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Everything posted by john5746

  1. It's sad that in the 60's a democrat President asked the American people to rely on themselves to better their country, not ask from it. You won't here an American President say that today. Bush alludes to it with entrepreneurs, but that still looks like a savior will come in and make it all better. It isn't just the poor that lack motivation. Most people will work less if they see no benefit in it. Sounds like they have plenty of work to do down on the Gulf Coast. It will be interesting to see who ends up doing it.
  2. john5746

    Under God

    You are free to do that or say "me" or whatever. Freedom of religion doesn't mean that the idea of a God must be abolished. God can mean Allah, Jesus or the forces that keep our universe intact. Just because the guy next to you thinks it is Allah or Jesus shouldn't really bother you. I don't think it matters one way or the other, but whining about small matters like this is idiotic. I think Atheists are more tolerant than their religious counterparts, stuff like this makes us look just like them.
  3. Very observant. Many Intellectuals on both sides of the fence have disdain for the common man, unless there is some work to be done or a war to be fought.
  4. I think you would find that some minorities and the poor would be excluded from voting more so than the white middle class. So, the Sharptons of the world would complain racism and test bias, etc. Then, we would have to have affirmative action to make sure the % of certain groups were represented in the voting. Nope, won't work. Besides, there aren't many choices - a monkey could vote as well as a genius. The more participation in voting, the less likely we get a kook representing a small faction.
  5. I would think the women probably took care of the veggie's while the men took care of the meat after a successful hunt. They both cooked.
  6. http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/columns/story/2790114p-9229327c.html The comparison to 9/11 isn't quite fair, especially the police, but the jist of the report is correct. The Federal response should have been better - I have argued that in other threads, but that doesn't mean no one else made mistakes. The people who could have gotten out and didn't made a mistake. The Mayor and Governor had plans in place and didn't follow them. Also, there are the cases of her not asking FEMA to take control, not allowing the Red Cross in, etc. And just from my experience in the working world, when I have responsibility for something and ask for help, I don't just ask one time and sit back waiting. I bug the crap out of them, ask for specific things and work with the people I am asking help from. And when things go wrong, telling my boss that I asked them doesn't cut it. And I am not responsible for people's lives. But, let me be clear: There was no racism involved, it is just political mudslinging - toward a Republican president and not at a Democrat governor.
  7. Neanderthals Neanderthals and mtDNA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding out about our most recent common ancestor relies solely on inferences from the mtDNA of people living today. What if we could actually compare our mtDNA with mtDNA of a distant ancestor? This, in fact, has been done, with mtDNA from the bones of Neanderthals. Comparing mtDNA of these Neanderthals to mtDNA of living people from various continents, researchers have found that the Neanderthals' mtDNA is not more closely related to that of people from any one continent over another. This was an unwelcome finding for anthropologists who believe that there was some interbreeding between Neanderthals and early modern humans living in Europe (which might have helped to explain why modern Europeans possess some Neanderthal-like features); these particular anthropologists instead would have expected the Neanderthals' mtDNA to be more similar to that of modern Europeans than to that of other peoples. Moreover, the researchers determined that the common ancestor to Neanderthals and modern Homo sapiens lived as long as 500,000 years ago, well before the most recent common mtDNA ancestor of modern humans. This suggests (though it does not prove) that Neanderthals went extinct without contributing to the gene pool of any modern humans.
  8. I agree that someone should have had a plan and executed the plan to evacuate the poor out of the city and provided supplies to those that weren't evacuated. I think this is primarily the local and state government. They know their city better than anyone. I'm not sure how much Bush cares about poor people. I don't think you know either.
  9. Because the Governor had as much to do with the lack of response as anyone, yet no one is calling her or her administration racist. The Mayor is black, so of course he isn't a racist.
  10. No, they would be blaming the "White Republican Congress" Even more serious, if it were poor whites or poor hispanics, would you hear any of the Black leaders at all? Don't get me wrong, plenty of black people behind the scenes helping and would do so in any case, but as for the ones yelling racism in the spotlight, would they be involved if this didn't involve primarily black people? Would they be guilty of racism?
  11. Is a view only considered extremist by comparing it to the average view of a society or culture? Or is it extremist if it is expressed in absolutes? 1) Most illegal drugs should be legalized 2) Prostitution should be legalized 3) Homosexual marriage should be legal
  12. What a jerk. People like him and Sharpton make anyone who complains about problems in New Orleans look like a crazy person. They actually detract from solutions to any existing problems, or even removing their "enemies" from office, since most people realize their garbage is untrue. Will anyone of any importance that isn't a left-wing nut talk to this guy anymore?
  13. If you mean, Depending ONLY on laws and draconian measures already has hurt us in the long run. I prefer that the acts remain illegal, but we can't depend ONLY on that. Most would agree with that, but to what degree is the question. Unless you have some magic pill that will stop people from becoming pedophiles, I think laws will be the chief response.
  14. Didn't most of the people get out by car? I don't think it would have been much more traffic adding buses. But, these things can be simulated and planned. It may not be possible to evacuate everyone, especially if they don't want to, but I think they could make a good effort. If it is determined that people can't be evacuated, have plans to provide food and water for at least a week to the designated shelters. As much non-perishable stuff as possible. That is probably the biggest frustration - no real villian to kill and get closure. Some blame Bush, the Governor, the mayor, FEMA or even God. In the end, it is just a random storm.
  15. Thanks, and the same to you as well I suppose I should be spending all my efforts toward development of the next Google, but I am kind of addicted to SFN!
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