 'standing field' <'obviously physical matter, corporeal reality at large, is not expanding'>, emitting the recognized electromagnetic field; in discrete - 90o units); 'quantum leaping' (via the 5th and 6th 90o extrapolated units of electricity and magnetism:) at light speed (relative to the apparently 'standing <'static'> field' from which it originates and by which it - electromagetism - is generated). (Refer illustration of logarithmic spiral <not to be confused with the spiral of Archimedes, which is not accelerating, as the logarithmical, exponentially expanding spiral is - acclerating; made up of four 90o quadrants, each of which is exponentially acclerated from the first 90o quadrant to the fourth 90o quadrant, fulfilling a manifest charge. Illustration obtained from entering 'Geometry Junkyard' in Google. (It also appears to be an expression of what is called the 'Golden Rectangle'...) This shape, constructed by inscribing circular arcs in a spiral tiling of squares, resembles but is not quite the same as a logarithmic spiral. A similar spiral is used as the Sybase Inc. logo. (The illustration is not transferrable from it's location on delphi, to this location on SFN, or, if it is transferable, I am ignorant of how that is accomplished.) Above is a geometric expression of exponential - extrapolative - spiral progression from a center source (in this case a rectangle rather than a circle). It is approximately the structure of a nautilus shell - pompilius nautilis linnae, as well as any number of sea shells, snails and perhaps innumerable spiral shapes as they occur in Nature. Referencing the above geometric expression; disregarding the rectangular center, there are four 90o quadrants exponentially progressing in clockwise motion, ending with the vertical straight line - where the evolution of the four segments preceding the vertical line fullfill a 360o whole. 360o divided by 90o equals four, followed by a 5th 90o 'pie chart' shape, extrapolated at right angles out of and far exceeding the area of the four 90o quadrants preceding it. Repeat: note that the 5th 90o component occurs beyond 360o, and that, by way of extrapolation - exponential acceleration - the 5th component, although identical in 90o shape, very abruptly transforms to a size much larger than than all four combined 90o quadrants preceding it. When the four 'sliced pie quarters' are gathered together in an equilateral circle , they complete a 360 degree whole. This represents a so called 'particle', more appropriately described as a 4 dimensional 'charge' of field energy. The 5th section of 90o occurs outside of and at right angles to the described quadrant of four 90o segments. This record offers the (above diagrammatic) geometric expression - of an extrapolating spiral - as an example of 4-Dimensional acceleration of matter, generating a fifth 90o segment, representing the 5th dimension of electricity, contiguously extending - quantum leaping - at right angles out of the 360o, 4-Dimensional system from which it originates and by which it is generated; while the 6th 90o segment of 4-D charge-generated magnetism, exponentially extends at right angles out of the 5th. The 90o quadrant extending from the 5th is all the more acclerated - a 6th 90o quadrant, moving at right angles to the preceding 5th. This record submits that the accelerated extrapolation of the 5th and 6th 90o quadrants at right angles from the 4-D 'charge', or 'particle', constitutes Planck's constant h factor, and, why it always has the same value (the emitted 5th & 6th 90o quadrants at right angles from the 4-D charge from which it originates and by which it is generated. The setting is one of compatability of discontinuous quanta as being the result of continuous field dynamics. I submit that this translation self evidently fulfills the context of this thread. Thank you for reading this missive. - K.B. Robertson
"Have you read the first post in this thread?" ____________________________ Yes. I have read the first post in this thread. Please instruct me on how this is a point for or against those which I wish to make here - and in several other locations. Thank you. K. B. Robertson
_____________________ I think 'derailing for curiosity's sake' is otherwise a category of what is called 'off topic', though I'm new to the on-line internet and its procedures and vocabularies for various conditions. Your's may or not be 'hi-jacking', also? Anyway, in flow-going response to the above JohnB introduced apparent departures from (if not unrestrained 'hi-jacking'?) topic: Initial response to your (cavalierly unrestrained, binary) question(s) is, that they are both inadvertant or prefabricated self-answering (- perhaps cerebrally syntax misfired <if not moribund, immortally supernova eclipsed> anachronisms), i.e., go figure yourself as a properly computed original tinker. Kindly refer to 'Olber's paradox' (Wikepedia, or, Google), which isn't a paradox at all, and the reasons why. Also has to do with a popularly misunderstood fact of the absolute velocity of light, and its relatively variant speeds, relative to the coordinate system from which it originates, and that from which it is observed and measured. Another cogency regarding your would-be stump-jumping riddle, is: When a flashlight is turned on, it commences a stream of beam, having a light frontal