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I want to introduce myself to the forum. I have a PhD in chemistry, Purdue 1965, and worked fifteen years in industrial chemistry. I retired and studied Metaphysics. For the past 30 years I have been working on a Chemistry book that brings together both disciplines. At last, I hope it is coming together.
HI: I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself. I have a PhD in Chemistry from Purdue in 1965. I conducted industrial research for fifteen years, retired and studied Metaphysics, such areas as Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, I Ching, Cabala, and Tarot. For the past 30 years, I have been struggling with a book harmonizing the two disciplines and now finally have something I hope would be understandable and interesting. I ask for comments on the subject matter. Numbers, Magic, Chemistry Introduction For those old enough, do you remember the sixties and the Volkswagon van with the hippy colors and the question authority bumper sticker? These mainly young people did question many things and made changes that were never revoked. You can say it was irreversible changes in many areas such as the medical profession and technology. However, science was undaunted. In order to question scientific authority, because of the complexity, one must be knowledgeable in the various fields. In short, to question a field such as quantum mechanics or Relativity, one requires a PhD's worth of knowledge. The layman can only hope that the high priests of science are telling the truth. Its an inconvenient truth to report that many times, they aren't. After a thousand years of intellectual snoozing in the Middle Ages, the world was awakened with new desires to understand. The religion of science was the answer to that call. The world at that time desperately needed intellectual understanding to turn the tide of superstition that prevailed throughout the western world. The Black Plague was destroying western civilization and prevailing thoughts were themselves plagued with superstition. The rational mind which created science and deducted thinking came to the rescue and solved the problems of the plague. Instead of focusing on superstitious beliefs, a systematic study revealed that rodents were responsible. This rational deductive thinking was discovered to be capable of mirroring all the existing levels of consciousness at that time. The atom was being discovered and was the building block of the lowest level of consciousness within the matrix. Likewise Saturn was the barrier in the macro world and afforded the upper level of consciousness. The religion of science, like all religions, has rules for the masses. Consciousness initiates at zero, no knowledge. In attempts to mirror reality, all the variables of subject phenomena are listed and all held constant while one is varied in a series of designed experiments. Correlations are sought after, and if found, the results are published in journals so measurements are the key to the understanding, only areas of physical reality are explored where measurements are possible. Other areas of science where measurements are not possible are taboo, relegated to terms like voodoo science. Science relies totally on the physical senses or machines that amplify these senses. Since spirit is invisible to the senses, science which is based on the senses must therefore be incomplete in regions close to spirit. Where would these regions of incompleteness lie? The answer is tied up with mathematics, an intellectual invention to allow scientist to measure. There are essentially four operators that they use to manipulate numbers based on equations discovered to mirror the behavior of physical reality. As we will see, there is a lack of correspondence between the macro and micro operators in mathematics. Mathematics breaks down in regions close to zero. Currently science has shown its inadequacies regarding a clear understanding of the nature of the atom or out beyond the barriers of Saturn, the ancient last member of the solar system. Science behaves well in regions beyond the atom up to the limits of the solar system. However when technology allowed the scientist to penetrate the atom, a very small specie, (close to zero), he entered a world when the results of science broke down. Likewise, when he was able to probe beyond Saturn’s barrier, (close to infinity) the results again started breaking down. This treatise will be concerned only in the small region, the world within the atom. It is my contention that in this world, science is ill equipped to mirror reality within the atom. To start, scientists ran into trouble when they learned that when shining a light onto these small substances that they distorted the observed. In the macro world, this is not a problem so one can observe a particle’s position and determine its energy. In short, one can determine that a particle is a freight train coming at you at 5mph and not a fly. In the micro world, however, they can only observe one of the variables so the best they can tell you is that something is coming at you at 5mph but can’t determine whether it’s a freight train or a fly or they can tell you that it’s a freight train but can’t determine its location. So is science hopeless here? Basically, but metaphysics can provide meaningful answers. The ancient world was well aware of numbers as