Thanks for the reply,
During the summer I did a mapping project in which geological units were plotted with the use of GPS onto a topographic basemap. The units are delineated by boundaries which may be either observed (solid line) or inferred (dashed line), and the basemaps include information such as fold hinge orientation denoted by an annotated arrow (precisely rotated), foliation orientation denoted by an annotated line with a smaller line (tick) bisecting it (again rotation needs to be precise) and other features such as faults which displace the geological boundaries. Basically in order to create a neat copy geological map i need to scan the basemaps into a suitable program without scaling, then trace over the relevant information on the basemap. The geological units need to have a transparent fill colour in order to see topography on a clean basemap below the trace.
Powerpoint enabled me to do all of these funtions, however, in order to create a shape for fill colour i used the free form function which automatically finished the shape when i zoomed in or out. This was a major problem as in order to get a good enough quality of trace around the units i had to zoom in, but was then not able to scroll or zoom out to view the continuation of the shape due to the auto complete.... irritation Hours were lost but i managed to complete a reasonable copy for a project in my 2nd year, however, the finished product is not an acceptable standard for my dissertation needs. I hope that answers your question about the use of Powerpoint 2007.
This is a link to a picture showing the standard of finish i need to acheive'sFoldMap.jpg
I am in the process of trying inkscape so i will get back to you.
Thank you