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Everything posted by antimatter

  1. Right, you have to remember, such people are a minority that is slowly yet surely getting smaller. Don't feel disheartened, feel proud you're part of the group that is above Ben Stein and the rest of the intelligent design-ers...
  2. That particular book was already recommended...twice
  3. Agreed. Somethings are just plain entertaining.
  4. Okay sorry, I was wrong by saying life=energy, my bad. then I have no answer...
  5. Well, right, they do have some energy, but yes, I'm talking about that vague life force that's never been proved to exist. bash me as you please
  6. I have a friend sort of like you, but he hates digital music, he just buys CD's. I'm like that to, but to less of an extent, I'm alright downloading music, though I do like to have physical manifestations of some of my favorite CD's. I have a few LP's, mostly jazz, but it's getting harder to find them in stores.
  7. eh, rocks don't have energy, afaik
  8. Life=Energy
  9. here is something equally neat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huXb6lLLy10 swell video's btw
  10. I was never a huge fan of Heinlein, but Asimov is brilliant. The End of Eternity was one of my favorites.
  11. It's still making me laugh
  12. ... I think you've slightly underestimated him. I've only been on for a month...and let's just say I've had the pleasure of exchanging a few lines with him... haha
  13. Okay, thanks that helps a lot
  14. Now that's funny
  15. I didn't know that before...hmmm How would the theory of gravity help to solve it? If it involves Hawking Radiation... I'm not doubting you, just curious.
  16. A good book on string theory is The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene...I think I've recommended that one a few times already on SFN
  17. hehe classic.
  18. lucky...
  19. haha One of my favorite books ever. I don't like balloons...I don't trust the way they move...
  20. Don't reach down into the sewer when a clown offers you balloons
  21. Right, diamonds too. But what about buckyballs?
  22. Do all of the carbon allotrope's have the same effect? Or is it just nanotubes? What other word is there...?
  23. Thanks Cap'n, I wasn't sure about which one to post in.
  24. 2001 was excellent, I think I must've read that book at least three times. I never read Childhood's End though, I did see it in my library. What about Ray Bradbury?
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