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Everything posted by coquina

  1. Please remember, there is a difference in "Global Warming" and "Anthropocentric Climate Forcing". The first refers to what happens naturally, for the reasons Ophie mentoned. The second is the result of human influence. Here is a link to the USGS Library associated with the Global Change Research Program. http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/Library/ In addition to the main documents, you can click on the left hand side to read background documents.
  2. http://museum.montana.edu/2003/skeletons/skeletons.html Here are some of the earlier finds - there are several T-Rex fossils. The new article doesn't say how much of the fossil was found, but they have found enough complete or nearly complete ones to identify them from just a few bones. This one was thought to have been about 18 years old. That would probably be a juvenile - reptiles live a long time - especially those at the tip-top of the food chain. Mokele can tell us for sure, but I think reptiles continue to grow throughout their life span. Finally - Dr. John Horner was co-author of this report. I have seen a lot and read a lot about him - he is one of the most respected people in his field. I don't think he would risk his rep by blowing off steam.
  3. Amongst other things, they have original Colonial "lasts" (wooden molds) from which adults shoes were made. The average size is quite small. Also, when you go aboard the replicas of the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery, there is no headroom for an average sized modern person. The interpreters said that most men were shorter than 5'6". Apparently, good nutrition and improved medical care over the last 400 years has led to people becoming taller on average. I'm not saying this is due to evolution, but due to the fact that people did not previously attain maximum growth due to malnutrition.
  4. It seems to me that one of the most common and important types of pride is that which a parent feels for the accomplishments of his/her child. When the child gets good grades or masters a new task, the parent says, "I'm proud of you." So, in this case, pride is a positive reinforcement that encourages the child to continue to learn new mental and physical tasks. When one has pride in one's own achievements, it could be compared to the "A Ha!" experience - the light-bulb switches on. (I don't know, but I suspect there is a release of endorphins.) Since this is a pleasurable experience, we are encouraged to repeat it. In some people, particularly creative or inventive ones, the group may feel pride towards a member who figures out a way to solve a problem which makes living easier for the entire group. Conversely, individuals may feel pride toward the entire group if they work as a unit to achieve goals that none could accomplish alone. This would fit into the "pride of country category". As to the "evolutionary defense mechanism" - I'd cite the first example as the one most likely to fall into this pattern, since praising our children helps them learn the lessons that will aid in helping them reach the age where they can reproduce.
  5. It isn't clear whether Gauss actually developed this mechanism for demagnefication, or whether it was just named for him. There's more on Google - hope this helps.
  6. coquina

    Schiavo case

    My father died at home from Alzheimer's Disease. The hospice nurse explained to us that when it was time for his body to shut down, he would stop eating. He was not hungry, when we tried to spoon feed him he pushed the spoon away. He wouldn't drink anything either. The hospice nurse told us that this is a natural occurance for a person who is dying, they do not feel hunger. I know my dad didn't. Therefore, I do not feel that witholding nutrition is cruel. I find it rather bizarre that people who claim to be religious are so intent on forcing this woman to remain in the world when the time has come for her to leave it. If a person believes that when one dies, one goes to heaven, and that all wounds are healed, and the person becomes whole again, why in the heck are they bound and determined to keep her here? It doesn't make sense to me.
  7. Radium??? http://www.chemmybear.com/images/radium.jpg
  8. for the compliments - they made my day, since I'll be 56 on Friday. I think I'm on the far side of "middle-aged", scary thought. My internet service has been on the Fritz all day long - this is the first time I've been able to connect. Hope it hangs in there long enough for me to reply. Bettina, I have the opposite problem from you when it comes to crying. My dad believed that to succeed in this world, one couldn't show emotion. He believed in "spare the rod and spoil the child" to the max. He used to say, "If you don't stop crying, I will give you something to cry about." My mother was a Brit and had the "stiff upper lip" thing. She didn't believe in showing your emotions to anyone. I learned to "suck it up", big-time. As a result, very few people have ever seen me cry. I didn't even cry when my husband died. People kept telling me, "You have to cry," but I just couldn't. People also think I don't care because of my lack of physical emotions, but I do. You say you have been diagnosed as an "empath". I know the word "empathy", but didn't know there was a name for someone who feels the emotion in the extreme. It is certainly good that you care so much for others. However, I think you need to channel those emotions into a way that you can help them. Have you ever thought about becoming a lawyer. You could be a darned convincing prosecuting attorney. However, you have to remember to channel the anger and emotion rather than allowing it to overwhelm you.
  9. Contact the American Society for non-destructive testing and ask them if there is an easy way to find out. http://www.asnt.org/ndt/primer5.htm The only other suggestion I have is as follows: Are the wheels on or off the car? If they are off it and you can drill a small hole in the back side where it won't show, and retrieve the turnings (pieces of metal removed by the drill) if they are magnesium, they will burn at a very high temperature. If you spray water on them it will cause a small explosion. If you decide to try this experiment, you only need one or 2 pieces of turning. Put them where they can't catch anything else on fire - like on a piece of concrete. Use a long handled grill lighter, and have a bucket of sand ready to throw on the fire to douse it. Aluminum will burn at high enough temperature, but a grill lighter won't make enough heat to ignite it. You can also start a small fire using tinder and throw the turnings on and see if they burn - if they do, there will be a bright white flash.
  10. coquina

