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Everything posted by john5746

  1. The US and the "coalition" is there in full force to rebuild the nation. Why do they need anyone else?
  2. john5746

    Abusive Neighbor

    In general, children are the responsibility of the Parents, not the other way around.
  3. I brought up this topic a year ago. While in japan, some japanese were drawing a map of Japan and they pointed out Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think they were expecting a response of remorse from me. I didn't express this feeling. I felt at the time that the US was justified in dropping the bombs. Since then, especially after 9/11, I just can't condemn one without condeming them both. We now know that the Japanese were already considering surrender at Potsdam. They wanted their emperor to remain in power. Something we allowed after dropping the bombs anyway. The main reason for dropping the bombs was to quell Soviet influence in Asia and possibly keep it at bay in Europe. If I were in the same situation today, I would express regret for the bombings. America was the good guy in the War and showed that during the occupation. It is over, but just as the Japanese should remember the atrocities in China and the Germans should remember the Holocaust, we also should remember those bombings.
  4. john5746

    Abusive Neighbor

    Obviously, in the real world, I would move, contact the authorities, etc. I was just saying hypothetically. Since this is in politics, I am assuming he is comparing it to how nations deal with threats. Nations can't contact any authorities or move anywhere. They must deal with it directly.
  5. john5746

    Abusive Neighbor

    I think I know where you are going with this. Say the guy is a known predator who has raped, tortured and killed several children before and says yours are next. If I must kill his children to get to him, I think I would do it.
  6. Sharia Law Looks like any sex outside of marriage is adultry. Since homosexuals cannot marry, it is automatically adultry.
  7. I wonder, can an atheist "church" be tax exempt?
  8. Sunni\Shiite FYI: Seems to me the shiite would be more prone to radicalism, since they regard the ayotollah's as "perfect". No evidence though.
  9. It's actually a good basis, if you have no problem with taking lives. I like the idea of capital punishment, if it saves money. I don't think it punishes very well - torture would be better. I don't think it is an effective deterrent. I just don't think I should pay to keep garbage like that alive.
  10. I know that Pakistan is against India and has nuclear weapons. Hopefully, we won't give them significant weapons as with Iraq, since we were arming Iraq to fight Iran.
  11. During their Empire building years.
  12. I think as a rule, the Americans were fighting and killing British soldiers, not bombing and beheading civilians. Americans did wipe out Indian civilians though. If you are saying the British were terrorists, killing civilians around the globe, you may have a point.
  13. Skye hit on this one above. One case is self-defense, the other is punishment. I am for the death penalty though*. That is one good thing about suicide bombers, we don't have to take care of them in court and jail. * if it were more economical than taking care of the criminal, hence the wasting resource idea.
  14. One reason would be it isn't the US, it would be companies. This technology is in the high risk( meaning $$$$ investment for possibly nothing in return) stage. Why invest anything when we may not be able to even utilize it?
  15. By then, Korea may have some interesting discoveries.
  16. Best you can do is concentrate on the personality you like. Take your time, they cannot hide these traits forever. Eventually, you will see the real person. Then you need to decide if you can accept the faults for the reward, and hope they do the same.
  17. Carowinds uses them for season passes. I'm not too concerned, but as biometrics usage increases this may become a problem. It's all saved digitally, so this can be used to defeat the purpose eventually. I think if it is only used locally into an input device, such as Disney, this should be OK. People could probably get copies of your fingerprints on paper, etc. But they can't really use them for anything.
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