that corresponds with the moment the flashlight is turned on. When the flashlight is turned off. It discontinues that beam. The interval of light between the moment it's projected, to the moment it's discontinued, constitutes the containment of your departure from cognition, and your entrance into vain pursuit of the self-revealed, obvious resolution. Sort of like a linear straight line party streamer and all other considerations having a beginning and an end, such as this answer to what you might otherwise consider your interminably unfathomable interrogative? (Q. Have you, or some unit of your parametrically plummeting, parsec-paced genus, addressed this record before <Refer: in the past, that is, at the intersection of this pizza pie shaped - /\ - representation of - Past, Present & Future - A,B,C, expansion; with the 'beginning', or 'Past' [A] at the intersecting top of the tent-shaped expanding lines; the 'Present' [such as the horizontal line in the letter A] - or infinite Future [C] - at the ending of the wedge shaped, metaphorical portion of omnidirectional motion from a commonly intersected center of a source of light - the big bangologist gang mass hypnosis, comparatively considered with the illustrated Archimedes geometrical troika expression of Italian quisine? And, if so: are you brokering something <perhaps some esoteric or cryptic conveyance> or merely slicing an unordered - freebie - pepperoni & mozzarella cheese?) Thank you for reading the preceding missive, and this one; your best reactionary efforts (dede jaja vuvu), and, your altogether appropriate, closing motto. May we remain contiguous with the proposed thread, now (or dost thou still hunger for some more artificially nurtrified, fortified sustenance from the evoked, slap-sticking Bard)? Sincerely, K.B. Robertson
TOTAL FIELD THEORY (Including Quantum Mechanics and 'Particles')
KaiduOrkhon replied to KaiduOrkhon's topic in Speculations
The titular statement: Gravity Is The 4th Dimension, is inclusive of the synonimity of motion and time, and conversely. The consideration of dimension numbers as being arbitrary, are ambiguous. The title at point (Gravity is the 4th dimension) is presciently specific. The same is true of Electricity as the 5th dimension, and magnetism as the 6th. Please allow dilation of this line of thinking (with no puns intended). Consider a geometric point, A). It occupies no conditional space (it doesn't functionally exist; does not meet the standards of metric (as compared to arbitrary non-metric math or) geometry. When A) moves - A) ---> B). It generates a one dimensional Straight Line, which does not exist (refer non-metric math and geometry). When one dimensional Straight Line A)---->B) moves at right angles (perpendicular, 90o, to itself, it generates a two dimensional Plane, which does not exist in conditionally functional space (determined by and measurable with metric math and geometry). When two dimensional Plane B)-----C) moves at right angles to itself, it generates a three dimensional Volume or Solid, constituting, occupying, or occupied by three dimensions of existential (functional) space. NOTE: the generation of each dimension via right angle (perpendicular, 90o) motion from the dimension preceding it. This conforms to and fulfills the laws of exponential geometry that define the progression (extrapolation) of ascending dimensions, it is not my idea, it is the geometric and mathematical status quo. In consideration of a 4th dimension, one of two perpendicularly moving vectors must occur. 1. The three dimensional space must move at right angles - perpendicular - to itself, via enlargement, fulfilling a 90o motion of expansion/enlargement of the considered 3-D test object, or, it must move at right angles - perpendicular - to itself, via contraction, fulfilling a 90o motion of contraction of the considered 3-D test object. That is, by the rudimentary geometric laws of developmental progression of dimensions, and, if we truly do live in a 4-D space-time continuum, then that continuum is sustained by a constant expansion or contraction of the three recognized dimensions. Any observation - 'Obviously the entire 3-D universe is not expanding or contracting', is gainsayed by what is now a universe which is uniformly contracting or uniformly expanding; the reason the proposed continuous expansion or contraction is not immediately apparent to observers, who, themselves, are 4-dimensionally contracting or expanding, in accordance with the prerequisite definitions for the progression of dimensions. Newton makes a point of clarifying that he does not know the causal identity of gravity, whereas, he does describe its effects. In the three page preface to the PRINCIPIA, Newton states that gravity may be an impelling/pulling force of attraction, or, a repelling/pusing force of repulsion (in those words - 'impelling', or, 'repelling'), summarizing that in either case, his Calculus accurately determines that whether the apple moves from point A to point B, or, whether it moves from point B to point A, it does so at 32 fps, squared, and, that the same relatively small, unidentified force (F - gravity) that causes apples to fall, or, to appear to fall, is also the same relatively large force that, for example, maintains the orbits of the planets around the sun. Prior to Newton's time, the