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Everything posted by john5746

  1. What is the probability of today happening just as it did? What is the most probable universe? Statements like this mean nothing to me. Ask the creationists to provide alternatives. If birds, mammals and reptiles did not evolve from a common ancestor, when were each created? Was everything created at the same time? If not, has anything been created recently? Why are species wiped out and then replaced? Is the creator experimenting?
  2. Actually, time slows down with any acceleration. Atomic clocks aboard planes have different readings when compared to those on the ground. The difference is very small, so we don't notice in everyday life. Gravity warps space-time. Satellites orbiting the earth are actually accelerating towards the earth. So time slows with Gravity also. Relativity says we can never exceed the speed of light, time slows so much that it becomes impossible. At the speed of light, you would be instantly transported to your destination, because time would not exist for you. How can you exceed an instant?
  3. If you think of primitive man in a group setting, you can see where homosexuality may give a group a better chance of success. The Alpha-male wants to have all the women and drive all competition away. The Alpha-female also wants to dominate, but they both need others to survive. By having some homosexuals, a group could have more males to defend and hunt and more females to take care of children and forage with less internal sexual conflict. My guess is the x-chromosone would pass this trait. Maybe religious belief came about the same way. While there is no biological benefit for someone to be wasting their time with these beliefs, it does keep groups together. Homosexuality and religion, providing the same function: isn't that ironic?
  4. Time doesn't seem to exist in the quantum world. If someone were to view us in ALL-TIME, they would have to express our location in probabilities. We would seem to exist everywhere until a snapshot(observation) was taken.
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