whats the point of spending thousands if not millions on sending your body into space were instead you can keep the money have a nice beriul and leave the rest of your money to your family surely this makes more sence
i heard that virgin are planing to make commertial flight to space by 2008 and apparently the trip will last for about 3 hours but the price is about
are there such things as atoms electrons protons and neutrons or are they just something your tought and then told that there just big versions of subatomic particles
if something has a purpose then surly it has a point they basically have the same meening
and im sure hackers can use viruses to destroy others computers anyway it was just an example
there not pointless to all people if your a hacker then you would think they were pointless there point is to muck up computers
by pointless i meant not point at all so viruses don't fall in that catagory
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