forces on or near earth, were considered different than the forces acting at greater distances from earth (the same - approximate - misunderstanding still prevails in the perception of small, dense, powerful forces acting in microcosmic space, and the disassociation of such microcosmic 'strong' forces, from the 'weak' macrocosmic gravitational forces, the latter of which are not considered to be gravitational - but rather 'nuclear resinal binding' - forces.) In accordance with the geometric definition for dimensions, all entities three dimensional, must be found and recognized as moving at right angles from all three recognized dimensions, in one of two possible directions. Either the 3-D universe is constantly moving at right angles to itself, becoming ever smaller, or, the 3-D universe is constantly moving at right angles from itself, becoming ever larger. Since objects in the earth's (unidentified) gravitational field, do not 'fall' upward, we may know with confidence that the earth is not contracting ever faster beneath everything and every one on or near its surface. On the other hand, objects in the earth's gravitational field do 'fall downward', ever faster, demonstrating that, of the two possible - required - vectors of right angle contraction, or right angle expansion, the earth is fulfilling its geometric obligation to be 4-dimensional (as Einstein proved it, and all things universal, to be) by way of ongoing enlargement - constantly expanding. Non-mathematically observable in the 4-D space-time continuum. There is no contradiction of the law of conservation of mass energy here, since the recognized expansion is the same amount of energy, *uniformly distributing itself over an increasingly greater area, via the law of the inverse square (*operative word, 'uniformly'). The culminating 4-D space time continuum fulfills the previous unidentified causal identity of universal gravitation. Gravity is the 4th dimension. The inherent motion constitutes the required ingredient of time. The established premise that matter is four dimensional is not new, simply unrecognized. Moreover. Whatever may move at right angles out of matter, is, by definition, the 5th dimension. Something does in fact move at right angles out of 4-D matter, namely, electricity (refer Maxwell's equations, revealing a 'spiderweb' morphology, encompassing and moving at light-speed, out of 4-D matter. Therefore electricity is the 5th dimension. Whatever may move at right angles to electricity, is, by definition, the 6th dimension. Something does in fact move at right angles to electricity, namely magnetism (refer Maxwell's equations), contributing to the 'spider-web' morphology observed to be generated by and emitted at light-speed from 4-D matter. Therefore magnetism is the 6th dimension. The identification of the 5th and 6th dimensions of electricity and magnetism has not been previously recognised, because, before such recognition may occur, the non-mathematical translation of the 4th dimension need be comprehensively understood; whereas, the ensuing recognitions and identifications of the 4th and 6th dimensions of electricity and magnetism, follow. There is much more where this came from, and plenty to go around for scrutinisation, constructive criticism, disqualification, augmentation or elucidation, and plenty to go around... I would gladly and humbly refer the Reader - via a freely accessed URL address 'click on' - to the unprecedented book from which this previously unrecognized information is excerpted, except, I have been admonished that such a non-commercial sharing of information is 'Blatent Advertising', and, that there will be 'none of that'. (I am presently re-thinking the import of the FOIA? I have been permanently banned from several http://www.net websites and forums for presenting this subject and corresponding with forumites, cyber-surfers, sponsors, moderators, mentors and sundry site administrators for sharing this information with the incumbent international audience. I guess I have a lot to learn and somehow beckon disciplinary, if not punitive action from whomever wishes to demonstrate their undeniable superiority to, and powers over, Truly Yours. <A thousand and more pardons?> ) Thank you for responding to my previous post, thanking Science Forums and debate for allowing it, and, thank you for reading - and whomever else may read and consider - this missive. I am sincerely, K.B. Robertson World's #1 Einstein Groupie Apprentice to Albert - The Axe - Einstein. Aegis to the Great EuroAsian Continental Green Grass RiverDragon The Last Man Standing. -