observed in the monuments left behind for us to ponder, for example, the great pyramid. In ancient times students learned numbers as reflected in geometry, music and harmony. Numbers are sacred; they afford a path from nothing (zero) to infinity in discrete steps. Ancient philosophies taught that Great Spirit is reflected in the all (infinity) and nothing (zero). Metaphysics can let one understand zero because it has laws governing how zero works in this matrix. The Hermetic principles dating back to the ancient world can help us penetrate zero. One of the laws states that there is a correspondence between one octave of creation to another; there are many octaves of creation between the sub atomic particles to humans and beyond to the galaxies. If one understands a level of creation, that information will apply to other levels of creation. The personality of humans, understood with the use of numbers, as in Astrology and numerology would apply to all levels of consciousness. These subjects help the meta physician learn the essence of sacred numbers. This same knowledge may be applied to the chemical as well as the sub atomic world and will reveal some behavior patterns in these worlds that science is incapable of observing. The scientific world took a serious turn towards illusion a hundred years ago; the scientists were piecing the subatomic world from the vast amount of data obtainable from spectroscopy, the act of shining light of varied intensity and wave length onto matter to determine what affects the light causes. Based on these and other results, Niels Bohr reasoned that the atom was the same as our solar system with a charged nucleus, surrounded by electrons like planets surrounding the central sun. However, such a model fails because an overwhelming charge plus mass that the central sun or nucleus has would suck up the negatively charged electrons, collapsing the atom. In the void that followed this model, just mathematical models were allowed and the scientist was told to no longer seek adequate visual models but trust only mathematics to come up with an answer. Yet, mathematics is incapable of solving the dilemma that zero presents. What’s the problem with mathematics? Mathematics fails the law of correspondence; there is no agreement between levels of creation. The law of correspondence according to Hermetic law preaches that " as above, so below", there must be harmony between the macro to micro worlds. Mathematics is based on four fundamental operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We can arrange these operators on a cross of two intersecting lines. The horizontal line has addition and subtraction, the micro level. The vertical line contains multiplication and division, the upper and lower levels of creation. The micro level of addition/subtraction has as its null point zero while the vertical line of multiplication /division has as its null point one, hence no correspondence. Mathematics has all kinds of problems with zero. Multiply anything by zero gives zero. What happens when you multiply zero by infinity? Even worse, division by zero is taboo, period. So what happens when numbers get really small? Do they become zero? Again, mathematics fails in the micro world. Using mathematics as the sole source of information has led the scientist to follow a merry dance into illusion. It is the nature of the ego to think of itself as important and that each day it will become even more important. It is no wonder that the theory of evolution was so accepted because it preaches that humans are at the highest level of creation with its knowledge. The scientist is therefore justified to take risks knowing that tomorrow he will be smarter. For example, this logic has led to such thoughts as It Is ok to store nuclear waste because tomorrow we will know what to do with it. So despite the incredible amount of evidence against the theory of evolution, it is accepted as fact and all opponents are regarded as superstitious religious creationists. An important law of science states all reportable observations must be able to be reproduced by ones peers-other high priests whom because of their professional status are detached observers. These high priests of science gather in hollow halls of the ivory tower and stand between us and the truth. They report their gospel in journals. All articles wishing to be published must pass the gauntlet of acceptance and be refereed by other priests. If these results are reproduced and accepted by the referees then the knowledge may be a source of a theory. Where theories become law is a gray area, such as with thermodynamics. The study of energy was highly pursued in the nineteenth century. This vital field, thermodynamics, is so special that theories became laws which must be obeyed. The second law of thermodynamic teaches that all processes go from order to disorder while the opposite requires energy to proceed. In short, the universe is a giant clock ticking away order on a path towards total disorder. Despite the large body of evidence in violation, this law continues to be honored especially in the patent office. The twentieth century was shaped by the science obtained by penetration within the atom and beyond the solar system. After the demise of the Bohr atom, scientist turned to mathematics to explain the peculiar behavior of electrons when excited by light. Rather than a continuum