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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I didn't have any experience before college. No summer camps, no jobs, no big projects. I'm going into my senior year in college, working toward a BA in Biology, and just managed to grab a job in the ecophysiological/forest service department at the agriculture building. I'm doing stats on cycads (Cycas sp.) infected with the scale insect. It's pretty interesting even though it's only for 2 months. I hope to work with ants this summer, though, so I hope that goes through. Check your university for research programs. RISE is one we have. My friends all tried it out and they think it's workwhile, especially on the CV. insane_alien is right in that you could help your professors with lab. You could TA if you want. Also, saying hello to your advisor and major professors makes you approachable to them. They could probably write awesome recommendation letters for you in the future! You're going to need it after college.
  2. Since you read the chapter several times I hope you looked up the purpose of each spectra: the IR spectra, NMR spectra and mass spectrometry. Question 3 uses a lot of words, variables and numbers important for each three. You need to figure out which piece of given information goes with what. This means looking up all the words from the question in the chapter (e.g. base peak). iKnow is right in that you won't get answers here. Don't give up though.
  3. too_bored


    I agree with agentchange and amaysa in that the blood will coagulate where it is since the heart stopped, eventually stopping circulation.
  4. Since sharks have been found swimming close to shore, your theories about sharks exploring the environment through their mouths and possibly mistakening a diver for a fish are interesting. Even though people swim and dive in the ocean all the time, maybe sharks don't have an acquired taste for our flesh.
  5. I do have access to JSTOR and EBSCOE from my university's library. I will try that. Thanks to you both for your help!
  6. Wanderer, if you're in it, as these guys mentioned earlier, then I think you'll do just fine. Who knows? Unexpected opportunities might come along the way. Good luck to you!
  7. I've been searching through journal databases for recently published organic compound journals. I have to do a project paper and seminar and I'm interested in esters. Does anyone know other open access sites besides biomedcentral, chemistrycentral, pubmed, pubmedcentral for o.chem stuff? Thanks, Kaylyn
  8. This is too funny. I feel that way for most of my labs. Haha.
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