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Everything posted by john5746

  1. 1) Pretend they are mental patients with dementia. Laugh with them, I mean you know you aren't going to hell, so have fun with it. 2) Use sarcasm and dry wit to make them feel small and irrelavent. 3) Tell them that you love and respect them and for them to truly love you, they must accept you as an atheist. 4) Tell them that you have converted to Islam and will be moving to Iran. After they have cried a while, tell them the truth.
  2. http://dericbownds.net/uploaded_images/Amodio.pdf and a blog http://neurocritic.blogspot.com/2007/09/david-amodio-responds.html I still see nothing about the age of the participants, but there were 36 liberals of varying degrees(as self-described) and only 7 conservatives. There seems to be a correlation, but does it mean anything?
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_use_in_the_United_States I came to the link above by selecting US from withing your link. As fas as the light bulbs, I think government could help - add a tariff to the regular bulbs(democrat) or have a tax free month(republican) to generate demand. Increase in demand/supply would then decrease unit cost. That is one of the problems with energy - the costs are not apparent in individual usage. If these perceived costs could be transferred down to each unit, it would drive more demand for the less wasteful products.
  4. Thanks, I wasn't thinking along those lines for some reason I guess transporting the fuel and refining it are also big wastes as well. As for the link from iNow, that is where the graph comes from. Are you saying the link itself is not a valid source?
  5. Which ones? The caveman, the gekko, the loser? How can someone hate them?
  6. I wonder what they mean by lost energy from transportation and how that is measured.
  7. Now, now this is the FAITH of certain people, so we must give it the utmost respect. I mean, even science is based on faith, so who are we to judge?
  8. No, we are about to take a step in that direction when we vote in the democrats this next election. A price to pay for getting out of Iraq. Americans(not just the rich) are selling themselves to the world. We are exporting resources, importing goods and buying stocks in corporations that maximize profit by going overseas. Our youth think they can drop out of school and live like a rap star. No one is evil or guilty in this deal. Its just business, no need to take it personally
  9. Carlin is funny, but he is wrong of course. The stupid in America brings up some very good points. I think the competition thing might work better in urban areas, where multiple schools can be accessed within a short distance. Also, if students had to compete to get into the better public schools, that would make them better schools as well. Maybe parents would pay attention more and make sure their kids are well behaved. Maybe no limit due to gpa, but to disciplinary problems, etc. That is a big reason private schools do better - they tend to attract and retain the students who are there to learn. Of course, rewarding superior teachers and eliminating lousy ones makes sense. If teaching is the most important aspect of education, then the teachers need to compete amongst each other.
  10. Well, I'm a Manning fan, so I have no sympathy, but I am sure the Patriots aren't the only ones doing it. Maybe the defense will be able to get mic's in there helmets like the offense does. Then the coach can just hold a piece of paper over his mouth, like with the offense.
  11. As opposed to when they were going to bury us. They will probably sell some to Iran for oil.
  12. America won't be bullied into believing evolution, global warming, geography and cosmology... such as.
  13. Yeah, in the US, we would have scientists working on new biological weapons, but no cloning for ethical reasons.
  14. I win
  15. http://www.dbtechno.com/curiosity/2007/09/05/warheads-were-always-in-custody-says-army/ Some things just shouldn't be reported. I don't want to know. AAAGGGHHH!
  16. That's a good point. One difference though. If your car breaks down and you have no money, it gets trashed. If a poor person breaks down, we pay for it. So its kinda like pay now or pay later. I don't see the point in covering breast implants and viagra.
  17. I guess poking fun at people isn't the most enlightened experience, but this was a perfect storm. A blond in a beauty pageant answering a question about what to do about American stupidity. And she surpasses the stereotype! Anyway, it is sad that the actual statement isn't getting much attention. I am not sure where it came from, but it conflicts with this survey: 2006 National Geographic Survey of Geographic literacy Not defending these results at all, but 6% is much better than 20% You can take a sample test below. I missed the one about immigration. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/roper2006/question_01.html
  18. http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_6760509 Phosgene from Iraq found in UN office Wonder if there are any nukes in New York?
  19. I have to say I am ignorant in regards to Turkey - I know I don't want to be imprisoned there! Seems to me if they are a "shining star" in the Middle East, let them join the EU. Pushing them away would seem to be the wrong thing to do, IMO.
  20. 1941 "Hey John, what do you think about Hitler?" "I don't like him... The German war machine sure is kicking the crap out of everyone over there" "Yeah, you think we should go over and fight? I mean, Hitler did declare War on us." "That's because Roosevelt keeps sticking his nose where it don't belong. I got a Canadian friend who thinks they shouldn't be over there as well. It just makes them hate us more and causes more deaths" "Your right, we got the Japs to take care of, let the Brits and Soviets wear em' down" "Maybe the Canadians will help turn the tide" LAUGHTER "I wish the German people, especially those Jews would fight - its all their fault. I mean some are speaking out against them, but what actions are they taking?" "Yeah, gimme that steak." I did the same thing. I came to the conclusion a little quicker than you, but probably because I never really like Bush. I was just hoping for more fiscal responsibility. So this forum didn't change my mind, but it has on other things
  21. Good point, I would like to see his answer to this one.
  22. I agree with Sisyphus, that the act of raising the money does speak somewhat to the validity of the candidate. The amounts are staggering though. I would like to see where their money goes. It is interesting the people who run primarily on their own money seem to build a national momentum, but lose in the primaries. Probably because they didn't have to "earn" the money from the voters. I know these people are all wealthy, but it would trouble me more if every President was just another billionaire that bought the office. On occasion, even that wouldn't be bad IMO, just not all the time. Do I want a middle class person in office? If they are able to raise the money needed, maybe there is something good about them.
  23. Hillary is the front-runner because she wins the polls. I think Obama has the charisma, but is seen as not experienced enough for the old guard. I think if he can just pull in one state, it might help him win. Otherwise, he may become a running mate for Hillary.
  24. I think he can look at history and compare it to recent events just like anyone else. The anti-war crowd has been trying to compare it to Vietnam for a long time. Now, Bush does it in relation to pulling out and they complain. Can't have it both ways. It is a mess like Vietnam and pulling out will probably make it worse, like Vietnam. Of course, one could argue that we could stay 5 more years and still have a mess, like Vietnam. Also, with Vietnam, we had one enemy to lose to who took over when we left. In Iraq, we don't know who is going to take over and solidify the Iraqi people.
  25. Stewardship makes me horny! As for this theory, well I don't know and I don't want to know.
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