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Everything posted by Primarygun

  1. If we heat alcohol in a airtight container, will it burn? When we heat it with oxidizing agent, will it result in a fire?
  2. Here are two questions I am concerning. 1.If we use a solid iron core instead of a laminated one, the Voltage induced will decrease. My teacher said it is, simply by saying more energy loss as heat. P=V^2 / R Power distributed to the secondary coil increases. So V increases,keeping R is constant. But I don't think so. [i think the current can increase instead] 2.This question is relevant to my thought. How is the current in the secondary coil determined? by V=IR? I think it is by P=IV. By then, how could any appliance in the secondary coil affect the current? Consider a step-up transformer. If the V in 2nd coil is very large, V^2/R will violate the law of conservation of energy.
  3. I use avast. I hope it has a good firewall. By the way, I don't think I will contact my local provider as I think it is too inconvenient. Thanks for your information
  4. My computer got attacked by a person several times. DCOM Exploit attack from What should I do?:"
  5. an object is thrown vertically upward from the earth;s surface with certain initial speed. it rises to a maximum height and then falls back to the starting point. what is the wrok done by the by the gravitational force in the process?exaplain ANSWER is the total work done by the gravitational force is zero as work is done against the gravitational force by the object during the upward journey. and the same magnitude of work is done on the object in the downard journey I noticed this thread in a forum. However, my answer does not reconcile this one. I think since v^2 is a vector and it changed, hence KE is changed since magnitude is unchanged but direction is changed, But my teacher taught me KE is not a vector, so what's the correct answer?
  6. May I know if anyone here has idea?
  7. I want to create my outgoing server as it can be more powerful. I have no idea about the setting, such as domain, DNS..
  8. yes, I want to turn the existing data into my desirable arrangement, so i don't use table. I would try this.
  9. Merak Mail Server Window XP. I wanna create a server just for sending out letter.
  10. I am currently building my own web mail server. There are errors for my system: "Testing DNS Server ';;'... DNS Test Successful. Testing Primary Domain 'domain.com' for MX Record... Primary Domain Test Successful. Testing Internet Connectivity... Internet Connectivity Test Successful. Testing Internet Services... Internet Services Test Successful. Testing SMTP Message Transfer... SMTP Message Transfer Test Failed. SMTP Message Transfer message could not be delivered. Mail server responded with: ""." How can I solve it?
  11. Isn't the distribution of charges in a conductor(open circuit)also uneven causing an emf?
  12. Why can charges move from a cloud in the sky downwards the ground? I know the principle of it, but I don't know the difference between it and the things about induced emf in a conductor. There's an emf induced when a conductor cuts magnetic field lines generally and emf is induced. But, taking lightning to be considered, both of them are not involved in a complete circuit, so why there's a difference? The magnitude of the emf induced?
  13. Word. I don't mind if I have to install more powerful softwares
  14. Please have a short look on the format below. A:1 B:2 C:3 D:4 This is the Multiple Choice question format in my word. I want to arrange them into A:1aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa B:2 C:3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa D:4 There are lots of questions which I have to rearrange. Since I always see the required format/arrangement(white words represent space)in my teachers' papers, I wonder if someone here knows this technique and teaches me. Thanks for attention.
  15. Wanna share an interesting thing with you, so I started this thread. It seemed that I used to know and understand reason for the introduction of high voltage before entered the magnetism. Today, when I had a read on a thread in another forum, I strived to recall my memory again. Then, I found myself totally confused. May I tell you my confusion. [Math]P=VI [/Math] V increases, then I decreases. [Math] Power loss=I^2 R[/Math] I used to this approach for the interpretation. Today, I was reminded of thinking it in the V way. [Math]Power loss=V^2/R[/Math] Voltage is indeed increased, according to the equation, Power loss should increase accordingly. However, the fact in reality rejected this explanation. If you don't know the reason behind at this moment, please try hard to figure it out on your own. Try to think of a circuit with some resistors. Then, I remembered the magnetism. Power Input=Power loss+ Power output. Increase the voltage indeed decreases the current. But the fact here is, this is not a simple circuit, it is connected to a transformer. so, voltage supplied by the primary transformer(Emf) is not totally distributed to the resistor. Some of it is used for generating another magnetic field. I don't know whether I'm correct, but at this moment, I think I could think of a question scientifically.
  16. I didn't read the above threads so I generalize the case here. Anode refers to electrodes where oxidation occurs. Normally, reactive metals lose electrons more readily than hydroxide ion. When in an electrolytic cell, (Check the Standard Electrode Potential), hydroxide ion loses electrons more readily than silver. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_standard_electrode_potentials
  17. In my figure, the whole circuit is being pulled to the right. AD experiences no change in magnetic field. Why do we apply the Fleming's right hand rule on the loop AD instead of BC? And, if the whole circuit is moving in the uniform magnetic field, if the shape of the circuit is like the above one, there's no induced current. Is this also true for a circular one? Thanks for kind attention to my thread.
  18. Movement of charged particles result in current.
  19. Perhaps the second method is not the common one, but I may sometimes use it instead. May anyone help me?
  20. Anyone helps me?
  21. This accounts for why small experiments playing with the solenoid always allow a magnet passes through itself?
  22. Magnetic north pole aligns along the magnetic field line? and if the force is big enough, it will be attracted along the field lines? On the other hand, when we determine the force on charges, we use the Fleming's Left-hand rule?
  23. I hope someone can help me again. I was not close to the proper approach until your appearance. Now, I notice something important. For tossing a head and tail, the "domains", a term I refer to, affect each other under no circumstance. But, here the case, taking out one red ball surely affect the P of a Green ball, so they are dependent. 1.We can always use your approach for both dependent and independent events, right? But for indepedent events, we can chose not to use this method while the conditional P must be applied for the latter, right? If my thoughts are totally correct, I think I've got it at that moment.
  24. All zygotes of human have the same genotype. But, when you consider carefully, starting from the unique cells, each cells divided should have the same structure, what causes them to specialize to carry out different functions?
  25. Sometimes, we may draw a tree diagram with domains (the columns) as (1st, 2nd,3rd) with the rows having "Yes" or "No". For instance, find the P that both of the two children in your home have done their homework. Then, we can apply the above case. Now, consider a case that seven balls are in a bag. One ball will be taken out. There are four red balls, 2 blue balls, and 1 green balls. Find P(G). Obviously, it is 1/7 if we set domains as Type of ball. What about we set the domains as Red ball, Green Ball, Blue ball ,with the rows of "Yes" or "No"? We can find that P(Red yes)=4/7. while P(Red NO)=3/7, Similarly we can find out the other P. Now when doing the question, Use P(Red No, Blue No, Green Yes). The P is different from the obvious method, can anyone explain it?
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