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Everything posted by john5746

  1. That was the ultra-swiftboat-right argument in 2000. I disagree, since he has worked in congress for many years and has worked quite well with others. Now, having Palin in charge, that is a different matter...
  2. While I agree with the overall conclusion that relying on emotion can lead to bad decisions, I am not convinced that this example is a good one. After 9/11 occurred, I think it was reasonable to think that it might happen again and that regular air travel would be more problematic. In a car, one has more control over his destiny than in a plane, so it isn't just simple statistics that will give you an answer as to which one is safer for all trips.
  3. Stress earlier in life would be different than stress at an older age. That's why you won't find to many 20 year olds dying from sex, while 70 year olds do. But, it does look like McCain has some pretty good genes from his mom. I am more worried about his mental faculties, especially in a second term. Age is a discriminating factor - they have to be at least 35 years old.
  4. Looks like McCain and Palin were tutored together.
  5. I just watched her answer on the Bush Doctrine and I thought she did a good job. You should never shy away from asking an interviewer to clarify what they are asking. You also have to say that we have the right to invade to protect our country, otherwise you will not be elected.
  6. what kind of disease is this?
  7. I wonder if "self imposed retardation" is possible. If I could send hellfire and damnation your way, I would own up to it and not claim to love you and make it all your fault.
  8. Well, she can't any other state in America from Alaska, so I guess she has no insight in that regard. I wonder how many states she has even traveled through? Below is an opinion from a local mom. http://www.andrys.com/palin-kilkenny.html
  9. LOL, yes women own the word lipstick and can compare themselves to a dog, I guess it would be a female dog? And you can't say Obama is clean and speaks well.
  10. I was just imagining an Obama\McCain debate: McCain: I met Jesus when he was alive...and your no Jesus.
  11. I could see that democrats would be more tired of this stuff because it went on so long in the democrat primaries. Sexism and racism cards were played and bickering about apologies, etc was a big part of the discussions. Since the republican contest was settled earlier, they have much more stomach for this stuff. Also, it is easier for Obama to just link McCain to Bush and basically bash Bush. McCain has to bash Obama, not just claim he will change things as well. IMO, Obama would have done better to apologize to the people if they took that reference the wrong way and then go on to bash McCain for bringing it up. But, then again, I am wrong about alot of this political stuff.
  12. Pete, No problem, it is I who should apologize. I thought you were trying to put words in others' mouths and were bordering on trolling, so my intent was to kick at you a little. Of course, its your decision whether to put your shin or balls in the way, but a reaction was expected. I'm not the smartest person around here, so I would be one of the last people to imply that I am smarter than another. I was attacking your intentions, not your intelligence but I was wrong and I apologize. Best Regards,
  13. Wha? We do that all the time here Para and you just continue to argue with us!
  14. I have no answer for that question.
  15. excellent video! too bad it doesn't fit the good:bad ideas for elections. You must either be for or against something. drilling is either evil or god's work.
  16. Your point in general, as to what information should be required is interesting, but this specific case is not at the top of my list as being "iffy" I previously said that it was a health issue and you replied that it had not crossed a threshold. Do you mean that the problems caused by unprotected sex are not large or serious enough? If I tell someone they should wash their hands frequently to avoid catching and spreading disease, is this personal opinion? No. There is data that suggests this will help. Am I making them do anything or change any other behavior? No. If someone has the opinion that they should never wash their hands, then they won't be made to do it. But at least they will learn why it is a bad idea not to wash their hands. I don't have a good answer to your overall question regarding mandated curricula, but I have no doubt that sex ed should be included. The only argument I could see is if there isn't enough time for it.
  17. I had already typed this, so... I agree with iNow, you did not make any decent rebuttal to his remarks and instead started attacking him. You are right about one thing - many people see Plain as a positive and that will not change. All brilliant people in history have been wrong about something, that doesn't make those ideas or beliefs OK today AND it does not discount the person in totality. If you have religious beliefs that are at odds with reality, eventually they must change, as they have in the past. Assuming one lives in a society that continues to progress and thrive.
  18. I think church is just another social setting, so it is another opportunity to be "in" with a crowd or feel like an outsider.
  19. That it will not solve any fundamental problems. It will provide some short term confidence, but if people keep losing jobs, have stagnent wages with increasing inflation and falling property value, then we will just spin in a larger hole. If China and other countries can find better investments and leave only us to pay our bills, we will finally realize that we really are bankrupt. We have to stay positive though. Maybe things will turn around before its our turn to run off the cliff.
  20. AAhh! That's not a very good slogan! Humans are number one! Yay!
  21. A painting needs a painter, therefore the universe requires a creator.
  22. That "someone" is Elvis.
  23. OK, so let me see if I have this right: I pay property tax to the local government. Then, I pay interest on my mortgage to the mortgage company, who in turn pays interest to Fannie or Freddie, who get their money from my income taxes? Kinda like paying a loan shark to squeeze my money out of me.
  24. One of the benefits of trade is to leverage the low wage earner or cheaper resources in other countries so we can concentrate on automation and innovation. Unfortunately, we are falling behind in that area as well.
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