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  1. The same attraction and centrifugal force, their energy is the same
  2. As the attractiveness of the nucleus, h can not be too far away.Since the repulsion between electrons, h is not too close.Therefore, there is a specific value H, the minimum energy of the electron
  3. photos address http://lvripple.blog.163.com/blog/static/2150610222013921112252959/
  4. We know that the satellites are rotating around the earth, but when there are multiple satellites, we almost do not considerthe interaction between the satellite. When the atoms within the two electrons,Can they both rotate around the nucleus? We know The rotation of electron around the nucleus is planar motion. the conditions of plane motion is the force direction and the movement direction in the same plane. Within the atom, electrons and protons, the force of the same value, and thus between the electrons can not be ignored, because the protons and another electronic accumulative force of this electronic is not in the plane of rotation of the electrons around the nucleus.So when the atoms within multiple electrons can not simultaneously rotate around the nucleus. Therefore, due to the repulsion between the electrons, the electronic may be rotated next to the atomic nucleus(Energy minimization) .When the nucleus on the electron attractive F, but his only contribution to the rotation orbits f.There are some special radius of his rotation angular momentum satisfy the Bohr quantization condition . Means that when the atoms within multiple electronic, electronics not in rotation around the nucleus but in the next to the atomic nucleus rotation, and rotation of the angular momentum obey Bohr quantization condition
  5. I don"t know how to upload picture,but I think that the Bohr model is right. the picture http://img2.ph.126.net/C0ntuIqlVB_LG9xsVyFzgw==/647392446451606262.jpg
  6. We know Bohr orbit theory only meant only one electron of hydrogenic atoms .Suppose atom has two electronic ,If they all rotate around the nuclei ,due to the interaction between electronic ,by mechanical analysis ,We will find it difficult to find the right Orbits .Due to the repulsion between electronics,They may be in the nucleus next to rotate ,as shown in the figure .While attractiveness of nuclear electronic is F,but the contributions to the electronic spin orbit is only f.When calculating the orbit in Bohr's quantized conditions ,role of centripetal force on electrons is f rather than F.That is, when the atom has more than one electron ,Due to the repulsion between electronic ,Electronics is aside to the nucleus rotation rather than rotate around the nuclei .While the spin angular momentum is subject to Bohr's quantized conditions
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