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  1. Im working on an assignment for my HND at the moment and stuck finding info for the last part of a question as follows: "parallel resonant circuits are very commenly used in telecommunications. Why are they prefered to series resonant circuits in telecommunications applications?" can anyone help? I would greatly appreciate it! thanks Mark
  2. yeah thanks! feeling a bit thick tonight! its been a long week, two huge assignments due in Monday as well as work, kids, wife etc! thanks all for the help!
  3. sorry could someone put this in slightly more simple terms, its friday night im on late shift til 11 and the brain is fried!
  4. is this the same for hex as well?
  5. that seems to refre to binary floating point not binary coded decimal!
  6. thatnsk for the reply ill take a look!
  7. Hi all Im currently studying for an HND in mechatronics engineering. Working on an asignments for PLC's Im stuck on a part of one question! Its "what can BCD numbers do that pure Binary or Hexadecimal numbers cannot?" Im struggling like hell to find an answer on the net, can anyone help?
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