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Everything posted by antimatter

  1. Well, we don't KNOW that for sure.
  2. Everyone note the new profile picture!

  3. heh. I also have one...buried under piles of paper and masking tape (don't ask), though I can't remember how on Earth I acquired it.
  4. Ok, that's good. Another question, do you need any drivers for Ubuntu? When I used the LiveCD on the desktop I'm on right now, it seemed to run fine (with the exception of not having internet), though it gave me a message at the top saying there were 'driver updates'. I was told to ignore that message for now. But are there any necessary drivers to run Ubuntu?
  5. Yes...hitting a nerve bundle would be rather unfortunate... Madscimidwest has a point, it all depends on the substance you want to inject. Intramuscular injections aren't particularly difficult (I've never tried, I've just read about them), but intravenous are slightly more difficult. It all depends, you just have to be more spcific.
  6. Congratulations on the Scientist rank, I'm still stuck on molecule :(

  7. This is either very clever, or very shameful, but I'll put it out there now: I guess intelligence is an idea that just isn't easily defined with the knowledge we have now. Or to put it in better words: <Stupid writing deleted> Ok...reading it over I realize that was a rather stupid thing to write...apologies to those who read it...I deleted it out of shame...
  8. Ok, I'll read Contact next, after I finish Pale Blue Dot. A few relatives suggested the movie, and me, being myself, looked up the book and put it on hold a while ago...unfortunately I forgot about it until about 5 minutes ago when I checked my library account. I read 2001, and 2010, but I found 2061 not very good in the beginning, so I didn't finish it. Because I didn't read it, I decided not to read 3001. I should probably revisit those books now. Thanks for the suggestion/
  9. So making the partitions isn't too difficult? My friend (MrTizzay) said it was a real pain. And then of course Ubuntu "couldn't recognize" his graphics card, and his computer 'died', or something like that, you can ask him if you want. So the internet wasn't working because it was a LiveCD? That's relieving, I thought I'd have the same problem if I installed from it. I don't really know much about this whole thing, but does dual-booting cause your computer to slow down? If it does, I should probably not do that until I can purchase more RAM so my computer runs a little faster. Are there any real advantages to having Ubuntu?
  10. What is dark energy? The short answer: we don't really know. the long answer: it's what we think keeps our universe growing. IIRC
  11. Oh, I get it. Very clever, Phi...veeery clever.
  12. Stopping drinking isn't completely the best fix. Perhaps cutting down on the intake is a better idea. If it's really enjoyable and makes you relax, it shouldn't be a problem...unless you're a person who find razors wrapped in barbed wire a nice way to enjoy the weekend.
  13. Can anyone recommend any good Carl Sagan books? I've read the Demon Haunted World, and I'm about halfway done with Pale Blue Dot (which is a lot better), but I'm not entirely sure what to read next...any advice? I was thinking Contact, for the fun of it, but if there are any other non-fiction books of his that are very good, I'll definitely look 'em up.
  14. But there is more dark matter than neutrinos? Wow. That's rather impressive.
  15. Well, lately I've been thinking about making the switch from Windows XP to Ubuntu, not that I've really been having issues with XP, but just because I like Ubuntu a little better. As a few of you (Cap'n Refsmmat, insane_alien) may know, I tried to boot it up on my sister's old laptop, and in the process of making a partition, the laptop shut off, and I still cannot turn it on. On the computer I'm using now, a more powerful desktop, I tried using the Live CD to run it, and it seemed to work fine...with the exception of it not having internet... Also, I've heard from some people that Linux doesn't support as many programs as XP does, is this all that true? One of my friends says that it doesn't support any games...insane_alien has told me otherwise, but in spite of all the help he gave me in setting up Ubuntu, I'm still a little skeptical. So while I won't be making the switch for quite a while, I was wondering if anyone had any tips, or if anyone could tell me some advantages it has over XP. (If anyone has any advice on dual-booting, that would be excellent as well.)
  16. Ah. I knew that. Is there really that much dark matter compared to the other particles?
  17. Numbers?!?!?!
  18. Who knows, perhaps our matter is the one that is exotic in the universe...
  19. As far as I know, it's not exotic. In fact, Dark matter and dark energy make up most of the Universe.
  20. Well, it's Friday...still waiting for the new Calvin and Hobbes...

  21. It's not funny.
  22. antimatter

    Music ;D

    What the F- That just ruined my day. Kudos nonetheless for originality.
  23. antimatter

    Music ;D

    Coldplay is high quality. They remind me of Radiohead a little bit, though Radiohead are much darker.
  24. I only recently started going on IRC because either 1. I have questions to ask 2. I find it much more enjoyable to talk with intelligent people here on SFN, rather than the people in my school, who would normally IM me (I'm not an elitist...though the evidence points in that direction) But really, what does this have to do with anything?!
  25. This doesn't make sense. Geometry applies to the theory just fine, the 'physical dynamics' you talk about don't really matter, that is, if we're still talking about the theory...
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