of electron excited by light, the electrons would require an exact amount, a quantum of light before excitation. The reams of spectroscopic evidence indicate that electrons occupy discrete distances from the nucleus. Since there is so much uncertainty, these positions become an orbital where the probability is high that the electron would occupy a specific location. There are voids when the probability is very low that the electron occupies. There are seven orbitals available for the electron. It would take a quantum of energy to raise the electron from a lower orbital through the dead zone to the next higher orbital. Discrete energy is required to raise the electron to the higher orbital, and a discrete amount is released as it descends from the high downwards. The mathematics behind quantum theory is so extremely complicated that maybe only a few high priests really understand the subject. Teachers of the subject throw out one complicated monster after another while pretending to believe it themselves. Meanwhile, another theory called sub quantum kinetics uses a model of the aether distorted by vortex movement generating a proton and an electron. This model gives similar or superior agreement than quantum theory and is much simpler and should by Occam’s razor be accepted since it states that if there are two conflicting theories that can explain the data, the simpler theory should be accepted. However, this would require acceptance of the aether prevailing all space, something scientist would rather face death then accept: to accept something that they can’t measure is unbearable. Science was so accepting of anything that would exclude the aether concept, they were led deep into illusion with the theory of relativity. The scientist would rather deny their intuition and accept such a theory than deal with the consequence if they would face if they did not believe. Relativity was created to explain how light is a always constant whether it is traveling towards or away from the observer. For objects traveling near light speed, the theory of relativity states that objects will move get smaller, shorten in length and increase in weight from the point of view of an observer on Earth. The increase in weight is proposed even though it goes against our intuition, but we must accept this notion on blind faith. These proposals are necessary so as to maintain the constant light speed. Einstein became a household name after a famous experiment testing the bending of light in 1919 where researchers went to the far corners of the earth during an eclipse to observe the bend. Despite the fact that the telescopes were on ground, it was rainy and cloudy, that they chose only stars which fit their theory, data obtained was split between Newton’s classic theory and relativity, the scientists chose relativity and decreed that it was sacred law. Later anyone criticizing it was labeled anti-Semitic since Einstein was Jewish. There is mounting evidence that condemns relativity as illusionary yet mainstream science will not even consider reexamining, whether relativity is correct. Einstein also derived the famous equation, E = mc2, which reveals the equivalence of mass and energy.. Ask anyone, and they would recite this equation and claim that it was the most important equation of the twentieth century. Is this the emperor’s suit? Close examination of that equation reveals serious objections. The equation should read, the change of E (energy) is equal to the change of m (mass) time the speed of light to the square power. Scientists are not interested in what the actual energy is, but the change from before to after the event. This event somehow caused a change of mass from before to after. In the fusion reaction taking place in the sun, H1 is transformed into He2 and a change in total mass occurs. Jumping ahead for a moment, scientist found the presence of sub atomic particles within the atom. They found that the atom is made up of a nucleus containing protons (plus charged with a relative mass of 1) and were surrounded by electrons (negative charged with a very small relative mass). They later found that the nucleus also contained neutrons (no charge but a relative mass of also one). Now take an element such as carbon with an atomic number of six, which means that there are six protons and six electrons. There can not be a 6.6 atom. However, it is possible for each atom to have varied number of neutrons thus changing its weight but not affecting the charge nor their chemical properties. These different species are called isotopes. The number of isotopes varies from two to ten. What is defined as the atomic weight is a statistical number based on the percentages of isotope within the whole. So Hydrogen (H1) is 1.008. Hydrogen has two isotopes, Deuterium which has one neutron and tritium which has two. The small presence of these two isotopes increases the atomic weight by .008. Helium also has isotopes giving it an atomic weight greater than four, (two protons and two neutrons). In the transmutation of Hydrogen into Helium, there is a difference of atomic weights between reactant and products. According to Einstein’s equation, the difference (m) went off as energy. This number is very small, close to zero. This number is multiplied by a very large number (speed of light to the second power), close to infinity. This equation asks the question: what is