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Everything posted by john5746

  1. Politics on both sides, but I would like to see the money come from funds already set aside. Of course, if Obama came up with the idea, there would be Republicans complaining that the stimulus money was being misused. I still think the unemployment issue needs to be addressed in a different manner. It is obviously a more serious problem than in years past and just throwing money at it might not be the smartest approach. People should be compensated more for taking a lower paying job than for not working.
  2. I'm not even sure what news is anymore. I never seem to catch the anchors talking, I just see the talk shows while I'm flipping through channels. I don't buy the tripe that all news was liberal before FOX came along. I think it is more partisan, directed for certain audiences now.
  3. Syria bans the burqa at university Interesting. Well, a ban does place limits on freedom, which already exist. I think it is a very reasonable limit to require some attire in public, but not completely hide your identity. One can express themselves politically and spiritually without being nude, covering themselves in a sheet or wearing pornographic or obscene language on their clothing. I'm sure some people would love to fornicate on a highway. So sorry to infringe on their freedoms, but we do live in a society.
  4. I don't really have a specific plan in mind, but I think it is obvious that Social Security needs to be revamped and in regards to Unemployment Benefits, I think the system needs to be changed. Maybe extensions would only be given to those who take some employment, ANY employment, especially those in the higher brackets who are avoiding lower paying jobs.
  5. Quick! Stop Obama, the illegal alien, before he shoots a cop!
  6. I see this issue as the most important. Some states and DC have laws against hiding your face in certain public areas. I would think France could generalize this to any facial covering - unless there is a function, such as helmet, extreme weather, sickness, etc. In regards to "speech", well streaking isn't allowed and it has no other ramifications other than decency, as far as I can tell. Again religion trumped by reason, I know - life is hard.
  7. Debt is a Cancer I think we have to do both. We need to spend where it is useful, but cut waste. Benefits need to be cut, as well as trying to rebuild countries, for starters.
  8. When you reference "The Founders" you act as if they were one entity that agreed on everything written. I'm sure you would agree that this was not the case. They each had their own interpretation of each amendment, so why would we not expect this to continue, even accelerate as we move through time? While I agree that we could use some amendments to clear some issues, I think we can allow the experts to rule on complex issues without a connect the dot instruction book.
  9. Handfuls of people(not always the smartest) decide many things. At least a person can have a very small say towards those who would represent them. Democracy of any form would work best with an informed and interested public, but that is usually not the case. In regards to children, they may require grownups, but if expect little of them, you will usually get little in return. There were many things those people didn't wish for or think about. One thing I'm sure they knew was whatever they established would have to adapt to new challenges.
  10. If I knew it was a dream, I would try to find out how to take control of the dream. Other than that, I don't really see the difference.
  11. I agree with ewmon, this was more of a last straw. I'm sure he offered his head, since he would demand it of a subordinate.
  12. Thanks iNow, that's exactly what it should be. Just have a conference room where people can make a little noise, etc.
  13. I was thinking the same thing today. I don't think there should be anything that encourages segregation - that's at the root of the problem. If anything is to be built, it should be a place where people of any belief system can come in and think, reflect, pray. If one is too intolerant for that, then they need not visit that site, IMO.
  14. What I gather is: Man wrote the Bible, inspired by God. Mistakes were made by the men The Bible has mistakes. So, we cannot know the truth by reading the Bible, we must rely on our own inspiration.
  15. john5746

    Lady Gaga

    Hey man, don't talk about that on here. People are watching...
  16. So, fewer and fewer american labor is demanded for the production of goods. This labor would include high tech assembly, engineering, mechanics, equipment manufacturing, etc. This will increase the gap between the haves and have nots. Those that have the good designing jobs, those that own stock and those that work at Wal-mart, because all the production is done in China. Unfortunately, as America's power shrinks, the despots will begin to rise and take what they can get. Many countries get a free ride from Big brother's arm.
  17. I really meant "produce something". I'm not familiar with the details of the iPad, but if most of the production technology was developed in China and done by chinese, along with the production, then they are benefiting from it far more than the teenagers who play with them in America.
  18. john5746

    Lady Gaga

    I guess she's alright, but I much prefer Alicia Keys 6PHOeXIPNZE Natalie Merchant EbdZTcBASKs Adele mxVnFMYEU2o and if I want to hear something like Norah, then I will stick with the original. But, hey its music, whatever floats your boat.
  19. I guess I'm just very pessimistic, but I don't see the west as being sustainable. Main street makes Wall street possible, not the other way round and we just continue to see wages for jobs that actually create something stagnate.
  20. Right, gender is a different issue than race. Separate bathrooms for men and woman make sense in our society whereas, separate bathrooms by race do not. We realize that boys and girls are fundamentally different in certain ways and so it makes sense to have segregated groups in certain cases. Since race doesn't have any differences in regards to these activities, no need to segregate. Yes, politics enters everything, but that shouldn't stop the effort.
  21. Just speaking for myself, I think it makes sense to segregate in some cases. Having a boys or girls club for certain activities makes sense and in the case of Boy Scouts there is usually an alternative Girl Scouts. There is nothing in their charter that would justify exclusion by race. A kid in a wheel chair can't play football, that doesn't mean we can now exclude all white kids from the team.
  22. I'd like to think if the government had any idea how to fix it, they would have done so. It seems to be a pretty hard problem, that MacGyver can't fix in 30 minutes. If the government had stepped in and been successful, there would have been much more complaints about getting it done sooner, oversight, etc. People want big government when there are serious problems. I'm wondering who Pat Robertson blames for this?
  23. Would be nice if Obama would just hit it back in their court by agreeing that it should have been supported before, we were wrong, now it is needed even more. Let's do the right thing for the country. But in an election year, Nah. Maybe the republicans will find this one too hard to fight, anyway. Blanket ideas about cutting spending are very popular.
  24. The fact that he follows the law in regards to taxes and looks out for his constituents' money gives me a better feeling about him. He comes across as too much of a zealot for me, so being practical on some things is good, IMO. Now, if he started preaching term limits, then that would be hypocritical on an issue that would only serve his ambitions.
  25. I agree. If terrorists are found and federal agents won't or can't respond, then I would expect local authorities to do something. If the levees break, you can complain that it was the duty of the Federal Government to keep them working, but that does nothing for all those people in the water.
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