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Everything posted by john5746

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7227967.stm I don't have links to the actual data, but looks like the British already have tests completed. Maybe they can overcome the problems, but until that happens, it appears to be a risk.
  2. Is there anyone in particular you would like? The evangelicals still are irritated at McCain for his disdain towards the likes of Falwell, Robertson and Bob Jones U during his last political run. They know he truly does not respect that wing of the party. Instead of getting behind the Mormon early, they went for their precious dream Baptist candidate and lost.
  3. Yes, I wasn't clear on that one, I meant the candidates agreed to it. I guess the idea is that the people would put pressure on their local parties or something. Obviously didn't work. I really don't like the Primary system, but I do think there should be a couple of small states that go first, so you eliminate Nationally known people dominating all the time. So if all the states try to do what your state did, how do you stop them? Reward ILLEGAL behaviour? Illegal by party rules, that is.
  4. There is no dispute in the ballot count this time. The results appear to be correct, just the rules were changed and agreed to prior to the election. But Hillary got the EARLY vote. Yeah, there must be some explanation why those idiots voted for her. Either that or they are just racist, like the latinos for example. I agree, they should have punished, but not broken the votes in those states. If we had a situation where Obama was on the ropes and won those two states, it would be a much bigger mess indeed.
  5. OK, here it is: 1) Any money that you acquire greater than my own, give half of it to me. 2) You must at least make as much as me, otherwise you are a slacker.
  6. I chose Stanford, because they have the best American football team on that list.
  7. Social security by gum! Social security needs to be there for the younguns!
  8. Nah, just put an entry into Wikipedia and make a youtube clip, set to some rap music.
  9. Tell you what, I will come up with a solution and YOU agree to live by it. How's that sound?
  10. thanks, in regards to the OP, looks like they tried to bury the hatchet on this topic, but there will be some hard feelings for awhile.
  11. Some "feelings" about the candidates: McCain - War hero, good politician - but does he need viagra to get a rise from the people? Romney - Businessman, Presidential - but is that grease in his hair for looks or to squirm out of the truth? Huckabee - Honest manager - but can the scarecrow find his brain? Guiliani - Great Director - but does the Tin man have a heart and morals? Thompson - Good Actor - but will he be an action hero or sleeping zero? Paul - Many Ideas - but can Quixote accomplish anything? Clinton - Smart, Experienced - but is she still looking for the 101 dalmations? Obama - Smart, Mesmerizing - but will he and his friends need their pacifiers? Edwards - Good VP - but Good VP
  12. I could see giving a vitamin to a patient to see if the problem is "in their mind", but then you would be stuck between continuing a lie or possibly making them sick again? If the treatment works, is it really lying to say I think this might help you? Does it really matter if it works because of chemicals that the patient creates themselves? Can an atheist doctor recommend prayer?
  13. john5746

    Oh the Irony

    Nah, not from family...that's why you move away from them.
  14. I think I'm the one that started the de-railing of that thread.
  15. I thought my joke was creative. More original than your link to the stupid americans video. Was I insulted by that video? No. If I was insecure about the subject, then I guess I would feel insulted. I still maintain an open mind about you. LOL! We are crazy apes, eh? Instead of fighting for shiny things, we fight over what we think the others think about what we think our shiny things represent. Added: I think DoG answered the question perfectly. A symbol that gives no reference to conflict would be best.
  16. If Obama wins SC, it is because he is great, blah blah blah. If it is real close, or if Hillary wins, it is because of racism. The media is already typing it up.
  17. Maybe a new symbol with a Ape-Man on a stick, with a branch for his arms... No wait that might look like an ape on a cross... Oh darn. Maybe a star? Hmmm... that has been taken as well.
  18. I agree with Severian. I like the symbol, but it is just going to irritate people needlessly and turn them away from evolution, possibly science even more.
  19. I find Brazile's remarks " as an African American" to be racist. She is the only person to bring up race at all. I think Obama is still probably going to win because the media just piles on Clinton. Even in victory, they look shell shocked, trying to figure out what "went wrong". They try to say it is women or sympathy - imagine them doing that with Obama!! I hope this polling crap gets turned on its head more and more. It will be good if Obama has to fight something, because the media and other candidates sure are not going to do it. Edwards is trying to be his VP already.
  20. I thought you wanted to make abortion illegal, which would require punishment of some sort. If you just claim it is immoral, I have no problem with that. You were complaining about the Pro-Choice "machine". Well my friend, there is a Pro-Life machine as well and they are preaching everywhere and have strong political and media ties themselves. No, I didn't say that. I mean a fertilized egg in a dish compared to one in the womb. African children starving to death vs a bunch of fertilized eggs thrown in the garbage because Bush doesn't want them used for research.
  21. When you start "forcing" people into jail. Yeah, to aspire to the Pro-Life movement. They are the model to follow. I agree with you here, except as a medical procedure - for the life of the woman. Choice doesn't mean "someone else pay for it" What rights does a fertilized egg have seperate from the mother? If it is in a dish, what rights exist? IMO, only if the fertilized egg is going to be brought to full term does the egg have rights. It should not be altered or damaged in such a way as to bring a suffering human into existance. Can it be thrown away? Of course it can. There are some property rights, but nothing like murder would be considered. So, the main difference is the action of removing the egg from the womb, not the loss of the egg itself. With real genocide, it is bad regardless of the action or inaction.
  22. john5746

    The Fair Tax

    Anarchy is the most simple system.
  23. It would take massive energy - which would be more available to the rich. No matter how much resources we have, people still want more relative to others, IMO. The Holideck(sp?) also from Star Trek would be awesome as well. As virtual reality approaches the resolution of the holideck, guilt free prostitution will provide much needed stress relief to the masses.
  24. I think it doesn't hurt, unless it keeps you from trying something else. Dan Dennet has a hypothesis concerning the placebo effect: He thinks that people who responded better to it had an advantage in the days before real medicine. Those that did not respond to the placebo effect would have an evolutionary disadvantage.
  25. My Predictions: Dem - Clinton, Obama, Edwards Repub - Romney, McCain, Huckabee, RuPaul, Guiliani
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