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Everything posted by antimatter

  1. That would be...rather unfortunate. I don't know much about health benefits in milk, but I do know a random fact that might possibly be mildly interesting: Milk is actually proven to help you sleep, it has tryptophan in it, I believe, which causes you to feel sleepy. This is also the same chemical in turkey...which is why after Thanksgiving (for Americans) you feel like you're going to pass out. Personally I never really cared whether or not milk was good or bad for me, I usually have a glass a day, but lately after a friend introduced me to it, I'm starting to think that perhaps soy milk tastes better. If you're really worried, try switching.
  2. Er...Uncertainty principle?
  3. Just checked out the demo for F.E.A.R.: Project Origin, and that definitely deserves an M. I don't have the time to do the whole scoring system, but with all the blood, horror and violence...it's just...awesomely bad.
  4. I haven't heard much about either of these theories, but there's no real way of knowing, unless we send out some sort of probe to check it out. Although I'm sure Ironman could do the job. Thanks to the geniuses at NASA, all the models and posters and videos in science classes have to be trashed. Way to go, NASA!
  5. Possible. Is there any method of obtaining it from the radiation? It says in the link that information could be recovered, but could it be pieced together?
  6. Ok, so while we're sitting here pointing out the obvious flaws in one of the only tests of intelligence we have, can you think of any better way to measure intelligence? Ah iNow, I completely missed your post! It's interesting to read, but I still don't think there's any method that's more effective than the current IQ test.
  7. They don't. Perhaps he means that while it doesn't simulate gravity, it will be so disorienting to the astronauts that they'll pass out and simulating gravity won't even matter anymore.
  8. Do you know if there's a limit to how much RAM you can stack on your motherboard?
  9. Same applies, if you can't understand what is being said, you shouldn't be taking an IQ test in the first place...
  10. I can't say I know what you're looking for, but just out of curiosity, what do you need this software for?
  11. There is no bias. Each IQ test should be adapted to where that person is coming from. Also, you've forgotten verbally administered tests, which deals with illiteracy. Though if someone is from a place that doesn't teach them to read, they most likely wouldn't know of an IQ test... /speculation
  12. And by SFN you mean me.
  13. Find a book about it. I realized that what I was learning in class wasn't enough for me, so I went out and found a book that filled me in on most of the concepts. I can't remember off the top of my head the name of this book, but it was a textbook from about 10 years ago...
  14. Well said. There's no point in trying to argue if the concept has been explained and re-explained over and over again.
  15. That doesn't make sense. You said it yourself space-TIME.
  16. That doesn't make sense though... Read what I wrote before, Now read what iNow wrote: What you're saying doesn't make sense.
  17. Ha. You might want to give another link, btw. You also might not want to ask that people to do assignments for you... especially after reading this in the rules
  18. antimatter

    Music Suit

    I still don't understand what this 'music suit' is...
  19. There was nothing before the Big Bang, that's basically what I was saying. but thanks for putting it into more...understandable words than I did.
  20. What other aspects of yourself help you solve problems? Intelligence is the only aspect that helps you with them...of course 'intelligence' is rather broad.
  21. The Big Bang was the beginning of the Universe, which is, by definition: everything. If the Big Bang was EVERYTHING, there can't be ANYTHING before it.
  22. antimatter


    I suppose, as Klaynos says, it's time to take out the WP pages. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buoyancy
  23. antimatter


    It's just something you have to think about for it to make sense, now that you ask it it makes me question what I've been taught as well, but if something is packed with more molecules, it 'sinks'. Gravity pulls on it more than something with a lower density. . . . ........
  24. That doesn't make all that much sense though. Unless people are cheating on those tests! If you get a good IQ score, that would mean you're intelligent enough to get a good score...
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