Ok so there, I'm trying to figure out how its possible for frame of reference B, to think that time is going slow for frame of reference A. But also, at the same time, Reference A can logically say time has slowed for reference B.
I can understand the first graph. B says "I'm stationary" So A moving past my 2 clocks (Which are synced) will take less time because his clock is moving slower. So in "B"s mind, it only took A 45 minutes to travel what "B" see's as an hour's distance. That makes sense to me.
But the bottom graph, with A stationary with the 2 B clocks moving past. "A" will see 1 hour pass between the B1 passing, and the B2 passing, but in "B"s reference, it will only be 45 minutes?
Ok basically, in the first graph. On "B"s clock, "A" passes "B1" at 12:00, and then passes "B2" at 1:00... But, on "A"s clock he passes "B1" at 12:00 and "B2" at 12:45 that is correct?
On graph 2, on "A"s clock, "B1" zooms by at 12:00, and "B2" will zoom by at 1:00.
But according to the "B" clocks, "B1" zooms by at 12:00, but "B2" will zoom by at 1:00 also...? Thats how it seems to me because of the syncronized B1 and B2 clocks. But the relativity thinking side of me thinks its 12:45, but logically through relativity I can't explain it.
Now I understand that the relativity of simultaneity(sp?) is how this is explained, but for the life of me I cannot grasp the logic behind this, I've wrestled with it for a few days now.