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Everything posted by rm32644

  1. No disrespect but the problem with your God defense is typical. "Beyond the universe" is total speculation and without basis and hence meaning. What you need is a solid God hypothesis. You can't starts with what God must have done or what God must control, or why we can't see and hear him. Without a reality based God hypothesis, you don't also have a God theory, since a hypothesis must precede a theory. Without a theory, it is careless science to then form a strong conclusion. There is a valid hypothesis and theory of evolution, which makes that conclusion stronger than a God conclusion, not that they are on the same level, or even in conflict. You could start with a reality based statement of where God might be within this universe, since that should be the only one to concern us Then why God is invisible not only to visible light, but also does not emit, absorb, or reflect any electromagnetic waves from radio waves to microwaves. In your God hypothesis you could attempt to explain why with all of God's powers he does not chose to communicate with everyone, like on CNN, Fox News, apparently he cannot even generate an email posts. And why is the God also totally silent? You could also include how a God could be invisible yet intelligent, since from all our knowledge of how things work, there is zero evidence of anything that is intelligent being also invisible. It seems to me that on a mythology scale, the currently accepted God within our culture is nothing more than a conveniently redefined statue god. Redefined as invisible and silent, to deflect obvious questions regarding its lack of presence. And not at all defined by scientists, but rather by clerics, versed in the history of "wise" men in the past, so wise that the authors of their ancient text were ignorant of germs and other microbes. We really need to move beyond religion before it destroys our species. Consider that Iran's IRGC is about to go nuclear.
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