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About Jonathanaronda

  • Birthday 05/18/1990

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  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Screenwriter. Film Director. Secular Humanist. Gay Rights Advocate.
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Quark (2/13)



  1. Hi, all! Based on evidence, I'd like to know how and why dinosaurs evolved into birds? What was the selection pressure for them to evolve wings? Also, why did they become smaller? Does it have to do with evolving wings for flight? I was actually under the impression that the selection pressure for them to evolve into birds was due to the asteroid that hit Earth. I thought that because of the asteroid, food supply was short and this resulted in dinosaurs becoming smaller and flight based to hunt for bigger food. Turns out I may have been wrong with this assumption as pointed out by another poster in another thread I wrote awhile back. And yes, I know google is friendly, but I love hearing the responses of other people on forums.
  2. With the re-release of Jurassic Park in 3D, I'm wondering what paleontologists think about the Jurassic Park movies? I know they're not 100% accurate but can they still enjoy the film despite its inaccuracies?
  3. So I saw Jurassic Park 3D over the weekend. It is one of my favorite movies. While it is inaccurate in certain areas, I find the experience enjoyable and growing up the T-Rex was one of my favorite movie villains (in a sense). I read a few things where it said that dinosaurs had feathers rather than scales, so I got to reading about the Tyrannosaurus Rex and wondered if they had feathers too. I couldn't get a clear answer, some said yes, some said no. So which is it, did the T-Rex have feathers or not?
  4. Yes this is an actual question, not sure if this is the place to ask it though... but where does cannabis/marijuana (the plant) come from? How did it get here? I hear it's usage can be traced back to 3,000 BC, but how was the plant actually discovered and how did it get here? Is it still here because of human's using it for drug related purposes? I know this is a weird question to ask, but I'm kind of curious. And this board has always been helpful with my odd questions
  5. If we only do sex because it feels good, what about asexuals? And wouldn't that defeat the purpose if sex is only for us to feel good, since all species are to reproduce in order to continue the existence of the next generation?
  6. Yes, this is a real question, no I'm not trolling. I heard somewhere the reason why there are gay people is because of natural selection's response to overpopulation. I don't know if that's true or not.
  7. Thanks Greg H. I'm actually thinking about getting the book "Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language" by Robin Dunbar, has anyone here ever heard of it and if so read it?
  8. Why do we gossip? Is there an evolutionary explanation behind it? Why do we feel the need to talk about one another behind our backs and why does it take most of our conversation?
  9. At the moment, nothing. But I was listening to an old Limp Bizkit song, "My Way"
  10. happy belated birthday dude...

  11. I'm curious, I hear that some of our modern day understanding of evolution have proven at least some of the things on Origin wrong. Is this true? If so, what are these things?
  12. I have a feeling this belongs in the Chemistry section, but not really sure... hopefully I can get some answers about it... I was reading: http://news.discovery.com/space/mars-life-120315.html and http://voices.yahoo.com/did-our-ancestors-come-mars-10203611.html What do you think? Did some (if not all) of life originate from Mars? Love to hear your thoughts...
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