TOTAL FIELD THEORY The non-mathematical Reinstatement of Einstein's Presently Abandoned Unified Field theory. Copyright © 1959 thru 2005 by *Kent Benjamin Robertson (*Subedai Bahadur, etceteras. All rights reserved.) "It is evident that the popular conviction that a generalized field theory is unable to explain the problems of the discontinuous structure of matter and quantum mechanics rests upon prejudice." - Einstein, PHYSICS and REALITY “Everywhere, including the interior of ponderable bodies, the seat of the field is empty space. There is no space empty of field." - Albert Einstein, IDEAS & OPINIONS “The combination of the concept of continuous field with that of mass-points discontinuous from space appears inconsistent. A consistent (total) field theory requires continuity of all elements of the theory, not only in time but also in space, and in all points in space. Hence the material particle has no place as a fundamental concept in a field theory.” - Einstein, IDEAS & OPINIONS, p. 345 “According to General Relativity, the concept of space detached from any physical content does not exist. The physical reality of space is represented by a field.” - Einstein, IDEAS & OPINIONS, p. 348 “Since the General Theory of Relativity implies the manifestation of physical reality as a continous field, the concept of discontinuous particle cannot play a fundamental part, the ‘particle’ can only appear as a limited region of space in which the field strength and/or density of energy is particularly high.” - Einstein, IDEAS & OPINIONS, p. 348 "The unsatisfactory part of the total field theory showed up externally by the necessity of assuming finite dimensions for the particles, in order to prevent the electromagnetic field existing at their (*unfound) surfaces from becoming infinitely large." - Einstein, OUT OF MY LATER YEARS, p. 77 "What appears certain to me in the foundations of any consistent field theory , the particle concept must not appear in addition to the field concept. The whole theory must be based soley on partial differential equations and their *singularity (*discontinuous, static particle) free solutions." - Einstein, IDEAS and OPINIONS, p. 306 Home This presentation is a revised and updated, condensed edition of: Gravity, Electricity & Magnetism are the 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions. The non-mathematical Reinstatement of Einstein's presently abandoned Unified Field (Steady State) Theory. The Big Bang Theory is Wrong.*Condensed from 1979 copyrighted 5th edition of 627 pages (*EXTRATERRESTRIAL PHYSICS 101: Gravity Is The 4th Dimension). The Big Bang Theory is wrong. 'Entropic Heat Death' is a myth. Black Holes are 4 dimensionally contracting singularities.
Before & After Field Physics: A Brief History Timeline of Electromagnetism (Re: Google. 'History of electromagnetism') Ancient times: amber rubbed with fur attracts bits of dust and hairs static electricity - spikes on cold, dry days, lightening lode stone compass 1600: English scientist, William Gilbert, publishes "De Magnete" 1700: Lectures and demonstrations given by various scientists using electricity to attract and entertain audiences 1747: Ben Franklin (1706-1790) two kinds of charges: positive and negative Like charges repel, unlike charges attract Conservation of Charge: An isolated system has constant total charge. 1785: Charles Austin de Coulomb (1736-1806) Coulomb's Law F = k Q1 Q2 / r^2 ~~~~~~ k = 9 x 10^9 N-m^2/c^2 The force between two charges Q1 and Q2 is proportional to their product divided by the separation distance r squared. Inverse square law. 1780: Luigi Galvani (1737-1790) discovers electricity from two different metals causes frog legs to twitch 1790: Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) finds chemistry acting on two dissimilar metals generates electricity. He later invents the voltaic pile - the battery. 1820: Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) electric current affects compass needle 1820: Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) in Paris finds that wires carrying current produce forces on each other. 1820: Michael Faraday (1791-1867) at Royal Society in London develops idea of electric field and studies the effect of currents on magnets and magnets inducing electric currents. 1827 - Thomson, Tait, Riemann, Helmholtz (Refer via Google) 1860: James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), a Scottish physicist and mathematician, puts the theory of electromagnetism on mathematical basis 1873: Maxwell publishes "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" in which he summarizes and synthesizes the discoveries of Coloumb, Oersted, Ampere, Faraday, et. al. in four mathematical equations. Maxwell's Equations are used today as the basis of electromagnetic theory. Maxwell makes a prediction about the connections of magnetism and electricity leading directly to the prediction of electromagnetic waves. 1885: Heinrich Hertz shows Maxwell was correct and generates and detects electromagnetic waves. 1895: Guglielmo Marconi puts the discovery to practical use by sending messages over long distances by means of radio signals. i.e. the "Wireless". Magnetic Fields : History of Electromagnetism Until 1820, the only magnetism known was that of iron magnets and of "lodestones", natural magnets of iron-rich ore. It was believed that the inside of the Earth was magnetized in the same fashion, and scientists were greatly puzzled when they found that the direction of the compass needle at any place slowly shifted, decade by decade, suggesting a slow variation of the Earth's magnetic field. Electric Generator or Dynamo Michael Faraday of England and American Joseph Henry separately built the first laboratory models of electric generator in 1832. Frenchmen, Hippolyte Pixii, France built a hand-driven model of an electric generator in 1833. American, Nikola Tesla built the first alternating-current generator in 1892. Electronics The history of electronics began to evolve separately from the history of electricity late in the 19th century. The English physicist J.J. Thomson identified the electron by and the American physicist Robert A. Millikan measured its electric charge in 1909. ***** 1686 - Newton, understandably for his time, hypothesized the idea that everything including light is reducible to tiny, discontinuous, static 'particles' of 'solid matter'. 