the product of zero times infinity? This error in such a process renders it useless. Say you came up with an answer of 500, but with an error of plus or minus a billion. Physicists knows this, you would never see the use of this equation in any of their journals. Its is used by freshman physics or chemistry to give the student practice in manipulating large and small numbers. Moreover, who is to say which isotope is taking part in the reaction? Is it a statistical number based on its percentage or is it just the unstable isotope? In the hydrogen to Helium fusion, the active ingredient may be just Deuterium and the product pure Helium (2+2). If this is so, then the change in mass is zero so where does the heat come from? This famous equation really does not have any real value in understanding transmutation reactions. I am taking a different approach to the subject, rather than start with zero, I start with the all, and acknowledge that we are merely hollow flutes and Spirit flows through us creating a unique sound. What would be the mental construct for such a matrix? The aim of this treatise is to define the parameters of such a matrix where spirit, the Changer, can create all the movements without being detected by our senses while maintaining the illusion of separation. Somehow, our senses are manufactured to perceive reality without the presence of spirit, and that we alone are the creators and participants in this Maya. As mentioned, Metaphysics offers a means to gather more insights on the behavior of these small substances. It recognizes that each number has discrete qualities as an archetype; understand this and you have a handle on the element. You could say that each element has a psychological profile and will be involved in a script spanning time. Hermetic law teaches that when the whole (zero) emerges into the matrix, it divides into two. There are always two forces, one masculine, and positive, for creation, the other negative and feminine for destruction. All Cycles span time; it measures the time it takes for the masculine force to create form, which will grow and blossom. At the point of flowering, the feminine force of destruction causes decay, which leads to finally returning to the earth. Astrology affords a matrix of such a process. Placements of planets on this matrix afford a script that plays out in time. Science teaches us that the atom is made up of three species: proton, electron and neutron. It also teaches that there is a host more particles, but it’s questionable whether they are illusionary. Moreover, these particles have no bearing in our subject of chemistry. In the world of duality, this matrix: one is the masculine force for creation, two would be the feminine force leading to destruction while three would be the force towards synthesizing the two extremes. All ancient philosophies and religions (except one) recognize this. Philosophy teaches us the concept of thesis is the first force, anti thesis is the second and synthesis is the third force. A major challenge which historians who tried to interpret ancient texts and pictographs faced was that there were two meanings depending whether transmission of data originated from the gods (macrocosm) to mortals (microcosm) or vice versa. How does this dilemma manifest in numbers? This is tied up with zero. For example, there are two ways to count to three. One way is to start with one, followed by two and then three. All three entities described by the numbers would be equal in strength and would reflect communication from the microcosm. The alternate path would be to start with zero then one and two. This is communication from the macrocosm (zero) above a line where one and two reside: (drawing of triangle where zero occupies the apex and one and two occupy the base angles). ` The three sub atomic particles could reflect the numbers as: one= proton, two= electron and three being the neutron. What about zero? The microscopic count of one, two, and three describes the world within the atom. The neutron, however, has a finite existence outside of the atom. Within a short period of time, it breaks downs forming a proton (1) and an electron (2) and is the path of the macrocosm. It is for this reason that neutrons are deadly in situations where a lot accumulate as in the fission of elements of high atomic number like U92. It was observed that when atoms get to high atomic number, they start to disintegrate, rot, forming smaller atoms and emitting lots of neutrons. These neutrons can smash into other atoms causing break down there or it can form a proton and electron that quickly combine to a hydrogen atom. Now, the hydrogen atom is really tiny but it’s gigantic compared to a neutron. If enough hydrogen atoms are formed each with a delta volume demand, an explosion will occur. Could this be the reason why so much energy is created when enough neutrons get together and so be free of the irrelevant Einstein’s equation? As we will see, there is an upper limit on how much energy may be stored in one spot in this matrix. We can reason that there is an upper limit on how many times the changer can stop time, make an appearance, change something and disappear without being sensed. When the energy or action limit is exceeded, time slows down giving enough “time” for the changer to do its thing. In the heart of a thermal nuclear event, sun or hydrogen bomb, time has