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Everything posted by john5746

  1. Especially in this case, where they would have several other candidate eggs waiting to be used. Once they select three or four of the "best" eggs, the rest are discarded. These are women who wouldn't have had ANY of their eggs become babies. It is really a pro-life choice to have this done.
  2. Methane Sources "Ruminants" would be farting and belching More Info
  3. I think "sanctity of innocent human life" is what some of them mean. Yes, I see no logical arguments against the new procedure. The arguments would be against existing fertility clinic procedures. We can wait until the idiot is out of the Oval office.
  4. I was wondering, what should we do about our own gas emissions - farts. Should we burn them? Would that be better for the environment? Or eat less flatulent food - I notice protein seems to be less flatulent than fiberous foods. Fight global warming - eat steak. gets rid of cow and human farts!
  5. Setting: Suzuka, Japan entering a car factory. Walking from the bus, the company music is playing, and many of the workers are doing their morning stretches. I am walking and trying to talk to my Japanese shadow in "Japenglish". A cute girl appears behind me and starts talking to me in broken english. She is a second generation, Japanese-Brazilian. She translates to the Japanese shadow, then we talk alone. She starts to tell me about her future plans. "I pretend to go to college, then I pretend to go to work as a computer scientist..." I figured out she meant intend, but it got me giggling. She got angry at me for laughing at her plans, but still agreed to have dinner with me. We became good friends and found that we could talk about anything very easily. It was so strange that I could talk so easily with a girl in broken english, yet have a hard time saying anything to an American woman. We dated in Japan, walking to the nearby beach at night, visiting Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Very exotic - it was awesome!! I continued to annoy her, but she finally agreed to marry me. I am sure being an American helped in my attraction and her body helped in hers. But, we did agree on many things and could have peaceful disagreements. 15 years of marriage with two boys and we get along very well.
  6. Yes, it is ridiculus, I agree. I am not promoting the idea or the blog and am aware that religions have a stake in that land. I don't care about the history of the area, etc. The American Indians and African Americans have compelling claims to land and reparations in the US, so who am I to judge others? I am just saying that if the Jews wanted to relocate to America, I would be in favor of giving them land.
  7. The idea is to remove the excuse that the Israelis are the problem. I don't think it would actually work, but it would remove the excuse.
  8. Nature kills also. If we have been around during the time of the dinosaurs, we would have been wiped out. We may end up being wiped out by an asteroid or some other cosmic event anyways. It takes time for evolution and intelligence to evolve to a point where galactic travel can even be attempted. Avoiding annihilation within that time period might be rare. Look how long it took humans to use technology in a meaningful way. We shouldn't assume that intelligent life is rare because it hasn't visited or travel is impossible. The Europeans probably thought they were the only civilized people at one point, but there were many intelligent peoples scattered around the globe.
  9. Yes, similar to a criminal taking hostages. Instead of bombing the building, you try and talk them down, then spring the special forces if that doesn't work. It risks the policeman's life for the sake of the hostages. I realize Hezbollah is more than a rag tag bunch of terrorists and do have some support in Lebanon, but as a rule, less bombing and more ground attacks should be more effective in killing the actual bad guys and less of the innocents. I think it is the opposite. More military deaths and less civilian deaths would find more international support, but less national support.
  10. It's not that simple. They need to worry about FUTURE kidnappings, etc. That's like saying you would rather pay the bully $1.00 then risk getting beat up. Sounds ok until you total the monies over years.
  11. My mistake. States are starting to offer this type of tuition help, it isn't common yet. Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee are doing it. Connecticut and Illinois? I think are looking at doing it. There are probably others.
  12. Public Universities have a portion of the tuition payed by the state. They usually charge much less for in state students and it is becoming common for states to provide tuition free or discounted tuition to students with B averages in high school. The student loans are going to become more of a problem, since education isn't paying off as easily as it used to.
  13. George Allen "Macaca" This guy has a good chance at becoming a front runner for President in 08'. I wouldn't label him a racist, but what was he thinking? Why would you call someone a name and not understand the meaning? And the confederate flag? That is a sign of a low IQ. Should anyone vote for this guy?
  14. No argument here, America doesn't give education enough priority, but we do spend money on it. Trying to be efficient is a good idea, IMO. I guess I was poorly educated, because I don't recall much from teachers except lectures, especially in college. In fact, the lowly grad assistants provided more personal attention to me than Professors, who had better things to do with their time, like research.
  15. I am not suggesting to increase CLASS SIZE. Class size would remain the same. Teacher-pupil ratio would decrease, but not class size. The bright kids would be able to educate themselves as you say, while the slower students could be helped by the teacher aide, who would be in the class room. Maybe this could be done only in High School, not sure. Why wait until college to expect people to take responsibility for their education?
  16. I'm not sure what no child left behind does for the average parent, but I guess it is better than nothing. From my perspective, a public school can be measured by the neighborhood surrounding it. Teachers are like anyone else, they will try to find a good environment to work in. So, good teachers will find schools with good kids and adequate funding. As far as teacher salaries and shortages, I think technology should be used. You could have one science teacher making video conferences to several schools and have lower educated "proctors" to handle tests, and running of the class. This way you could have a highly qualified teacher earning a higher salary than a principle or administrator.
  17. The above quote is from the link I provided previously. I am not attacking the Catholic church. I am not even attacking the movie.
  18. The argument for showing the mob of Jews is that it is in the Bible. I happen to think the Bible is BS, but that doesn't matter. He could have toned down those scenes, but he chose not to do it. It may just be coincidence that he did that and has his ignorant views of Jews.
  19. The Passion is based on the New Testament, which can be seen as anti-semitic, IMO, but I agree that it is based on the Bible, so it can be seen as just the truth(even though it is BS). Problem with The Passion I am questioning Mel's motives in retrospect, not the film itself. He was told to take the blood on the Jews line out, but then it resurfaced again. He finally took it out when a Jewish film critic pleaded with him to remove it. I question why he even wanted to make the film in the first place. Schindler's List is an anti-Nazi film. It is easier to seperate Nazi from German. But if Spielberg is pulled over and says similar things about Germans, then I question his motives for making the movie.
  20. No one is forcing him to do anything.
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