Let me qualify this by saying that I am not a scientist and can offer no proof to my speculations.
I have been wondering lately if the universe is not expanding but pulsing. If we are in an expansive wave of the pulse, would it not look like an expansion? If this occurred over billions of years, we would never see the contractive side of the pulse, but might be led to believe that put into reverse the expansion started at the big bang rather than the contractive side of the pulse. Perhaps some parts of the universe are currently expanding and other parts are contracting, similar to pushing in on the sides of a balloon.
Perhaps the speed of light is not constant but only appears so. What limits the speed of light? Something must, or it would be instantaneous. Could dark matter be the answer? Could contractions of the universe condense dark matter so as to warp the speed of light causing red shift, giving the appearance that it all moves at the same speed?