really slowed due to the changer constantly changing. The same applies to the other three forces that make up this matrix and how they can affect time. Planck’s constant defines the upper limit of how much action a single point may have. A quick review, we saw that one is the masculine force while two is the feminine and three deals with synthesizing the two. Four is the first digit that isn’t a prime number. Now prime numbers are much more than mathematical curiosities, the prime numbers play a critical role in science especially in chemistry as we will get into. Four divided into a circle containing 360 degrees is 90. The square, 90 degrees is the only angle that allows total free alignment for the two participants, that is, each can act independent upon the other. In Astrology, two planets square to each other means a challenge for them to harmonize with each other. Time is needed for the resolution. Within the psyche, there are two forces at odds with each other causing stress in the outer world. Geometric symbols for four are the square and the cross. Excluding the Christian cross, the cross, a symbol for the earth has two lines of same length and are right angles or 90 degrees to each. Since four is not a prime number, there is no communication from the macrocosm down, from 0 down to a base containing three members. There is only the microcosmic count, 1,2,3,4. Each of the units is of equal power or strength and act independently from each other. Metaphysical scientists called these powers, elements; fire, earth, air and water. Rather then cause confusion with the word element as applied to chemistry, I rather call them generals. Each element or general is at war with the others, each with a manifest destiny to defeat the others and make the matrix theirs. Each chemical element is an answer to a need to bring balance between these conflicting forces. The addition of each element then is weaving a tapestry of four colors within the matrix. The arrangement of the four generals onto the cross shows fire opposed by air and has water to its right and earth to its left. Fire is in equilibrium with air while water is with earth. To displace the equilibrium towards one or the other involves the addition of the other elements to their right or left. Remember the game, paper, scissors and rock, this game is played with four. As mentioned fire is in equilibrium with air but is a victim to water (general to its right). However, its food is earth (general to its left). Likewise around the cross. When a secondary general gangs up with one within the equilibrium, it is shifted one way or the other depending on its force. An example: water is in equilibrium with earth. Add fire or acid makes the water more toxic and it dissolves more of the earth. Here fire added to water is a gangbang on earth. To reestablish the equilibrium, air in the form of base must be added shifting it back towards earth. Each of the chemical elements added to the parade of elements may be an agent causing a gang bang or one to reestablish the equilibrium, all depending on its number. Chemists in the nineteenth century were able to piece together correlations on behavior of the known elements that they form a correlation in properties such that they were able to construct a periodic table. They observed that there were seven rows of elements that had some varied chemical activity and that there was a row of inactive elements making eight total rows of elements. From the mass of spectroscopic data and quantum or sub-kinetic theory analysis, it was reasoned that each electron orbital has sub groups, again based on number theory. The matrix is sexual, so teaches Hermetic law. What does that mean? Out of the void, the land of the changer comes two, one masculine and the other feminine (two). Somehow, they play sexual games creating archetypes played out as chemical elements. Human sexual organs as a metaphor would somehow manifest in other octaves of creation such as the chemical element. The masculine would have something resembling a phallic, while the feminine would contain a womb or a vortex. The vortex is the means by which the feminine plays out as an electron. All the intrigues of sexual energy played out by humans exist in the chemical world. The periodic table has the two extremes or sides that measures the element’s ability to give or receive electrons. The masculines would play out on the side whose desires to give it up, the feminine are the one who desires it. On the extremes, are one’s so desperate for sex, he’ll plant his seed in anyone while on the other extremes, we have the nymph who is consumed with the itch for sexual union. The teachings of the I Ching paint a world of sexual union between one (young yang) and two (young yin). The connection is active sex, penetration of the erected phallic within the womb. This is the world before change. Ejaculation, (orgasm?) is the change, one that is irreversible. The combination of three and four are the products of the change. In three the feminine received the exchange from one to two. She now becomes yang and is directed towards creation of new life (old yin). Meanwhile the spent phallic becomes yin or old yang. How is this played out in the chemical elements? The sacred marriage is played out as hydrogen H1 and Helium He2. After the squirt, we have the father, Lithium Li3 and the mother Be4 and their children