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Everything posted by john5746

  1. Obviously, you have made a deal with Satan. Please stop before an earthquake destroys your area.
  2. Not to mention the bad taste it leaves in your mouth....err that's what I've been told anyway.
  3. yep, once there is sufficient evidence, the source of the theory doesn't matter. There is no Islamic, Christian, Republican, African or Darwin science. Newton may have thought gravity revealed something about god to him. Maybe Einstein was aroused by relativity. These are emotional responses that have nothing to do with the science of the theories. IMO, a static universe could have been poofed into existence just as easily as one that evolves over time.
  4. doesn't matter. If you are white and use the word Negro, watch out. In fact, in the supermarket, if you buy black beans in the international section, you might want to turn the bag over, so no gets their feelings hurt.
  5. I would think they would do the same as other religions - say that the bad verses are taken out of context, were for a different, specific time, etc. If it were clear, you would think more people would get it right the first time. So, maybe Islam is the worst religion in terms of possible violence, but I think convincing them into a secular government would be easier and more effective than trying to convert or change their religion. I would rather they stay Muslim under a secular, democratic state than become a Christian theocracy.
  6. Hopefully, we can agree that having governments with a secular foundation would help muslim(any?) society and their self-image. Basing government on the objective of serving the people seems to work better than bowing to god-men. IMO, this is the chief reason that the west is somewhat civilized.
  7. Here comes the sun....
  8. You get fiber and water with the small amount of fructose in fruit. It's like the difference in chewing coca leaves and snorting cocaine
  9. So, you think the scientific knowledge that we have acquired in the last 500 years hasn't had any effect on religious belief? Really? Also, it isn't just a YES/NO question. It is immoral to leave people in ignorance, for example: believing that sickness comes from sin, etc.
  10. We have people who reject all kinds of scientific evidence, so you would still have believers. But, assuming most would accept this "proof", I am sure there would be much social unrest - at least in the short term. But, maybe it would lead to a more reasonable humanity. Much would depend on what we do with the information, the perspective we take.
  11. It would be interesting to see more subjects and breakdown by fundie, moderate, atheist. For example, I think of Jesus being much more forgiving in some situations than I, but less tolerant in other situations. But, I also know some moderate Christians who profess similar sentiments - especially with the more forgiving side. Of course, I would think most people would want to share the same moral standards as their god or mentor.
  12. Yes, the imaginary fire just doesn't work anymore.
  13. I pretty much agree with you, especially in the context of the effects on subsequent offspring. Starvation, war, etc would be great examples. Still, we do have a sort of feedback mechanism, an internal dialogue that we play in our heads. We can easily stress ourselves or calm down with our thoughts. So, culture could have an affect on how well individuals can respond to stress. Of course there is the "are we really in control of our thoughts argument".
  14. From what I can gather, medicare premiums per patient have risen slower than the average private insurers, but they also demand lower payments to hospitals, etc. No free lunch there, apparently.
  15. the democrats have lost the battle, IMO. The concentration should be on reducing costs, but the perception is that they just want to throw more people into the system and possible force prices down or just hope for the best. The economy and debt load is too big a focus to worry about anything other than reducing costs - including alternative energy. As long as the majority feel that certain actions are a cost, they will not support it. I would love to see huge resources go towards alternative energy - NASA, military contractors, etc. Our call should not be to revisit the moon or goto mars or destroy the world three times behind a shield, but to obtain clean energy. As for healthcare, I think the opposite approach might work best. Simple, low tech, low cost methods. Encourage employers to provide exercise and diet plans and insurance companies to adjust individual premiums based on certain habits. Nah, screw it.
  16. at first, only counter-clockwise, then as my eyes moved vertically it would change back and forth
  17. Just my opinion, but I do think the Republicans as a group have the larger problem with corruption, however they do tend to resign and/or apologize more than Democrats. So, maybe you have more corrupt/depraved Republicans, but more experienced corrupt Democrats? also, Kucinich - left wing nut Paul - right wing nut Franken - comedian, maybe ok
  18. New York City? Get a Rope! Too bad we haven't finished Afghanistan, otherwise we could hold the trials there.
  19. No, I think you mean to say that everything that you are completely ignorant about is 50:50.
  20. I think it would be easier to change the voting system than for your proposal to work. Candidates eventually must address issues that people care about. Maybe a Mainstream Party, where the candidate runs on the issues based on poll results.
  21. To some degree, maybe. I happen to think the root problem is America has tried to live beyond its means, trying to make money with as little value added work and education as possible. We do need Atlas, but we also need those who make him possible as well. Unfortunately, I think more and more of those people will not be Americans. Instead of Atlas shrugged, it should be Atlas outsourced
  22. I think a woman's right to her body is paramount, but that doesn't mean any medical procedures to her body must be free or covered. I do think providing abortions to the poor would be the economically smart thing to do, but I guess politically it just would not pass.
  23. Because then the flat-earthers, astrologists, alchemists, wizards, etc will complain that THEY were not warned. Since it would be difficult to have a warning for every belief out there, maybe you should display a warning for all whenever you enter a site. Maybe it will save you time, which should be your main interest?
  24. If this is real, I hope he died within an hour. I think if it were me, I would rather die, but then again I'm not 16.
  25. I agree with that article, but that doesn't mean we need to lie to ourselves. A drug rating shouldn't be the only thing to determine legality.
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