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Everything posted by john5746
http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN0323176620080103 Apparently, Doctors use the placebo with their patients more than I thought. It is common knowledge that it works, so are there any ethical problems with using this method?
I really like that an English Teacher dies in the joke. Very Good
I would vote for any of the candidates over Rupaul, except Kucinich.
The only way I can think of forever is outside of time. No time means no beginning, ending or present. What would it feel like? You can only feel the present, so forever would feel like that.
Unfortunately, this is not an unusual stance in America, although I would hope most educated people - including politicians would have at least this understanding. I can't expect politicians who do not have a technical education to have a vast knowledge of science, but I do expect some basic understanding and respect for science. This does not mean they must go Al Gore with global warming, but they should at least respect the scientific consensus view. That being said, I wouldn't completely rule out a candidate based on that question. Rupaul brings up much more questions in my mind concerning economics and general leadership than anything else. He has no chance, so I am not concerned.
I voted for Obama, because...well he looks like the winner.
Sorry for my earlier flippant response. That might be one point I am trying to get at as well. In the case of prision in a war, I would think the reason for it is to stop the soldier from fighting you and as a possible trade for your own soldiers. It is understood as part of war, like getting shot on the battlefield. Torture is seen as unjustified application of pain. Applying pain to someone just for the fun of it.
Try both of them for a couple of days and come back and inform us. I'm speaking only for myself, but if my back is against the wall and it may avoid a terrible outcome, then a long shot is better than no shot at all. Torture is not a good thing, I think we all agree. While our stance as a nation should be not to torture, I can see myself doing just that to obtain timely information in an emergency. Does that make me a monster? Well, I'm still thinking on that, but pacifists cannot survive without someone willing to do violence for their security. IMO, the bad thing about torture is when it irreparably harms the individual. You cut off his fingers, pull out his teeth, poke out his eyes, keep him in solitary until his brain is mush, then say "Oh sorry about that, you really didn't know anything". Waterboarding, if done in a reasonable matter, shouldn't bring about this effect. Try it and consider the information as plausible, that is better than nothing.
When the space twin returns to earth, his clock and calendar would be "wrong". He would need to change it to match the earth bound clocks. Time is not absolute, so time slowing down for the space twin has no effect on the earth twin. They meet again in the same present, just with a different passage in time.
You know, one to hold the magnifying glass?
Hmmm.. sounds like a Jesse Jackson campaign slogan.
David Petraeus or maybe the American Soldier, even though they won in 2003. Many more people can see light at the end of the tunnel in Iraq thanks to him, now it is really up to the Iraqis.
I was using sarcasm, I agree with your point, and I will move on. Thomas Jefferson did seem to really strive for religious freedom. I am sure most people were thinking only in terms of Christianity, but that was really because they had little experience with anything else. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/jeffjews.html I guess as long as they considered the people civilized, they would be accepted? I think they basically wanted to prevent sectarian states. Only Catholics can own land and vote in Maryland, only Baptists can do so in South Carolina, etc.
I like the overall atmosphere of PBS News Hour. Maybe because I was from the era of straight news with little showmanship, tickers and pop-ups everywhere to appeal to ADD video game addicts.
Awwww, did you get your wittle feewwings hurt? Suck on a pacifier next time instead of making personal attacks and getting owned. In order to test a hypothesis, experiments were run, and since they were made by people who were scientists they were Scientific experiments by definition. Christians make mistakes and errors in their judgements all the time, just like anyone else. There are many sects of Christianity that disagree with others on all kinds of things pertaining to RELIGION. In the secular fields of economics, science and politics they vary that much more. To make the claim that a country is founded on Christian principles, you need to list the principles themselves and what those people claimed, not use the people as evidence. The founding of America was pretty damn ugly and while I am happy to be living here, I don't condone all the genocide, slavery, witch burning and general destruction that was done in the past. I don't think many Christians would claim these were christian values, just things done by so-called christians. By definition, any judgement by a Jew is a Jewish value - so when he attacks Israel(founded by Jews), he attacks the religion. His remarks were anti-semitic, which is a Christian value, since he made a value judgement(right/wrong) and decided to do it. Of course, I know that he was just jerking her chain, by attacking the actions of her country. You have to appreciate the irony of someone from Britain doing that. And why were they being persecuted religiously? Because of RELIGION. Yes the Puritans came and set up their own little place where they could persecute anyone who didn't believe like them. The Puritans were just one group. There were many who came, mostly looking to make a living. Capitalism is what founded America, IMO. Companies looking to make money. I would think lectures are public domain, but the teacher should be told at least.
Well, some of us need to use BOTH hands.
Yes, this teacher went way over the line. I agree with Pangloss that he should be warned, then fired if he continues. I find it hard to believe no one has complained in the past. An AP course might be considered college material, but the tone of the teacher must remain as a high school teaching children. On a side note, I found this interesting: Being founded by persecuted Christians, does not equate to founded on Christian values. Not to mention all the happenings after the first settlements and the Declaration of Independence. Of course the teacher is correct on this point, but as we all know, truth takes a back seat to feelings, at least until people go to college.
