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Everything posted by john5746

  1. I find most issues to be this way. We like simple rules and they are necessary for basic instruction and enforcement, but the truth is usually more complex. Absolute statements like all killing is equally wrong or that all sin is equal really avoids the possibility of discussion that can lead to justice, IMO.
  2. You need to comprehend a little better, this ain't particle physics being discussed. I will use an analogy at the risk of more confusion. Our brain gives us the ability for language. This ability evolved over time. While all languages may have some similarities, you cannot claim that I speak English because of evolution. If I never talked to another human being, I would probably just grunt. So it is with morality. We are born with a brain that will grow and allow us the capacity for morality. Different external conditions will have an effect on the final result of the brain itself and the specific morals we adopt. Living in a kill or be killed world will result in a much different morality than a peaceful one. As for how it came to be, you already have answers. Groups that played like a team beat out groups that played as individuals over time.
  3. I have little doubt that Bristol and her boyfriend had heard about condoms and the pill. They may have learned about them from their parents. I think if the child feels very comfortable talking about sex with their parents, then you have a much better chance of at least avoiding pregnancy. If a girl is even thinking about the possibility of being sexually active, she should feel OK with asking her mother for the pill. If she knows the mother will go pit bull on her, then she won't ask and won't tell. Sex education in schools is a health issue. Unlike drugs, almost everyone will eventually have sex at some point in their lives and it is considered a good thing to do! Marriage doesn't magically stop the risk of STD's or possibility of unwanted or untimely babies. If a child has great parents who talk with them freely about sex and other health issues, then they are far less likely to have problems, but not all parents feel comfortable doing that.
  4. The poll is 5 to 4, so we have one swing voter. I try not to be partisan and find it gets in the way when discussing/debating particular issues. But, it is useful to bring about passion for one side or the other. If someone votes either democrat or republican, but really agrees more with the libertarian or green candidate, then he is casting a partisan vote, IMO.
  5. Yep, a governor from Texas who became President made that same argument. Even with the country united as never seen since the 50's, thanks to 9/11, he blew it and did the "my way or highway".
  6. Yes, country first.
  7. From Fact Check: * Lieberman said Obama hadn't "reached across party lines" to accomplish "anything significant," though Obama has teamed with GOP Sens. Tom Coburn and Richard Lugar to pass laws enhancing government transparency and curtailing the proliferation of nuclear and conventional weapons. * Thompson repeated misleading claims about Obama's tax program, saying it would bring "one of the largest tax increases in American history." But as increases go, Obama's package is hardly a history-maker. It would raise taxes for families with incomes above $250,000. Most people would see a cut. * Lieberman also accused Obama of "voting to cut off funding for our American troops on the battlefield." But Obama's only vote against a war-funding bill came after Bush vetoed a version of the bill Obama had supported – and McCain urged the veto.
  8. From Fact Check: * Lieberman said Obama hadn't "reached across party lines" to accomplish "anything significant," though Obama has teamed with GOP Sens. Tom Coburn and Richard Lugar to pass laws enhancing government transparency and curtailing the proliferation of nuclear and conventional weapons. * Thompson repeated misleading claims about Obama's tax program, saying it would bring "one of the largest tax increases in American history." But as increases go, Obama's package is hardly a history-maker. It would raise taxes for families with incomes above $250,000. Most people would see a cut. * Lieberman also accused Obama of "voting to cut off funding for our American troops on the battlefield." But Obama's only vote against a war-funding bill came after Bush vetoed a version of the bill Obama had supported – and McCain urged the veto.
  9. I think if someone lacks anything but executive experience, that may pose problems as well. When I worked as an engineer, I had to lead people by persuasion and by example. I was never directly over someone, so if I wanted something done I had to convince them it was the right thing to do and that they should help me. Most of the time they were willing to help, but sometimes things fall in a gray area and you need to garner respect and evidence to get things done. Meanwhile, I would witness supervisors who would just run over people to get what they wanted. They usually were "yes" men to their boss, because that is how they thought management should work. So, I guess this executive experience is important, however, if it just ends up with a trail of yes men, then we might have another group think tragedy like the last 8 years. Having the tenacity of a pit bull is good in certain situations, but being a pit bull and hiring people that will survive under the pit bull may very well bring this result. Being decisive is good, if you make good decisions, but you also need to allow others to make decisions as well. In any case, Biden would be smart to concentrate on the issues and leave her experience and shallow education alone. She is so wrong on the issues, it doesn't matter if she ran a fortune 100 company for 8 years, was a general for 10 and governed New York for 10. She is still wrong.
  10. I think it was powerful and relevent. This man knows war and sacrifice. It does not mean he will be a great President, just that he was a great patriot.
  11. I'll try to catch Thompson, he's usually pretty good if he isn't tired.
  12. murder is an immoral killing, so yeah its hard to find a justification for murder. But trying to define murder and degrees of murder always provokes discussion. The bible does mention killing people within the group for working on the wrong day, etc and accepts slavery. There is no timeless objective list of morals that apply in all cultures in all situations As others have mentioned, we as social animals have evolved with certain capacities that allowed our ancestors to out compete other groups. We are also able to learn, so that we can enhance moral laws or attempt to enforce laws on people who may not have the tendencies the society desires.
  13. Man, it just seems like we are watching a bad B movie about a losing candidate picking a running mate to create divisive drama discussions in the hopes that emotion and sympathy will rule the election. I just can't believe they couldn't find someone better.
  14. I'm glad you don't try to feel the pain of child birth - ouch!! I would have to read fast as a spiritual fast - like not thinking of god. Now, where's my chips and beer? Enjoy your celebration.
  15. MSNBC doesn't help matters in this regard. It's like they have a mission to personally compensate for FOX. Of course with the media segmented as it is today, I think they feel the need to feed their segment the red meat.
  16. I'm hearing quite a few comments about her youngest special needs child. She is getting pluses and minuses, depending on the viewpoint. I think it would be far less an issue if she were the father. Seems like having a family is a bonus for men. I don't think it should be an issue at all, but she has many more. Wouldn't you love to see her quizzed on Russia?
  17. this stands out as well... BA journalism Idaho Univ runner up in Miss Alaska pageant compared to Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude Harvard 1991 elected President of the Harvard Law Review 1990 Should we get a high school drop-out who likes to hunt? Maybe they are in tune with the "common man"? Outside the beltway doesn't need to be dumbing down, IMO.
  18. I find Obama's resume much more impressive than Palin's, no comparison. Obama had to convince the people that he was worthy, raise the money, etc. Palin was hand picked by a few people. It would be nice if Obama had more experience and had different views on a few issues, but McCain is further from the goalposts. This pick looks bad the more I think about it, but we will see.
  19. john5746

