I'm Jarrod. I've been known to solve a rubiks cube in a mere matter of hours. So, I'm pretty sure that makes me a scientist.
Jarrod here.
Yeah, Stephen Hawking talks a lot about how its pointless to reference a time before the big bang considering time is a by-product of the bang itself. Without matter there's no potential for light resulting in a whole lot of nothing to judge distance by, so time has no meaning. Its really just a clever little method humans invented so as not to burn their toast or miss the bus to work. The universe is expanding and accelerating exponentially due to repulsive gravity which leads me to think its infinite. Infinity doesn't necessarily mean that its static. Quite the contrary. I think infinity is just a word we use to describe the outer reaches of the expanding universe. We'll just never catch up to it so it'll always appear endless. It took too long for life to evolve to ever have a fair chance of catching up with the expansion. Especially if the LHC confirms that they did in fact measure a neutrino traveling faster than light. Einstein would be pissed to know he wasted the last 40 years of his life. haha.
Hi. I'm cosmic rain. Now what?
Cosmic rain here. Just kidding. I really am a serious student who just likes to goof around, and because science is so complex, we will always be students. If we knew how to explain everything then maybe we would become the masters of our universe. Instead, we are in the subjective reality, and I don't give a hoot about observer dependent realities claim that reality is objective. The only reason that something doesn't exist unless you are looking at it is that it doesn't exist as information, unless you're looking at it. They've got everybody thinking that all physical reality disappears and reappears every time you blink. Well, gotta' go for now. Nice meeting you.
Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I'm cosmic rain and I just joined the forum. I will be posting on the subject of anti-space as you call it. Space is a very interesting subject these days. I've been thinking about it for some time now. The thought of closed space first occurred to me after a writing project over twenty years ago, and I still haven't got used to the idea. It's probably because we are physical entities living in a three-dimensional world that requires space. Thinking about no space is uncomfortable, but that is the price we pay for being intuitive. Modern science has finally awakened to this idea of anti-space, and scientists now believe there was no space or time before the big bang. More on that later.