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About irishcommander
- Birthday 04/22/1967
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Ireland Dublin
Fitness, Watching Rugby, Thinking, drinking, fun.
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Diploman Computer Science
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Made lots of money, almost lost it all, making it again
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Lepton (1/13)
That makes a kind of sens to me although now I have to read and find out what anti matter is. LoL. I can relate to it because the cells I proposed have two energy types which fill them. I called one the base energy or the enery it carries with it when it moves to the next cell and the other is the donated energy from the clock source. I suppose they could be matter and anti matter but they dont really match with my clocking idea. I do believe in what Daedulus implied or suggested that space is discete. If so I cant think of another way to vary velocity other than to have controlled pauses between moves. Clock donations would be a neat easy to understand solution for that.
Thats a a really good suggestion. I'll chunk it own to questions as you say and hold back on the overall theory. I dont believe each cell cascades the clock input. I believe its a uniform pulse across the entire univers in exact synchronisation. I dont believe the pulse travels. Travel means coveiring distance over a duration. Duration implies time would depend on time. Thats impossible. I think meanssynchrinisation is possible because the clock source exists outside the space matrix. Out side the edge of space ther eis no more space fabirc: IE no more dimension or in otherwords the external perimeter has no lenght. Therefore from outside the universe appears as a tiny dot that is so smll it has no dimension. An input to that dot from the dimensionless outside effects the entire dot all at once. i dont believe we can ever understand whats on the outside becuae it is dimensionless. We cant study it. Let me start with my first question 1. Is space finite in resolution? Can you keep zoom in it with a microsope forever and ever or do you reach the smallest element of dimension? If there is a finite bottom then clocking or pausing between moves from unit to unit of space must exist. It might not exist the way Itheorised but it has to exist. Thanks
Hi I have to qualify everything I suggest by "I'm not qualified and I cant do the maths" I need peple like you. Thats th reason I came here. Certain logical propositions I hear about in physics things cant stack up in my mind such as duality, space having no structure etc. Also Certain things are obvious to me but I cant prove it. I need people like you who have the maths skills and possibly access to experimental equipment to test them and fix the mistakes. I believe the core thrust is correct. The core being (Assuming space has finite resolution. There is a smallest unit of dimension) 1. Matter myst traverse through each cell on its route one at a time. 2. There is a pause between moves from cell to cell. 3. The variation in the pause determines the velocity. 4. Since velocity is a vector then it must maintain memory of both direction and magnitude after each move to the cell next door. These are obvious to me The theory tries to present an implementation mechanism that makes common classical sense. I admit being inspired by my profession (computer sciene). The universe inside the computer is controlled by the clock source. 1 Mega hertz PC ticks +5 to -v volts in a square digital wave 1,000,000 times per second across the entire circuit of RAM, motherboard, procesor registers etc all at the ame time. This gave me the idea. As the idea grows so far I havent found anything from all my reading so far that makes it not work. It can explain velocity It can explain time dilation It can explain gravity It can explain the illusion of duality in quantum physics It needs people like you to take it on to establish the truth or falseness of it. All ready I can think of some experiments I would do if I had the equipment and skills. Example In an empty cubic chamber. total vaccumm fully shielded from any external particals. I would put photo plates on 5 side. Then I would fire one electron at a time from wall A across to wall B for weeks and weeks even months. Wall B will register many many hits. One for each electron fired infact. All of the other 4 wall with plates on them would in time register hits also. This would demonstrate the return donation waves generated everytime the electrom moves one cell on its course across the voice of the cube. These wales hitting the side walls would accumulate energy in those walls forcing cells in the walls to reach threshold and jump themselves. These jumps would register on the plate as an electron impact. See I'm lost without people like you.