Maybe so, I think Reagan was the last President to have an "aura" around him. Bush is an acting commander in chief with powers endowed to him by the legislature. Outside of Iraq, he has been a pretty weak President, especially with his own party. As far as the war, the Democrats feel obligated to the soldiers, not the President. Most troublesome to me has been the influence on the CIA and Attorney General.
My #1 problem with Ron Paul, he comes across as a simpleton. If there were no amendment to give women the right to vote, he would probably think it better to leave it up to the states.
There are some who feel that way, but I think more accurately, they assume Democrats are more moderate with their religion. And in regard to the issues I mentioned, it is hard to find Democrats who will make abortion illegal, shit on science, and are against homosexual marriage. I think John Edwards mentioned his religious beliefs compelled him to disagree with homosexuality, but he said he would not act upon that belief.
It is harder for the "True - Christian" whatever that means. To be against abortion, against homosexual marriage, not believe in evolution, act as if they are going to personally bring back morality. That is hard to swallow for moderates. My best friend in high school was a Mormon, in the middle of Baptist country. I let him and some of his missionary friends do their marketing presentation and found it very underwhelming. It is strange that the more recent the claims, the less believable they are with religion. The Jehovah's witnesses were more compelling, they seemed to know what they were talking about. But, I found the opposite with respect to their behaviour. The Jehovah's seemed more cold and secluded. The Mormons were very much like me, but they had a few more rules to follow. It is hard for me to think they actually believe all the stuff you mentioned. Just as it is hard for me to think that Christians actually believe in a literal bible. Most of them don't, so that may be the case with Mormons as well. Especially the ones who seem to do well in the real world. Both groups seemed more religious than Baptists, some of who think Catholics are members of a cult! Yeah, it sucks to have the leader of your country have a weird belief system. Since they all make that claim, you look for signs that maybe they really don't let it interfere with their thinking(moderate).
The evangelicals are leaving Guiliani and Thompson. He gets good soundbites in the debates and doesn't believe in evolution. He isn't Mormon, which is a plus for the crowd that only counts all those 'cults' - like Mormons and Catholics when they make resolutions naming how many Christians there are in the world.
Yeah, took me all of 20 minutes. I'm sure we could improve upon it. I will email it to my Representative, but without a bunch of signatures, doesn't matter. I like Christmas and am not offended by any of it at all. I am not offended by those who do not celebrate it or say happy holidays either. I am irritated by those who think I owe their religion thanks for Santa Clause, Christmas Trees and any other good things in society. If I go around an wish everyone happy solstice, they will look at me like I am crazy. Half probably wouldn't even know what solstice is - maybe some weird God! Bah Humbug!
RESOLUTION Recognizing the importance of the Winter Solstice Celebrations(a.k.a Christmas) Whereas Winter Solstice, a holiday of great significance to most civilizations and cultures past and present, is celebrated annually. Whereas the symbols of Christmas - the Tree, Yuletide carols, presents and Santa are not representative of any modern religion. Whereas the solstice is an observable fact, not fiction; Whereas all people can observe the solstice and partake in this celebration; Whereas all peoples and cultures have contributed greatly to the development of civilization; Whereas the United States, being founded as an oasis from religious persecution and known as a melting pot of diversity shall recognize this event as a secular holiday, while allowing all citizens to attach their religious meaning to this celestial event; Whereas at this time of year, our ancestors recognized the ending of winter and the coming of spring and celebrated this rebirth in various ways; Whereas Western Civilization happened to adopt the Roman celebration Saturnalia and other Pagan rituals, which were absorbed by Christianity; Whereas solstice is a secular event, it can be celebrated by all peoples and cultures without bringing offense to any reasonable person and the secular symbols should not be attributed to any religion. Resolved, That the House of Representatives-- (1) recognizes the diversity of beliefs in the US and the world; (2) expresses continued support for all peoples in the United States and worldwide; (3) acknowledges the secular and historical foundation of the solstice (a.k.a Christmas); (4) acknowledges and supports the role played by the diverse peoples and cultures in the founding of the United States and in the formation of civilization; (5) rejects bigotry and persecution directed against all peoples, both in the United States and worldwide; and (6) expresses its deepest respect to all peoples throughout the world This would be better. I have since learned that this Christmas resolution was in response to the following resolution passed earlier this year:
We are so close to the "white" side of POW treatment, IMO. These guys are not even soldiers. If people are willing to undergo the torture as part of thier training, I say it isn't that severe. It all depends on how much in the case of waterboarding, IMO. If it is done a couple of times, that is far different than 10 times everyday for a week. Getting your teeth drilled, bamboo stuck under your nails, raped, etc. I wouldn't take that for any job. How do you feel about sleep deprivation, isolation, starvation? How about burning the Koran?