of six: three sons and three daughters. Their fascinating behaviors depict dysfunctions, incest and violence. The next row contains another family of eight with theirs behaviors played out on a more subtle level. Things really start getting tricky in the next row. We have the same dysfunctional family of eight, but there is an insertion of ten elements that really don’t fit in any of family members. They are like a new family of ten members with magical properties that vibrate to the number of five. Five is a prime number and can be source of spirit. This is played out in the geometry of the Gizet pyramid, where the base is the four elements and the capstone is the zero, a geometric point within the matrix where the changer can visit. On the micro level, 1 through 5, the geometric shape is a pentagon. This is the shape of the female human body and defines the location of the vagina (midpoint between the two "legs"). This magic spot offers an opening to other levels of creation. In this body is reflected in the first series of transition elements, we have iron (Fe26) (the alchemical symbol for mars and masculinity) as the head and Copper Cu (29) (the alchemical symbol of Venus and the goddess of love be the vagina. The second series has Silver (29) (the alchemical symbol of the Moon and the bringer of life, as the vagina and the final series have Gold (Au79), the heart and the symbol of the Sun. The study of chemistry gets really interesting when all these masculine gods and goddesses play out their intrigue. What needs to be understood is that these elements have a level of consciousness meaning they can make a conscious choice and violate the second law of thermodynamics and bring order out of chaos. Back to the first two levels, we note the four major players in the matrix. They are keys to what is called life, that which can be sensed. Each of the four are incarnations of the four generals, each with their agenda of chemical domination. We have fire incarnate as Hydrogen H1, Carbon C6, and the second son be the earth general, Nitrogen N7 the third son be air and Oxygen O8, the first daughter be water. Organic chemistry is a fascinating study where these generals play out their manifest destinies. Science and technology have been directed towards explosion technology as a source of energy. They learned the combination of fire H1 and earth C6 contained a source of heat. Thermal dynamics is the study of reactions involving the exchange of heat. So hydrogen H1 has within it the desire to shine and stop time. In order to maintain time, hydrogen must be encased within a barrier that it can’t consume. In his natural state, it is a dimer of two atoms combined. Oxygen, O8 is the goddess water and her manifest destiny to make the universe, a giant ocean. While Carbon C6 has the desire to make the world a solid cube and Nitrogen N7 wants to free to wander the universe as his grandmother, Helium achieved. Nearly all the elements are addicts as shown by the four generals. Each general has a trick, some magic potion that the others lack. This potion can lead to an advantage but can also lead to an addiction. So three deals with exchange of substance that can lead to an addiction to either the giver and taker or both. You can say that four leads to recovery. So the parade of elements may be a source of an addiction or recovery, again depending upon its number. Plants involve a complex compound containing just C6, H1 and O8. These sugars are the lifeline leading towards densification in the roots or to flowers of volatile scents so as to draw animals in sexual play. The results of such play are alkaloids, chemicals found in plants that contain N7. The involvement of the fourth elements gives an animal character to the plant. While Plants are fixed in the earth, the source of its nutrients, animals have a degree of freedom allowing them movement. Many alkaloids are chemicals highly sough after as a drug for altered state of consciousness. These drugs offer the addict a perception where thrill becomes terror. This point is addictive because the user feels alive over such a peak period. There are another series of compounds involving all the four elements placed on a single atom. They are alpha amino acids and are the building blocks of proteins. There are twenty essential amino acids and together with two pause steps constitute the alphabet of proteins. These chemicals correlate with the twenty two paths of the major arcana in the Tarot. These chemicals are stamped out on a giant press called DNA. DNA is a very large molecule containing necessary ingredients so as to stamp out the proper amino acid in a sequence necessary for the production of a protein. DNA has two long chains bonded to each other through a weak bonding called Hydrogen bonding. This occurs when a hydrogen atom bonded to atoms with strong desire to accept electrons such as O or N are also attracted by these atoms from another molecule. This creates a chain effect and is the reason why water with such a small molecular weight is a liquid where it should be a gas. When stamping is needed, DNA unzips its hydrogen bonds and each strand bonds with another molecule, RNA, a junior molecule which does the actual protein manufacturing. The message is given from the macro to the micro through these hydrogen bonded species, four amines that have specific relations with each other. That is