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Everything posted by john5746

  1. Going so far as to call it a myth is misleading though. Either abortions will be covered or the government will be deciding what services will be provided. I think it also stands to reason that health services will take a hit and there will be delays in some areas. To call these concerns myths is dishonest, IMO.
  2. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I thought this one fit into it pretty well. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iTHvyXMSeuAHmv8eJyl7v2pmkgkgD9ABCLUO0
  3. We would think it was broken and "fix" it - similar to a labotomy.
  4. I said no, but if magic is something that exists in the ignorant mind, then yes there is and will always be magic.
  5. If it is dependent on federal money and more federal money will be going towards basic care could that result in less towards research?
  6. Not very well and I am afraid it will continue towards making this healthcare reform a mess. The article below makes a good point in regards to medical professional shortages. I think many have this feeling that this "reform" isn't getting to the root of the problems, just adding another layer of options and hoping for the best. The optimist in me says we need to start somewhere and then continue to improve, but the pessimist says that just as with the car clunker deal, many will be surprised by the costs and demands on existing systems. http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/20/pho.doctor.shortage/index.html
  7. Yes, there will be an alien invasion that will wipe us all out very quickly and we will be replaced by aliens, who will upload our memories and assume or appearance, except for the invasion part. No one will have any idea what happened - except me. I have obtained a device that will allow only I to remember the events. I shall remind all when the time comes, but for now I must keep it away from the evil Obamanator, who wants it for himself.
  8. Not a fan of Barney Frank, but he handled this pretty well. Barney pwns
  9. IMO, Obama's administration does seem to have a longer leash, just by looking at the type of people he appointed. In general, liberals are more liberal? especially in perception of the media? I would say that Bush gave Rumsfeld quite a long leash and Cheney probably had more freedom then Biden, but everyone understands that deal. I agree, the press makes too much noise about tangential issues instead of the issues themselves.
  10. More like an anti-socialist. The artist is quick to claim he only made the picture and did not label it or distribute it for political purposes(although the picture itself is a political statement, IMO)
  11. I find this interesting. The Obama as Joker artist is a Palestinian-American student. His ethnicity isn't important, not sure why they felt the need to report it, but could you imagine if this was a picture of Bush? Wow, the rednecks would be claiming that all who used the picture and protested were supporting terrorism. Obama Joker Artist
  12. I think some of this "individuality" is planned - floating balloons out there to see how big the burst is before suggesting it as an option.
  13. I'm a libertarian wanna-be, but I don't trust myself - therefore I am a moderate statist.
  14. We will see, but my guess is that Cheney will lose this battle except with the Scooter deal. I thought Cheney was the one responsible for getting him in that mess, but if it was Bush, then that really looks bad.
  15. Ugly: I've heard that Iphones are being smuggled via anal cavities.
  16. to demand with penalty that everyone be covered might be a violation. They will get their care from the state they reside, usually. So, just as with no one left behind, it could leave some states saddled with demand or expectations they cannot meet. California can't even keep their roads going currently
  17. After browsing this thread, I decided to take a look at the police report. I agree that Gates was the bigot in this case, assuming that the white officer was racist. He also seemed to think his Harvard badge gave him special status. I think he was the cause of all this spiraling out of control. On the other hand, the cop really led this guy to his arrest. If he had just told the guy he was leaving and to remain in his house, there would be no reason to arrest the guy. It would be like leading a drunk guy out of his house, then arresting him for public drunkeness. In subsequent interviews, Crowley implied he did it for safety, but in the report, it was only because he couldn't hear/talk over Gates' yelling. I agree that we should respect cops as with anyone else, but many people take verbal abuse in their jobs and don't feel the need to arrest people for it, especially if they can leave. I think they should review the situation and try to do something different to avoid arresting the home owner if it happens again. Like telling the home owner, sorry for the intrusion, remain in your house or you may be arrested, we are leaving.
  18. Water is made of 100% atoms, but it is wet - so the atoms are wet? What atom makes water wet? What atom makes a tree grow? Is there a spirit that makes trees grow? Are there tree ghosts? Maybe that's the place to start - look for plant or bacteria ghosts, maybe that would be the easiest to find. Very true, but I think you would agree that it is made of only atoms, yet it has many functions that you will not find in atoms. The brain has been mapped to some degree we know that what we consider as "us" can be fundamentally changed with the brain. Tons and tons of verified, scientific information regarding the brain and its impact on ourselves. Of course there will always be more to learn, but if you want to insist that there must be something more than the brain, then you must provide or find evidence, not insist that others must accept that something more must exist.
  19. That's a good point, which this article addresses. Don't give obstacles to prevention, in fact give incentives for prevention. Also, I think our current system rewards using expensive technology when it isn't needed. A new machine is brought in for 1% of cases, then more are ordered for 10% of cases, even if it is shown to have no advantage. Patients want the latest, hospitals get better ratings for more equipment and insurance will cover it(at first anyway) and raise their premiums. There was an article about this in Newsweek.
  20. Evolution would come up with a solution by terminating those that could not cope with their new environments. Humans rely on their ability to control their environment, rather than to live comfortably in it. If we lost our civilization tomorrow, many would die just from natural exposure to the environment and competing with one another.
  21. And the profit motive.
  22. hmmm.. I wonder how Jack Daniels on em' would taste? Does anyone think health care costs can really be reduced after seeing this?
  23. I don't see that much influence in MJ's work - in his private life, he did seem to want to be a child, but his videos seemed to be quite the opposite - Michael as bigger than life. If he was a pedophile, then he was one who just happened to be able to sing and dance really well, IMO.
  24. A question about the dams?
  25. Yeah, all those call girls/boys won't keep their mouths shut either.
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