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Robert Byers

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Everything posted by Robert Byers

  1. Edtharan: I feel my analysis is accurate. They did attack each others abilities and "Science" doing. In fact they were clear that the other group was not doing science and ws wrong in its conclusions. The scientific method is a method. Its not just about disagreements and questioning. Both parties indicated that the conclusions were not based on science but on what evolution is always based on. Drawing conclusions from limited data. As you said there was no testing and so I say no science. So their conclusions are not scientific although they are presented to a audience that they are doing science . This nova episode showed the real substance of origin subjects. They are scholary, researched, and require thinking but they are NOT and can NOT claim the prestige and confidence of SCIENCE for their conclusions. Robert Byers
  2. Thank you to both posters. However I was not addresing the creatures place. I was pointing out the most pregnant fact here. The lack of the scientific method being used to draw conclusions. With that also two gangs of evolutionists attacking each other as not doing science while both claiming to do it. They questioned each others motives and how these motives were making them wrong. Their conclusions were not testable and so both sides stayed stubborn in their positions. As a creationist I always find this in evolution. Guessing masquerading as science. When two or more groups disagree the reality of this guessing is revealed. This nova episode is case in point. In fact its amazing that evolutionists making the show don't realize the blunder. Robert Byers
  3. I am a creationist and like in subjects about origins I think you guys need some better analyis here. In Canada here pit bulls are charged with being a greater threat then other dogs. The owners deny its so. Yet the papers and public believe pits are badder. Is it possible there is another answer here?! Lets say you have 5 pit bulls and five collies (I presume collies are the sweetest) A child comes and pulls the ears of all ten. Two of the collies bite. Three don't. One pit bites but four don't. Yet what is the damage. The two collies biting are not committed or very good or have strong jaws. The one pit has great jaws and great determination to finsh the job. Is it possible then pits are not more violent (as only one here bite) then other dogs but rather they are conditioned to that once the fight is on they are too win and be thorough. Not a personality trait issue but a job training issue. Conclusion could be NO pits are not meaner but yes they , once provoked, thorough. Creationism to the rescue perhaps here. Robert Byers Toronto,Ontario
  4. First timer here. I am a biblical creationist. I saw the Nova show and recommend it to creationists and all free thinkers. It showed how on bare details frozen in rock great conclusions of living flight are made. It showed how when evolutionists disagree they have no problem questioning the motives and "science" of the others. In fact in the whole show no "scientific method" was shown to be applied. Just guessing. This is a good example of how the whole concept of evolution is held up. Hypothesis without testing. The creature found is probably just a variety of something else and not a missing link. All this jump, jump, jump, till you stay aloft is unlikely and even on the surface impossible. Flight is a original state created by God. Robert Byers Toronto,Ontario
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