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Everything posted by Safenj

  1. What do you think about the Freedom Ship? Here is their website address: http://www.freedomsh.../overview.shtml They call it a community that is on a mile long ship which travels slowly around the world and has everything a regular city has such as schools, hospitals, airport, ship ports, residences, vacationers, businesses, and a shopping mall. This is in the making now. They have well thought out plans and even offer the prices to purchase or share residences. I copied and pasted the following for more information, "click on the URL site below to view the Freedom Ship Discovery Channel video clip. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8962310630082930010 ". I have one issue to discuss. What will they do with the sewage? I'm sure there will be plenty. Thank you for comments and questions.
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