    My vote

    I hope that lowers the number of conspiracy theories with every election.
  20. Sarah Palin First Woman Governor of Alaska 2006 - Present Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska 1996 - 1999 Wasilla City Council 1992 - 1996 Sports reporter and commercial fishing 1988 ? BA journalism Idaho Univ 1987 ? Miss Alaska(2nd Place) 1984 Miss Wasilla 1984 Barack Obama US Senator 2005 - Present Illinois state senator 1996 - 2004 served on various boards of directors attorney at Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland 1993 - 1996 University of Chicago Law School constitutional law lecturer 1992 - 2004 Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude Harvard 1991 elected first black president of the Harvard Law Review 1990 Director of the Developing Communities Project 1985 - 1988 B.A. from Columbia 1983 I agree iNow, McCain is making my choice much easier. Palin's resume should have gone into the garbage - no interview needed. Is she the best candidate he could find? Is she the best woman candidate he could find? Maybe the best woman in Alaska.
  21. 1) Wrong 2) McCain was dodging the question, but basically said "Eye on Iraq, hope for Afghanistan" I disagree with Fact Check 3) they should have been more conservative with the numbers, but the basic message is correct. 4) McCain blew the question - he never answered it. Maybe a better line would be he doesn't know what middle class is 5) This was OK - Obama is saying McCain is Bush 2.0. He doesn't need to bring his own voting record into it. 6) McCain only presents the good, Obama only presents the bad of McCain's proposal. I'm sure McCain will return the favor 7) Wrong - an explanation is needed, although I think in reality, median income has gone down because I disagree with inflation measurements - especially below 100,000 income levels, but they had to come up with the numbers somehow. Not that bad, IMO. Obama doesn't walk on water, but I already knew that - no one has. Since McCain has talked more about Obama than himself, I will be surprised if he doesn't surpass Obama in this regard. And I still won't regard either man as dishonest - just trying to present the best sides of their arguments. I've done similar things in interviews and worse in corporations trying to convince QA that production problems were limited in scope and resolved.
  22. Biden on Intelligent Design:
  23. If he picks Tim Pawlenty, it will be interesting. Obama and McCain pick a running mate who is similar to their respective opponents. I think Sarah Palin of Alaska would be a very interesting choice and might add some spark, but it is risky - she has even less experience than Obama. Romney would normally be considered the obvious choice, except he is Mormon, which is not an "acceptable" minority. I bet McCain wants Palin. Let's see if he goes for it.
  24. Electromagnetic Fields - 2nd Ed., by Ronald K. Wangsness ISBN: 0471811866 Used for around $85.00 http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?isbn=0471811866 I haven't used this service, so not sure how reliable...
  25. Damn, Obama is going to tax me more than McCain! I wish I could say that.
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