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About phlegmatic

  • Birthday 03/12/1979

Profile Information

  • Location
    Clovis, CA
  • Interests
    Caving, hiking, backpacking, reading both science and science fiction.
  • College Major/Degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    I'm a transfer student at Fresno City College.

phlegmatic's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. lmao! about the only scientific fact that the core got right is that there are rocks underneath the surface of the earth. the science fiction movie whose ideas i really loved about sub-surface sentient beings was the abyss. do you remember the jellyfish submarines and the bio-luminescent aliens? anyone know the (im)probability of such intricate and large organisms being able to exist that deep beneath the ocean surface???
  2. currently debating whether I want to purchase a mobile device whose intelligence surpasses my own...

  3. Good luck with your studies!

  4. I'll make it a point to check out both of those books and the stream you mentioned. I think calculus is going to be the only really difficult subject I'll be taking next semester; also taking first class in the chemistry series, a field geology class and another class that teaches us the ins and outs of using g.i.s. Good luck and thanks again for pointing me in a good direction.
  5. Thanks a lot for all of the feedback. Since I'm so busy with my regular schedule right now I'll probably do something like get the Schaum's outline to begin perusing, then come winter break buckle down and buy a couple of college algebra and trig books. A very merry Xmas indeed!
  6. I'll be taking beginning calculus this upcoming (Spring) semester and, as I am only a recently returning student, what math skills i do possess have been a-gathering dust on the shelves, no doubt in some musty recess of my mind. Are there any books or sites anyone knows of which I could use to brush up on the trig and pre-calc materials I'll want to have down before my class begins. I'd really appreciate any suggestions here. Thanks
  7. Politicizing scientific debate is like dumping ketchup on your filet mignon. In the process of doubting everything at one point in time or another, I must confess that I myself investigated the idea that global warming was some big hoax. Exactly who benefits from a fictionalized global warming scenario is where deniers start to get a little hazy and where they lost me, since even small steps like the Kyoto Protocol are neutered in utero and green businesses are often in the red while oil is always, always in the black. Why is it that people get all decked out in their crusader gear whenever the subject of climate change comes up, whether they be pro or con?
  8. Hey my name's Clive, I'm a geology student going to city college; won't be transferring for another good year of so. It's odd for me to have ended up studying science, as, when I was younger, I was always more interested in philosophy and literature, which I perceived as being separate from, if not in direct conflict with, science. But all of the really relevant and interesting ideas seem to be gestating, not in the stodgy shelves of comparative lit professors, but in the beakers and under the microscopes of modern researchers. Btw if anyone can advise a good book to brush up on precalc I'd appreciate the recommendation; I'm going to be taking calculus next semester and could use a refresher.
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