Hi. I'm sorry I seemd to have provoked you a bit. I'm going to post a full detailed response early next week when I clean up the document. In the mean time here are some quick comments for your questions. 1.Where do the donations come from. Answer. Cells have two enrgy components. Their base enrgy (Does not come from the clock) and the donated energy. In a near speed of light particle the cells comprising the particle structure will be almost 100% charge by base energy. Donated energy will be a tiny fraction of the full charge potentially as many decimal places as plancks constant it could be so small. When the cell jumps this tiny donated segment is realesed as a wave traveling out in a sphere with the eminating cell at its centre. This wave will move at maximum pace or 1 unit of dimension per clock cycle. Imagine a small paddle pool pond as the universe. Thousands of ripples. When they reach the edge (edge of dimension, edge of volume) whats outside is undefined. It has no volume and no dimension therefore the distance around the circumfrance from the outside perspective is 0 units. From inside it is incomprehendably large. Outside is where the clock source is generated. The sum of all the ripples is exactly equal to the sum of all the donated energy. In the end the input from the source exactly matches the output back to the source at its extremities at all times. It is permanently recycled at the perimiter or space. These wave releases at jump time can collide, interfere with eachother, create new waves. If they encounter a particle all the energy of the wave stricking the particle is instantly donated to the particle and the wave dissapears. This explains the 2 slit quantum experiment. Every jump creates a wave of tiny tiny energy. These interfer at the slits and create the pattern over time. When the waves hit the detecor screen they may not generate enough energy to create a jump in the particles comprising the screen. Cumulative millions of hits will donate enough energy for a cell in the screen structure to jump. This jump will appear as an electron strike. Its a false positive. It did not come from an electron fired as part of the experiment. It was an electron firing from the screen itself due to accumulated wave impactes generated by the fired electron on route to the screen. It will have generated a wave on every single jump on route. Billions upon billions of jumps to cross the space to the target each creating a wave. In time these build up donated energy on the screen creating false jumps or strikes on the screen. Duality is an illusion. 3. photons not having mass This is not conclusive but I tend to say their mass cannot be registered because they operate at or close to maximum velocity therefore potentiall jump on every clock cycle. Therefore they will appear to have no mass. Mass exists if the cell remains occupied and distorted by the occupation creating outward pressure: gravity pressure on the surrounding cells. Gravity I believe is the pushing force between empty cells and occupied cells caused by this distortion due to pressure deforming the occupied cells. 4. Kinetic energy I though the pause and jump precisely explained kinetic energy. 6. This has no impact on calculus. PC 2 D binary grids implement calculus perfectly.
I was hoping that guys like you could reveal the observations for me. thats why I came here. I need your help. The idea of a digital clocked matrix of cells implementing the univers simplifies the concept of space rather than makes it more complex. My background is in computer science. All the software we can think of, such as Movie players, video games, MS Windows, Cosmos modelling packages, analogue wave form simulators etc are all implemented on top of a very simple two dimensional memory array of binary bits. This is array is 64 bytes (512 bytes) or 32 bytes (256 bits) wide and N long. Everything is implemented by that and a few simple boolean rules relating to binary bit manipulation such as AND, OR, NOR, NAND. That is all thats needed. It is not possible to dispute that if the resolution of space is finite (Has a minumim size) then there must be a clock source and space has to be cellular. The Analog universe you speak about is exactly analagous to a software simulation running on top of the digital plane in the computer. The matrix implements what appears to be an analogue world. My goal is to simplify and understand by addressing some of the glaringly obvious questions the answers to which will reveal evertyhing Example Is the resolution of space finite? The theory I put forward fits with Relativity, classic physics and can explain gravity as a pushing force rather than an attractive force.
Thanks You say space is no more than volume. volume is the implementation of dimension: IE the implementation of distance and of location. Surely that must have structure. distance, dimension is an integral element in velocity which is derived from distance and time. Do you mean that volume can exist without any any structure? Does the volume not need the structure to accommodate or hold matter? If no structure is needed then why does matter need space to implement tself unless matter is also volume, is space. I bleieve they are the same thing, there is a finite resolution down to the smallest element. If this is so there is no posibillity but for the matrix of space to be clocked otherwise all motion would be at the same fixed speed or not at all.
Hi thanks for the comments on my idea.
PS great photo it makes you look a little wild.
Thanks I got you. I suppose I have a lot of reading to do.
