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Everything posted by john5746

  1. I haven't seen the video, so I cannot comment on it, but there is no speech that can be used as an excuse for violence. Peaceful demonstration against speech is the way to go, for all groups. Especially if you are playing to a stereotype as was this case!
  2. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14445&highlight=Neanderthal May find something in that thread. I wonder if we have more in common with Neanderthal or chimp? Edit: This is a reply to the first post of the thread
  3. No. They want to increase their share price, by increasing profits and remaining OK in the public eye.
  4. Just to make sure everyone is clear. Walmart already pays higher than the minimum. They want the pay for some of their customers to be higher, not their employees. Since raising the minimum wage is inflationary, they would have to eventually increase the pay of their employees also, but not in proportion to the minimum increase.
  5. Yes, this is quite ironic that Wal-Mart, accused of paying low wages and running small businesses into the ground, are asking the government to fix it. I wonder is it really a publicity stunt or do they really see people having a hard time buying food? Or do they want people to keep buying chinese imports, at the expense of small businesses?
  6. Yes, that is a very important aspect. Not only has man become less active, but he has also changed his food to his taste and economy. Refined sweets and hydrolyzed oils are very new. The animals we eat have very little Omega 3 and the vegetables we eat have been modified. Add to that freezing or packaging everything and it is a wonder we are healthy at all. No wonder pharmaceuticals are doing great! Look up syndrome-x or insulin resistance and you can see one reason why so many are obese today. Still, many of the problems resulting from this occur later in life, so not sure if evolution would ever take care of it, even with enough time.
  7. http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/25/news/fortune500/walmart_wage/ Walmart CEO wants the government to increase the minimum wage. They seem to think people can't afford to shop anymore? Are they right?
  8. She has my vote - for what its worth.
  9. The Theory of Everything just refers to being able to explain how the universe works from the atomic to the cosmological scale with the same set of equations - I think. It won't tell you how your brain works or how a tornado works and many, many other things. The basic idea sounds good - vibrating strings of energy, but many of the other ideas just seem to be fitting to the math. And as they themselves keep bringing up, it isn't observable and makes no predictions, so it can't be regarded as a scientific theory can it? I think they are looking for G-particles and S-particles, but haven't found any yet.
  10. I give up, lets just send all our jobs and money overseas and splurg like crazy. Eliminate taxes, talk about a burning economy. Then, when China and the other countries want payback, we send Bono over there. We could have a war on "Loan Sharkism". Nuke the countries we owe money. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  11. I'd prefer we use Coulter as WMD, ala The Fifth Element - that mouth will kill anyone!!
  12. Yeah, idiots like that make all southerners look bad. Of course women can and should be President or whatever. There will be pressure on the first woman, black, atheist or whatever President to set a standard for their group. It isn't right, but that's reality.
  13. john5746


  14. People of influence aren't always the most intelligent. We will still have celebrities having more influence than educated people on a subject.
  15. john5746


    For me it isn't so much if God exists, it is what is God? If I think God is the universe and all content within, no intelligence, no smiting, no jealousy, no love, just energy and matter, then "proof" for the existence of my God is right before your eyes. I have proof for my God, you have none. I win!!
  16. john5746


    I enjoyed the show, especially about the women scientists who contributed.
  17. I agree with you that intent is important, but the result is real. When we announced that we would bring "shock and awe" to Iraq, were we only shocking Saddam? Did we drop papers with the definition of war, so the people would not be afraid? When we impose economic sanctions on a country, who suffers and what reaction do we want? I fail to see how anyone can view the atomic bombings as a military act. Can you imagine if Germany had dropped one on New York City? We would list it above the Holocaust as the worst war crime ever! The intent was to save lives? Well, suicide bombers may save lives also. Less soldiers fighting on either side. The terrorists are fighting to their strength. I don't agree with their intent or their results, but I understand why they don't engage our military directly. I'm sure the British thought the colonials should have fought them on their terms, but we couldn't afford to do that.
  18. And it wouldn't be a step up for me to think that Spike is a racist biggot who thinks all of the problems the African community have are due to whites. Maybe I could make a documentary showing all the hate caused by some of his movies.
  19. Would be funnier if they were trying to use Seagulls as their mascot. Seagull management - get it? Oh well...
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