    Schiavo case

    and I might have missed something along the way, but who's paying for her care? I have been through extreme illness with 4 elderly people - 3 of whom could not take care of themselves, but who did not qualify for "skilled care". If medicare won't pay, secondary insurance won't pay. Medicaid won't take over until the assets of the person have been reduced to a very paltry sum. I could be wrong, but I don't think having a feeding tube qualifies as "skilled care". If I am right, a significant amount of asset depletion is occuring. Since she became ill very quickly, she wasn't competent to transfer her assets into someone else's name. If the husband stands to benefit from an estate, the sooner off she's dead the richer he will be. If they are divorced, he loses. If she stays alive long enough to deplete her own money, unless things have changed, his assets can be attached as well (except for his house and a car). Personally, I think she should be allowed to die with dignity. However, I also believe in the old maxim "follow the money". Something tells me if there wasn't a healthy sum of it to be gained, the guy would have divorced her and moved on years ago.
  11. When I was young, (in the 50's) there was a man in the neighborhood who was a great friend to all the kids He was a widower, his wife had died of cancer. He had a mule and a cart and he took us all on hay rides, he had marshmallow roasts and Halloween parties. In the summer, he took us all clamming and swimming. He was retired, and everyone trusted him. The parents thought he was easing his lonliness by making friends with the children. He was the most friendly, church-going, sanctimonius man you'd ever want to meet..... until the day we were clamming and he came up to me and said he'd found a big bunch of clams behind a duck blind, and would I come and help him rake them up? He didn't rape me, thank God, but I never let him get me alone again. Later, I found out I was not the only person he had approached. What was weird was that kids wouldn't even talk about it to other kids. We were pretty naive, (I had not yet learned about "the facts of life"), but I knew what he did was wrong. It wasn't until we got to high school, and learned more about what was going on that we talked to each other about it. That sounds crazy, doesn't it? I guess nobody "told" because we had so much fun with the parties and all, and he never really hurt us, and we thought the other kids would be mad if we made a scene. The people who look at you strangely may be thinking about weird stuff, or they may just want to scare you. What is really terrrifying is that the people who can hurt you the worst are the people you trust the most.
  12. Is #1 Blue Cheese?
  13. I suggest you google first for the common names along with "taxonomy". That will give you the scientific names. You can then use the scientific names along with terms like "protective adaptation" and "heat dissipation" or "temperature regulator" to see what turns up.
  14. It should work, but often doesn't. The politics get too involved. One example - I grew up in a machine shop and learned the job hands on and I bought into the business. (My dad didn't believe in giving anyone anything they hadn't earned, including me.) Many first time potential customers have assumed that I was put in charge so that the company would be able to receive set aside contracts. I don't like that. Neither do I like it that the practice of doing just that is widespread. Another example - I worked with the Navy on a project to build a 5-axis machine that washed explosives out of bombs using a high velocity "water-knife". It was operated by remote control using hydraulics (No sparks) and a closed circuit TV camera. The Navy had the initial idea, but I, my husband, and several of my employees spend a lot of extra time making it work. We were told that there were a number of facilities who would be "demilitarizing bombs" and we would be able to sell several of the machines to other DOD facilities. When the request for quotations came out, it was set-aside for minority-owned businesses (not the same as female-owned businesses). We had to provide a set of drawings to the Navy when we completed our first part, and then we were not even allowed to bid on the other machines. The programs were set up for good reason. A lot of good has come from them, when they function as they should. A lot of bad has come from them when people have "beaten the system".
  15. 1. Skin with hair follicles? 2. Beer foam 3. Caviar 4. a pink gummy bear 5. the bottom of a printed "w" or "v" on a piece of paper.
  16. Oops, that was supposed to be a reply to the OP.
  17. coquina

    Noisy dryer

    Did you look really closely on the control panel? The dryers I have had contained a switch so that you can turn the buzzer off.
  18. Isn't it about time to swap that hat for bunny ears?
  19. Everybody has certain things that really hit home to them. Rather to be too sensitive than not sensitive enough. Since you feel such a need to be an advocate for young people, why don't you inquire about being a "big sister". You have posted before that your mother left your home when you were small. You would probably have a special empathy for young girls who don't have a mom for one reason or other.
  20. Move over, Sayonara... another MT.
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