I really appreciate your taking the time t reply. I'm out of depth here becase I'm not a physicist or a scientist. I rely on qualified people to help me which I hope to find ere to help me formulate my thoughts. I'm driven by common sense. If distance is discreiized as you say then time must be. You cant have one without the other. Given that then there must be a controlled pause between motions. The size of the pause determines velocity. There must also be memory otherwise which way to jump next. The key factors are control of the pause, direction of the move. I cant find any way to explain it other than the matrix must have a clock source and more than that probably has one for each of the dimensions. Once again I really do appreciate the fact that you replied in an honest manner without dismissing me straight away. Richard
irishcommander started following Digitally Clocked Space
I have this niggling concept since child hod and I'm 44 now. Please someone take 5 minutes to read this tell me if you can believe it. For me if resolution is finite as described below then there is no option but for the concept of clocking or pusing to me true. Anything else is impossible. Digitally Clocked Space in1 Page 1. Fundamental Assumption The resolution of space is finite and not infinite. IE the resolution of dimension (Size, distance) has a minimum size. You can't zoom in forever end ever. You will reach a minimum unit of dimension. Get to the bottom! 2. Implication of the Assumption If True Then My theory must be True Else Theory must be False End If 3. The Theory (In one Dimension: The linear version) Obviously it assumes the assumption about finite resolution is true. I restricted the one page version to a single linear dimension. My bigger doc explains it in 3 dimensions. By corollary to the assumption of finite resolution moving objects must move one unit of minimum distance at a time unless somehow they have the magic power to skip distance. IE every piece of space on route must be occupied by the object as it goes. It can't leap over distance it must occupy it. This means that the only way possible for moving objects to travel at different speeds is for those objects to PAUSE between moves. I call these moves jumps. Those pauses are longer for objects with less kinetic energy and shorter for faster moving objects. This pause is the controlling factor for all things: motion, velocity, perception of time. The implementation of our universe is controlled by this PAUSE. It is the link between Space, Time and Matter. The theory attempts to describe the implantation of this PAUSE. Implementation · Space is made up of cells equal in dimension to the minimum resolution of distance. · Cells can be energised from 0 to their maximum threshold. Space and matter is the same thing. The difference between cells is their state of excitement. · The energy in a cell is associated with dimension or direction. This serves as memory. Without this memory there can be no velocity, no vectors and no order. This is explained in my bigger doc. · The matrix of cells is clocked by a constant pulse, fixed frequency, where the pause between ticks or pulses exactly equals the minimum unit of time. · On every pulse of the clock energy is donated to a cell by the clock. · When the cell reaches threshold (Maximum energy) it's energy package jumps to the cell next door and the donated energy is returned to the matrix or returned to the clock pulse. The cell retains its base level which existed prior to the donations. Therefore there are 2 types of energy. Clock donated and collision donated or base energy. Both contribute toward the threshold. This is explained in my bigger doc Velocity This is a one dimensional example so imagine a single row of cells in a line from left to right. That's the universe. One cell needs 100 donations from the clock before it jumps. Another needs 200. The first cell will travel twice as fast as the 2nd. Note on 3 Dimensions In the grand theory there are 3 dimensions X, Y and Z each with an associated clock source. The clock ticks positively and negatively. Therefore there are 6 directions. X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z- and each has its threshold. Achieving a threshold level of excitement in any threshold causes the entire energy bundle in the cell to jump in the direction of the threshold which has just been breached. This enables travel in all directions with memory. Detailed examples are given in my larger doc. Other Elements Tackled in the larger Doc · Collissions between Cells · Clock donated energy versus cell donated energy · Relativity Speed of light worth one line. Discussed in the larger doc. If you assume that at one end of the energy scale are cells which contain 0 levels of base energy and on the other end is highly charged cells which are always at the threshold and require no donations from the clock. Those cells with maximum charge will jump on every clock cycle, every tick. I assume this is the maximum speed possible in the matrix and might be the speed of light. Relativity is worth a sentence here. Detailed examples are given in my larger doc. I would postulate that the size of a donation given to a cell from the clock on a cycle is inversely proportional to the energy levels of the cell. In other words if the cells base energy level is 0 it takes a maximum donation. If it is highly charged it receives a smaller donation. This means that cells with high base energy (Not donated energy) appear to exist in slower time. Relativity Example Imagine a low energy complex structure of cells which creates a circular motion in a plane. Imagine every 1000 donations the circle rotates by one cells dimension. The whole structure is static at its centre. Its spinning in the same location of space. Now imagine the same complex structure in a highly charged state. Its on board a super charged futuristic space ship. The ship travels perpendicular to the plane of the circle. In terms of spinning speed the object needs only 1000 whole donations to reach threshold: the same as the slower structure. IE they spin at the same speed. However: it contains massive charge in the direction of travel of the rocket. This charge is so high that it receives only 1 tenth of the energy from the clock with each donation. Therefore instead of spinning one cell every thousand cycles it takes 10,000 cycles. By the time it completes 1 full circle the less charged object has turned 10 circles. Each has identical energy in the direction of spin but yet they spin at speeds 10 times differently. An observer with the spinning circle will also be slowed. The jumps required to implement his observational technology (Eyes, brain, etc) will also be slowed 10 times. For him there will be no change in the speed of the objects twirl. I deferred everything to the bigger Doc otherwise it would be off putting. This is a teaser.