1752 Benjamin Franklin - famous stormy kite flight led him to develop many of the terms that we still use today when we talk about electricity: battery, conductor, condenser, charge, discharge, uncharged, negative, minus, plus, electric shock, and electrician. (Enter 'Benjamin Franklin electricity' google.) 1823 - Faraday discovers the principle of inductance, where a moving magnet generates a flow of electric current in a coil of wire. This experimental observation led to the realization that electricity and magnetism are unified - hence the formulation of the noun 'electromagnetism'. Faraday speculated that Newton's so called particles might actually be tiny charges of electricity; that the electric field ('charged particle') is static (non-expanding) and did not learn of its spatial structure. 1827 Thomson 1861 - Maxwell accurately formulates his renowned electromagnetic equations which predict and determine the field is expanding (generated by and emanating) from all (so called) particles at the same speed as light and gravity and generating the same familiar inverse square structure as gravity and light. Maxwell expires while attempting to confirm that his mathematically predicted 'space waves' are (in fact) the identity of light. 1886 - Hertz fulfills Maxwell's objective; experimentally confirming Maxwell's electromagnetic equations. 1895 - the discovery of X rays. 1896 - the discovery of radioactivity 1897 - J. J. Thompson discovers the electron, proving Faraday's hypothesis that Newton's particles actually are microcosmic charges of electromagnetic energy. 1898 - the discovery of radium. 1900 - discovery of black body - discontinuous 'quantized' radiation. 1905 - Brownian motion, photoelectric effect, The Special Theory - about uniform motion and light, thru 1916's General Principle, about non-uniform motion and gravity - Einstein states that 'the particle is a localized region of space where the field density is particularly high.' 1937 - G.P. Thompson experimentally proves and mathematically confirms that electrons, neutrons and protons are constantly expanding charges of electricity without discontinuous boundaries seperating them from surrounding space. (He looks up from his accurate equations and experimental proof, concludes that his experimental proof must be wrong, because, 'obviously, physical reality at large is not expanding'. (Refer, J.W.N. Sullivan, THE LIMITATIONS OF SCIENCE). ******* From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic quantum mechanical wave equation formulated by Paul Dirac in 1928 and provides a description of elementary spin-½ particles, such as electrons, consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity. The equation demands the existence of antiparticles and actually predated their experimental discovery, making the discovery of the positron, the antiparticle of the electron, one of the greatest triumphs of modern theoretical physics. ...the Dirac equation was originally invented to describe the electron... *** Cogent excerpts follow; from a dialogue between (the Honorable) Sergey500 and Truly Yours, in his 'What IS space', Hypography Science Forums thread, November, December 2005: That Rascal Puff (K. B. Robertson) to Sergey500: You don't mention my quote that a positive charge omnidirectionally emits an outgoing electric force, and, a negative charge omnidirectionally absorbs an incoming electric force (paraphrased). Indeed. Moreover. Sometimes opposites do attract, and sometimes they repel. Newton says gravity may be an impelling - or a repelling - force (What this record calls, 'The gravitational alternative'). Einstein says gravity is - at least sometimes - a repelling force; adding furthermore that gravity may be both a repelling and an impelling force. Truly Yours tends to observe that gravity is usually a repelling force, on or near major gravitational masses, and an impelling (aquatic, terrestrial and atomospheric) tidal force (for example) at greater distances. Summarizing that, since Newton introduced what he fully acknowledged as a mysterious, occult force of gravitation, usually - but not militantly - to be thought of as an impelling force, this record sees no reason why Einstein is disallowed from introducing a repelling force acting parallel to Newton's impelling force... Summing up a tandem repelling and impelling force, with each man offering major contributions to understanding the universe; neither of which men - or forces - are mutually exclusive. The dilemma of gravity WITH & WITHOUT PUNCTUATION: often reminds this record of: The superfluously conflicting schools of thought (Circa 1900 thru 1930 and ever since) on Max Planck's - Helmholtz inspired, Rubens confirmed - Quantum Mechanics'. The 1897 dated observation of black body radiation led Planck to attempt to observe an invariable increase in entropy, which resulted in null thought and laboratory experiments; leading to Planck's 1900 revision of Boltzmann's alternately continuous and discontinuous statistical interpretaton