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  1. It is all about what I think the message of the protesters should be.
  2. Everyone likes to talk about how we need free healthcare and by that they mean tax-payer funded health services. I believe that this is because it is a seemingly simple answer to a big problem. I implore people to reexamine their premises however. The government is massively inefficient and politicians are not trustworthy. Long lived government programs have a tendency to get very corrupted over time and since we have such high healthcare costs currently in terms of dollars paid for drugs, nutrients and services, it seems like we should focus on reducing costs rather than the federal distribution of funds to overpaid doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Government seems to be more efficient at mobilizing vast sectors of he population for completing specific projects. Why not drive down costs of healthcare by building state of the art hospitals in every county or providing tax and other incentives to pharmaceutical and nutrient manufacturers and dramatically increasing the supply? That may drive down costs to a reasonable level for everyone. My father almost died following the advice of doctors when he got cancer. They cut out a piece of his lung and the cancer came back. They wanted to cut out more and part of his urinary track as well. It wasn't until he gave up on the doctors and completely changed his diet and life that he went into remission. He made a miraculous turn around and now is cancer free and healthier than he was before. I believe the answers that we are given are not sufficient and not equal to the problems we face, but I believe that it is in our capacity to solve our problems if we think outside of the paradigm which put us in these positions to begin with. The protesters should focus on nationalizing the fed and increasing interest rates. We have to encourage saving and loans. A reasonable rate of return is what encourages loaning, not a bunch of aimless stimulus.
  3. I take issue with the idea that the Tea-Party has any concrete belief system. It is an amorphous reaction by sections of the public in response various circumstances. A lot of those people come from NASA territory and I believe if you were to call them, "anti-science," they would fire back with something like, "you're anti-freedom," or "Obama is anti-space exploration." Many so-called liberals are just as bigoted and irrational as any self-identified conservative. Conservatives tend to consider them rationalists, whereas liberals consider themselves humanitarians. Of course in contemporary discourse these lines are blurred to the point of indiscernibility where arguments like, "it is rational to save every single baby regardless to the cost to the mother," or "it is humanitarian to kill large swaths of the population of the world to preserve resources," persist. I suggest that everyone refrain from using characterizations from corporate media outlets to frame arguments regarding mass political movements or the economic state of countries around the world. Now that Unilever, Sean Penn, President Obama, George Soros and the like have come out in support of the OWS protests, as the Koch Brothers, Sean Hannity and similar entities seemed to co-opt the Tea-Party before it, one must ask oneself, what is the true story here? As for my personal opinion. I believe in: - a 1% wallstreet tobin tax - the abolishment of the federal income tax. - an across the board sales tax of 7% - a tariff on imports above the sales tax - a moratorium on on student loan and mortgage dept from the largest institutions pending bankruptcy proceedings and possible reorganization - the enforcement of of bankruptcy convention on all financially suspect entities including all of the TBTF banks - an immediate end to all foreign occupations and illegal unprovoked wars - the immediate nationalization of the Federal Reserve and an increase in interest rates - wide spread funding for science and engineering projects and agencies including NASA - wide spread funding for public infrastructure projects including transportation, energy, healthcare, ocean and space - the reinstating of the Glass-Steagal reforms - An international treaty of science, engineering and infrastructure cooperation with China and Russia. - the end to costly government policies such as the drug war - the end through gradual attrition of many seemingly pointless, redundant and antagonizing government agencies such as the ATF, DEA, IRS, FEMA, DHS, FDA and so on. You may not agree with all of it, but I would be hard-pressed to believe that every person on this forum does not agree with at least one item on this list.
  4. First of all, for being so anti-liberal Moxnews sure are being incredibly generous to president Obama. - Death of Bin Laden - Highly suspect in it's validity. No body, no concrete story, subsequent and prior events cast major doubt on the official stor(ies). - Passage of Obamacare - Obama supporters who overwhelmingly supported a no nonsense single-payer system were hornswoggled into government enforcement of mandatory private healthcare. - TARP - Was signed into law by Bush not Obama and did not prevent the so-called, "second depression." People are continuing to be evicted, default on their mortgages and go bankrupt. Unemployment continues to rise and the welfare state continues to grow. - First African-American - Can anyone say, Kenyan/Indonesian/American? As if Obama shares his cultural background with 99% of African-Americans. Let's settle for first technically African-American president with discernible African features. - Pulling troops out of Iraq - Didn't really happen. - Ended 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy in military - Way to hand the triumph of tons of gay rights activists to one dupe with a suit on. - His two Supreme Court Appointments - I'll give him that, but I am still not happy about it. - Clean Energy Initiatives - Where are all the hydro-electric dams and solar power stations? Alaska or China maybe? - Committing military to NATO's operation to oust Qaddafi - Participating in unprovoked unconstitutional wars on behalf of a treaty organization which is not even charged with the responsibility to launch such actions is not an, "accomplishment," of anything other than rash militarism. - Other: Watching the most sports games. Obama/Bush tag team = Supreme Failure of Leadership
  5. Just to be fair, I don't believe that Dr. Anderson was suggesting building Tipler's Cylinder. It is a theoretical construct to examine a particular property of space time. He was suggesting he has already built the following machine: http://andersoninsti...r-overview.html Not making any claims of validity. I am merely keeping the argument on the relevant subject. Ready, set, DEBUNK! Another thought has occurred to me which is that since we are all time traveling to some extent all the time, though it is such a minuscule amount that we can't tell the difference, Is it possible that we are all violating the causality principle to some extent all the time however slight the violation? If neutrinos are moving faster than the speed of light and they are essentially arriving before they left what does that say for the human perception of time? If a satellite in space is moving a a different rate of time such that the clocks have to be adjusted in order to compensate for the loss of time on one end, what is actually happening temporally when an astronaut comes into contact with it in order to service the machine? Has he caused the satellite to instantly travel to his time frame? Has he traveled to it's time frame? Is that a causality violation? Will I eventually go crazy from this line of reasoning or reach nirvana?
  6. On this gentleman's website, Dr. David Lewis Anderson, he has claimed that he has produced machines called, "time generators," that produce closed time-like curves. He has also claimed that he and his group as well as other groups around the world are actively manipulating time on a significant level on a regular basis. This seems like laughable nonsense on it's face, but upon further inspection his credentials seem relatively believable which has left me in a rather precarious position. Can anyone confirm that this is complete BS so I can go back to drinking coffee and reading the newspaper?
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