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Everything posted by Primarygun

  1. I'd think electrostatics charges are more dangerous than a current. Current requires a complete circuit but the former does not.
  2. The organic solvent is really useful. Any other organic solvent is non-toxic and practical?
  3. I forget which, ampere or voltage, reaches a particular level would kill a person. Probably voltage. Above the level does not stop heart beating but just inhibit.
  4. Long time ago, my hands were stained with ink when I was filling up my cartridge. I found rubbing my hands with alcohol work.
  5. Where can I get the past paper of CCEA? I want to get the solution or answer too.
  6. Someone just told me there is a current present in a nanosecond of time if I stand on an insulator and touch a charged conductor.
  7. I think he may lose some of his supporters.
  8. Current is the flow of electrons in a complete circuit. Perhaps, " complete circuit" plays the most important role in this game. If a metal is put onto a charged metal, is it considered as a complete circuit?
  9. ya, the news came to HK. someone pretended to be a BBC reporter so as to come close to Tome Cruise. He probably played a trick on him. Now, Tom Cruise decided not to sue them as he thinks it wastes time.
  10. so when we share the excess charge with a charged conductor, is there any ampere of current?
  11. What sets up the magnitude of ampere? the flow of electrons?
  12. Thanks YT and 5614 In both cases, electrons move in our body at a higher speed than usual. But,by sharing, we have a net gain of charge : Being passing through by an current, we get no net charge. Why the latter gives us a deadly but the former does not hurt us?
  13. What do you mean? Does it mean the rate of transferring electron through my body by a current is much higher than the rate by sharing of charge?
  14. Ya, but the charge should be shared between the object and me, why there is not shock?
  15. I hope this thread is put correctly. When I stand on an insulator and touch a charged objects (Van der Graff generator) , why I can't feel a shock? On the other hand, if I stand on the floor, I could feel the shock.Why? Would there be any difference if the object is an electric toy car which is "leaking" electricity? I wonder if the " complete circuit" plays an important role for
  16. Yes, I got 20cm by concerning the cones are in similar shape.
  17. Primarygun


    I start from the left-hand side by using double angle formula then divide both side by (cosx)^2
  18. I don't get this answer. ..........
  19. Thank you
  20. We need to count the square occupied as the above shape is not a triangle. That's what I think.
  21. Does the specific heat capacity of an object affect the rate of transfer of energy from an object to another? For instance, alcohol has a lower specific heat capacity than water. If they are both at 50 degree Celsius and poured into a beaker containing water of 20 degree Celsius respectively, after 1 second, in which beaker, much heat is transferred? Thanks for kind attention.
  22. Acidified potassium nitrate reacts with zinc metal? I guess it will,but is the reaction very vigorous?
  23. Does it react with sodium sulphite? I guess it does. Is the reaction vigorous if a zinc metal is put into a potassium nitrate solution?
  24. Which option shall I set in order to let my web site become a part of the google?
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