of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (later paralleled by Heisenberg's Principle of Indeterminacy) It is only obscurely known or recognized that, although there are indeed opposing - J.J. Thompson-electron-launched - arguments on this subject, Einstein and Planck were in the same camp, along with Schroedinger, regarding the much misunderstood 'problem' of microcosmic 'continuity' of wave-field theory, and 'discontinuity' of so called 'particles'. Leading to an undrained, ever rising swamp of determinacy and indeterminacy, entanglement, water ripple and shotgun pellets rolling sideways and speeding linearly through vertical and horizontal slits, in the ever imposing shadow of assumptive continuous wave eclipsed by the non-prevailing 'ultraviolet catastrophe' and the newly incumbent black body radiation - vocabularized in electrical theory and thermodynamics - introducing the circle of broken lines forming a sought-after curve but still leading to an apparently non discardable discontinuous 'quantum leap', because energy in discontinuous portions cannot be infinitely divided; establishing that radiant energy is not quantitatively infinite - in unequal units, Planck resolved that the frequency of the considered discontinuous wave is directly related to its duration, or more specifically, its length. This was unexpected because it defined a seemingly antithetical, self contradicting equality in discontinuous and continuous energy packets - 'quantum', which, literally translated from Latin equals 'what quantity'. It came to pass that, depending on how these units are measured and otherwise evaluated, they alternately manifestat as 'waves', and, as 'particles' - continuity, and discontinuity. From this arose a further quandary of defining the dynamics of what was projected, compared to the method or conditions of projection. Quantum Mechanics (perhaps better understood as 'quantum dynamics') was not altogether contradictory to the - at that time, much established continuous wave theory - which was often confirmed in delicate laboratory observations as well as more pedestrian observations such as the often exemplified fact that a swinging pendulum loses its momentum in a continuous declination of kinetic energy. Quantum Mechanics contests this. Black body radiation occurs in discontinuous packages of microcosmically indivisible energy units of erg seconds, where the individual, indivisible unit is designated as 'h', for the numerically expressed value of: .0000000000000000000000000066, or, 6,6 x 1027 Establishing that ordinary sizes as perceived by human observers were not the end measure of what was occuring in the much smaller realms of physicality and dynamics. Max Planck had not excluded the previous standards of observation and measurement, whereas, he certainly had established that the characteristics of the larger physical world were not aligned with those of the smaller physical world, and that the Latin statement, ut infra, ut supra and conversely ('as above, so below'), was a generalisation but not a law. Atomic (microcosmic) physics was understood to be in its early stages and the Planck dynamics were a portention that many other unexpected discoveries were due, as the science of observing and measuring microcosmic reality progressed - the evolutions of which were alternately championed and challenged, by Planck, Rutherford, Einstein, Bohr, Shroedinger and a mess of others time and space does not allot for - as it was and is - in the format of this dissertation (It may be correctly observed and stated that: 'Long posts' are discouraged in most every communications exchange on the net? In any event, the ongoing interaction between Sergey and Puff has been augmented and transferred from the Science Forum Hypography thread 'What IS space' to this location subjecting TOTAL FIELD THEORY) You exlude such important considerations from your (disarmingly candid, if not naive?) guesses, Mr. Sergey500 (Is only 15 years old, but is the author of the subjected thread - 'What IS space, at Science Forums Hypography, which question has evoked an admirably inspired series of responses - diamonds in the rough, as it were...). Likely because you concede to asking big questions, parallel to candidly admitting to having a short attention span. That is, it's likely you don't understand a lot of things because you, with admirable honesty, concede that you don't read much, and like so many others these days who want - and often get - instant everything, you don't like long posts, in response to your questions, either... It's been said by this record before and may be called upon to be repeated any number of times: There are two kinds of math. Metric, and, non-metric. The first is obliged to be responsive to and directly determined by measurably real conditions; with or without mathematical descriptions of them. Non-metric math is, for example, not obliged to conform to any existentially (conditionally, physically, spatially, dynamically, phenomenologically) manifest state or process of observed, measurable reality. Been said before, here: an exemplary pair of non-metric mathematical formulas can be equally correct, while reciprocally and mutually disproving each other. Numbers only. Who needs reality to do non-metric mathematics? Has little or nothing to do with 'science'. (Does that help any?)