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Everything posted by antimatter

  1. I got the flu that day
  2. Okay thanks. And is there a specific scientific term for the indents made by the planets/sun/etc.?
  3. Righto, sorry, the whole "lovely little conservation laws" and "cute little ellipses", threw me off. Anyway, so the planets try and go in a tangent, but the indent of the Sun keeps them from doing that, and in the orbit?
  4. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/10/991025075844.htm I meant not faster, but...sort of in a more efficient state
  5. Your were replying to me!!!!!!!!!!11
  6. They wouldn't really have to, it would be in bits, I think if they were intelligent enough to pick up the messages with say, a quantum computer, I'm sure they could decode it to their native language, binary, etc, etc
  7. Right, when you sleep, it keeps your metabolism working faster than if you weren't sleeping.
  8. Again...it was already explained...
  9. Just sort of as a more effective message, rather than beaming an overrated beatles song into space /rant Just sort of some information about earth, humans, anything! We wouldn't really need to retrieve the information, wouldn't it just sort of be streaming in all directions?
  10. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=information-may-leak-from Read the article, and tell me, couldn't we use these black holes as a sort of time capsule were we would drop in information (somehow) and it would be continuously streaming out of the black hole?
  11. Yep thanks
  12. 2006.
  13. okay okay I get it...it was 2 years ago, I just searched something earth and the moon, this came up, and I responded... leave it alone
  14. Nice one Riogho, you came in with your patronizing comment only 5 posts too late...
  15. When we're talking about orbits, the planet moves in a tangent to the pull of the sun, but does the indent the planet itself makes, doesn't that interfere in a way with the sun's indent?
  16. Do the indents of the planets make much of a difference?
  17. and scary, deranged clowns. we can never forget those
  18. The universe IS expanding, that is true, but the space inside the universe is infinite. Do you mind giving a source for that?
  19. I was wrong, here is some (not all) of the text, and by that I mean, there was A LOT more.
  20. It only lets me copy words...I'm not entirely sure how to copy paragraphs...
  21. Oh okay...
  22. What do you mean by missing? So they're being pulled one way towards the sun, and yet they're moving in the other direction which balances it all out?
  23. Eh...
  24. yes
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