only one amine will bond with another so if an amine is present on the DNA molecule, then its counterpart will have to be on the RNA. It takes three of these strands of hydrogen bond links to generate one amino acid. There will therefore be 64 different combinations available for each amino acid. However, there are only 20 (plus two blanks) amino acid available meaning that some of these amino acids will have more than one sequence to generate it. Is it possible then, that even though the amino acid is chemically the same structure for each possible generated substance, could they have a different message built in the protein? It is a tragedy that today we are witnessing the holding up of new technology by science and their rules of engagement. Twenty years ago, two scientists reported a discovery where they were able to attain nuclear reactions at or below the temperature of boiling water using equipment available at any high school. They knew that if they went the usual way of reporting such finding through peer reviewed journals that it would never be published, the results were just too provocative. Instead they reported to the world through the mainstream reporters. All over the world, cold fusion was born. The flood gates were open and everywhere scientist was examining the procedure. About three months after the honeymoon, the high priests behind hidden doors and with no data declared that it would be an scientific death if anyone was caught doing any research on this subject. Those caught would be stripped of funding, no publications nor patents. For many, it was the choice between the blue or red pills. Many brave scientists gave up their standing in the ivory tower and went out into the night doing their research in garages etc. As always, the same procedure was applied by the controllers in their quest to stop real thought, first they ignore and if that doesn’t work, then they kill the proponents and slowly penetrate the protagonist, take over and make it a religion. When ignoring Cold Fusion didn’t work, they attacked with manipulated data, personal attacks that eventually drove the two scientists out of this country. Later a great spokesman for the movement, Eugene Mallove, was mysteriously murdered, lone gunman, and the religion of cold fusion borne. The problem with cold fusion that later become part of a new science called low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), is that despite the fact that only high school equipment need be used to perform the reaction, incredible sophisticated equipment is needed to perform the analysis. It is akin to finding a needle in a hay stack except this needle is invisible. The hunt was on to find nuclear products and it took years to find. But now, twenty years later, nuclear products have been found but now, nobody will listen since the skeptics have done their job, categoring cold fusion as voodoo science. For fifty or so years, physicists have enjoyed an open pocketbook of money in attempts to conduct the fusion reaction that takes place on the sun within the laboratory. Billions of dollars have been spent in vain attempts at such a feat. Undaunted they continue to get 5-10 billion a year for their efforts. Even now, they can't claim any breakthroughs only that it may take another fifty years before it can possible work. They stand to lose this money if LENR was possible so they lead in the witch hunt. According to them, any nuclear fusion MUST emit dangerous neutrons and since they don’t occur in cold fusion, it MUST not be a nuclear reaction; it must be either a fraud or sloppy work. Cold fusion also suffers from the fact that there is no theory that account for the data which challenges the ego of the rational mind that demands understanding. Every student of science is put to the task of deciding when to take data as fact or when to be skeptical. Remember to be totally skeptical leads one to complete isolation while being too accepting leads one to superstition; where do we make choices? Just as the sixties taught us to question authority, the time is ripe to question the authority of science. We can no longer accept words from these high priests as gospel. But does that mean that we should accept the words of inventors in their garages with incredible findings? What criterion is there for truth? This is particularly important in nuclear and chemical research. As mentioned, the world within the atom is a metaphysical world meaning that science is incapable of proving for or against (meta means beyond the physical). However, Hermetic laws can help us determine whether a fact rings true or not. Does the fact work in a dualistic universe and is there a correspondence to other octaves of creation? According to Mayan prophecy, the year 2012 marks the end of civilization as we know it. For the past 5000 years, the patriarch has been in control of the world. They have invented a religion and science to support their control. Up till then, for a million years, humans have lived in harmony with the earth. Since this paradigm grabbed hold of humanity, the world has suffered from cancer and slowly dying. 2012 marks the end of this paradigm. Wouldn’t it be something if mankind come up with a technology that gives them a solution to the energy crises but incapable of understanding it? This book is ammunition for people wishing to challenge scientific authority. John Muzzio, PhD