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  • Location
  • Interests
    I: read, draw, play games, surf the web.
  • College Major/Degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
    All of them.
  • Biography
    I'm a somewhat lazy gamer and I read alot
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Quark (2/13)



  1. What goes down but never goes up? How do you ask your self a question without bias?
  2. Ah yes but batman isn't a bird now is he? (and a bat isn't a bird either)
  3. Phi for all you are pretty smart. Will try to think of extremly hard riddles.
  4. Phi for All is right. (hands over cookie) Well done.
  5. Your first two answers are correct. (hands you two cookies) but your third is wrong. Try again.
  6. Phi for All already answerd that. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between 3 rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns and the third, a room full of lions that haven't eaten for 3 years. Which is the safest room? If an electic train is going 100 miles per hour north and the wind is blowing 50 miles per hour south then which way is the steam blowing? A man lives in an apartment building on the 12th floor. Every day when he goes home from work, he takes the elevator up to the 8th floor, and then takes the stairs the remaining 4 floors. The elevator is fully functioning and he does not do this for exercise. Why does he do this? Answer these and a cookie awaits.
  7. Okay Phi for All the only two you didn't get right were: Q. What drink can't freeze? Q.What has a bottom at its top? The answer to the second one was funny though. (hands you 4 fresh baked chocolate chip cookies)
  8. Can still use six to make this here is how.
  9. This day is a little better.

  10. Is this the solution (look in the middle for the fourth)
  11. Phi for All got it right. (hands you a cookie) Q: What has four wheels and flies? Q: What grows down, when it grows up? Ever Wonder? If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? Q. What's bigger then you, but doesn't weigh anything? Q. What drink can't freeze? Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? Q.What has a bottom at its top? Everybody who solves these gets a cookie!
  12. Close and funny but no. Here is a hint.
  13. What's a bird that packs a whalop?
  14. Yes! Someone else who has seen Time Machine, any body read the book? Some of my favorite movies are, Thor, Iron Man 1&2, All three spiderman movies, The last of the Mohicans and others.
  15. I hate when people make fun of you and bash everything you do or say without getting to know you first.
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